If you didn't like this movie you're a sexist simple as that.
If you didn't like this movie you're a sexist simple as that
Other urls found in this thread:
>Daniel Day-Lewis
Both the left and right are insufferable little faggots now
I disliked it because I'm racist, not sexist.
>wonder woman smashed the patriarchy
>woman lead actor put third of four actors
>men still on the top of the page and therefore the first ones you notice
Looks like the patriarchy wins again, feminists.
Iron Man was the last good capeshit. Go fuck a cactus.
If DDL does capeshit the company wars is over. Whichever side he picks just wins and that's it
>The Israeli entertainment show “Good Evening with Gai Pines” reported that Gadot will earn $300,000 per film.
>Smash the patriarchy
>Still make 5% of what Hemsworth made for his 15 minutes in Age of Ultron
>DDL was in it and there was zero buzz about this
>nothing but gender politics in any news shit I can find
Fucking lel
capeshit has the distinct ability to make even the most honed and veteran actors look generic and boring asf
>Gadot will earn $300,000 per film.
Holy shit what? That's hilarious!
there was always radical feminists/SJW types, it's just that no one took them seriously/payed attention to them. The right then became the very whiny bitches they despised and ended up only magnifying their influence thus forcing the majority, the center-left/right crowd to engage in this micro-agression/outrage culture. It's the same shit that made Kardashians billionares. I blame autism and videogames like minecraft.
i like sex so of course i liked wondar women
that was Jack Huston
He's not in it either.
I love how Sup Forums and Sup Forums shit on Israel simply because they're jewish:
>Tiny-ass, newly established country gets ganged up on by numerous sand-nigger mudslime countries, and then kicks all of their asses, and doubles in size
>Oh wait they're jewish, nevermind
>Country constantly BTFOs of muslims and laughs about it too
>Wait, Israel did it? Truly, the Israelis are heartless monsters. How could someone do such a thing to the innocent muslims? I stand with Palestine.
>Country is ethnically homogeneous, has laws against race-mixing, sterilizes niggers, has mandatory military service, constantly plays bigger nations against one another and makes them subservient, and has a strong religious core while remaining a constitutional republic
>Fucking based, if only we could be like that!
>F-F-Fuck Israel!
When will you guys just admit that Jews are the true master race, and you only hate 'em cause you ain't 'em? Admit that you're just mad because being a jew is a special, awesome club, and you're mad because you're not invited?
Agnostic of mixed-European descent who's poor and went to community college?
Trying to shame people into liking your movie doesn't work.
I blame the internet for providing an easy soapbox.
>Pay peanuts to some literally who to play a pivotal role in your cinematic universe and quadruple your investment on her
Pretty slick, WB
>libtard shitpost thread #501
>SJW journalists writing "Success" pieces after 1 week day of release of competitive film
I have to assume she's getting a cut of the merchandising, if not she's pretty much getting Haim Saban'd.
Agreed, non sexists are retards
Someone please post DDL's son's rap videos.
Daniel Day-Lewis was in Wonder Woman?
he was Ares
Yeah, and DDL was in Dragonheart too.
ahahahahahaha what the fuck is this shit
It was David Thewlis, not DDL
No he wasn't. That was Charlto Copley.
I'm not mad because when the Day comes my kind won't be genocided off the face of the earth.
>Natalie Portman wanted out
>Anthony Hopkins wanted out
>Idris Elba wanted out
>Jaime Alexander tried to get out
Ah yes, Hemsworth's Thor. The "Booster" of the Avenger's Turboman. Enjoy that last movie for what it's worth!