If you're Greek and don't support the Golden Dawn, you're obviously a cucked normie and should be put into forced labor a fucking sap.
Golden Dawn is based.
daily reminder that greeks aren't white
Daily Reminder: Greeks are Kebabs and not Greeks!
better than being a mountain jew i guess
Fuck how the hell did we post this at the same time, hahaha.
GD are street level thugs and are unable to run a country efficiently.
I'm all up for nationalism but not these guys.
Find me some real politicians, not strip club bouncers playing at politics.
One of the few real, unjewed Nationalists parties in Europe and you're crying about 'street thugs'? Get off your high horse you little bitch!
Daily reminder to pay your debts.
Δεν ξέρω μαν μου.
Δεν τους πάω kαθόλου
>inb4 μπιχλας αριστερός
Ομως τα Χρυσαυγουλα έλεγα οτι τα πήγαιναν (αρkετά) kαλά μέχρι να τα σkατωσουν με την δολοφονία του Φύσσα.(?)
Τα media δεν τους έkαναν τόσο(?) πολύ πόλεμο γιατί έδειχναν τι ανθρώπινο πρόσωπο τους αλλά τώρα τους έδωσαν kαθε ευkαιρία/διkαίωμα να λασπολογουν.
Hey normie, are you asking me to pay my local Jew? No thank you wannabe nordic.
Everyone is a fucking retard, GD and all the other political parties. I come from a family with strong ties with the Junta and they as well are fucking retards.
From all the crap though, I would prefer a year long Junta that would put all these SJW and pro-immigrants to their place.
The problem being, once you have power, you like it and never give it back willingly.
Fuck everything, only a WW3 will save not only Greece but the whole world.
Golden Dawn is owned and funded by (((Sorros)))
Get your black pills out of here, defeatist bitch
Exactly what a nigger would say/do.
Wannabe white turkish rapebaby.
The founder of golden dawn looked like an andalusian gypsie though, I'm conditioned not to trust him
centuries of ottoman dickings mean modern greeks are t*rkroach rapebabies and have no genetic relation to based ancient greeks
Follow the money
>centuries of ottoman dickings mean modern greeks are t*rkroach rapebabies and have no genetic relation to based ancient greeks
I even believe they have Khazar Jewish/Christjewish (Armenian) blood as well. Some Greeks have more, some less. In America the Greek lobby is strong and connected to business and a lot of them look very Jewish.
Their lobby usually is responsible for keeping Macedonia away from the EU and NATO, because "they are wrongly claiming Macedonian identity", L U L Z!
You get told off, you get kicked out, you get all your arguments rebuked but you're always coming back.
Just like a motherfucking cockroach. That's right, you're the only cockroach here.
I always thought you were a turk all this time but now I can tell you're from fyrom.
Nobody gives a fuck about fyromians but fyromians. So that's kind of a dead giveaway.
im 100% PERSENT ancient greek (brown skin, coarse hair) and fuck all you rasists matherfakkers KKE ftw stalin was our hero n' shieeet
I am Greek
Nordicentrists think they wuz Greeks n' shieet
I will vote for golden dawn :D