Sup Forums BTFO by Nintendo & GameFreak

Sup Forums BTFO by Nintendo & GameFreak

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>the president type pokemon

>super effective against crooked and rodent types

Thats more like a shoutout. I would love my own pokemon. Especially a mongoose.


Sounds like a compliment.


Nothing about that pokemon from it's appearance to it's passive moves scream "BTFO" Nintendo if anything hooked him up

The Japanese support the Don. Nice.

>makes pokemon Great Again
>btfo anything

Its not anti Trump in the least.
It doesn't even have any flavor text or abilities relevant to Trump.
The beard makes me wonder if its even supposed to be him.

the ability make the guy do more damage to pokemon switching into battle ie crossing the border

Literally pokemon recolors

>New content

>Stakeout Pokémon

>Ability: Stakeout / Strong Jaw

>Gumshoos’s method of targeting prey is the exact opposite of Yungoos’s strategy. While Yungoos prowls around, Gumshoos stakes out its prey’s usual routes and waits patiently for it to come by.

>Gumshoos has a tenacious personality, which is why it targets one prey for so long without wavering. But when the sun goes down, it runs low on stamina, falling asleep right on the spot. Gumshoos can withstand a great deal of hunger. It’s able to stay perfectly still while waiting for its prey, keeping watch without eating a thing.

>Caring enough about US politics to make a statement

Disagree with their decisions as a company if you want but their ability to maintain innocence is astounding. I wish all companies were like that

i think this is a bit of a stretch and it is intended to look more like japanese "3%-ers" or rockabillies

stakeout and strong jaw would correlate more closely to that than to donald trump

since when does donald trump have a permanent shark tooth laden scowl and since when does he have a fucking pompadour

and why strong jaw, hes not a boxer or anything

p sure this weasel is just a motorcycle hooligan

OP, I found your umbrella.



Copy that

are you fucking kidding me

its real

Where did it all go so wrong?


good one leaf

>someone actually remembered exeggutor
>and so they gave it a new form instead of an evolution
man pokemon got fucking terrible after Gen IV, this shit is worse than digimon now

>Not knowing that google now owns the rights to pokemon on mobile

What the fuck is that Minior? That has to be one of the worst designs I have ever seen.



A detective mongoose pokemon wow


You do realize it's an old detective, right? It even has that Sherlock Holmes hat and Stake Out as an ability. Even the dex entry says it's low energy compared to its first form.

you kidding? this is my main pokeeman now

For once, a leaf is right. Although Gen V wasn't terrible. It was alright, but it wasn't great.

We should start calling Trump, Gumshoos. That would really annoy all the Trumpfags.

Based Nippon.

>expecting me to pay over 1000 pesos for this garbage without gyms/league
yeah no fuck you GF

What did he mean by this?

ah shit I just made the "gumshoes" connection i am dumb as shit

what a qt

They've been hinting at that shit since 1999. Even the RSE entries bring it up.


What the fuck am I looking at? And why?


I wonder who is behind it

Exeggutor's "true" form when it gets proper amounts of sunlight.

>Stakeout doubles the amount of damage inflicted on any Pokémon that switch in or enter the field mid-battle.

they gave trump a pretty great ability, strong jaw ain't bad either. Make pokemon great again

> drumpf, gumshoos
kek. just give up, liberals cant tap into meme magic

I am playing pokemon revolution online and I love it, I am newfag though and only watched cartoon when I was young.I really enjoy the pokemon design but sometimes newer generation pokemon are linked to all chat and I giggle at how retarded they look.Wtf is this shit, don't they realise how bad it looks?

I don't know what's more autistic. The Grass/Dragon typing on a fucking tree or the actual design.

>Ability Stakeout/Strong Jaw

Wtf I love Trump now. Gotta catch em all amirite

>all this gimmicky bullshit
For what purpose?

It's cool man, it's just going to be a bitch dealing with anti-trump people that refuse to admit their mistake.

Btw new trump pokemon looks op as fuck with these passive abilitites.I think he will be popular in pvp.

Why would that annoy anyone?

Also you'd have to explain it to 95% of people

WTF I hate Pokemon now

Of course they do. They are just real fucking autistic about it.

its a fucking palm tree

millenials have too much money and game freak wants it all for themselves

Exeggutor's HIGH ENERGY form

starter evolution leaks were also confirmed

Actually not a bad idea, because he's a detective, exposing crooked Hillary and all the other criminals in Washington.




i know right it should like totally just be the original 151 back when they were like totally all animals

Complete shit. The fake ones were 100 times better

I'm from the future and that's exactly how it is.


That owl of minerva... ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED.

But man, Hoenn was fucking amazing. Beautiful region, awesome pokemon, interesting plot. Emerald was the best.

I'm kinda interested to play it. That Vulpix and mimic pokemon are pretty cool.

>abilities: Strong Jaw, Stakeout

Last I checked, getting a pokemon in your image is kind of high praise.


They have to go back

I would DESTROY that owl.

The other two look kinda shit though.

i know youre memeing out but only like a quarter of the original 151 were actually memorable and good

This means that Nintendo & GameFreak support Donald Trump by making two pokemon that are based on him, you retard.


>pokemon is going to be ruined by autistic trump supporters who have to inject their political beliefs into literally everything

i'd be mad if pokemon were still good for anything but bangable character designs, but it's not, so whatever

Quads speak the truth. Honestly, Pokemon designs have been kinda shit after Gen V


Also has Strong Jaw
>strong bantz

Every gen has some good shit even 6 with it's issues, pity the champions stopped being good after platinum though. Don't get me started on the fucking 'rivals'.
True, although some of those shittier ones I still like.

Evolutionn theory in pokemon.Two pokemon go to 2 continent and adapted diferent.

Strong jaw isn't about taking hits it's about biting hard, but yeah he's not based on trump he's based on a gumshoe which is a detective

I this is real, then once again the Water Starter is BEST.
>Fire and Dark
overplayed as shit
>Grass and Flying

>all of them have two types

What happened to starters just being pure?

correct, even parts of his fur flare out like a trenchcoat


Gen 3 happened

Gen 2 was the only gen with all starters being pure

>Fire and Dark
Literally only two pokemon with that typing, you're thinking of Fire+Fighting.

I realize this is a leafpost but

>liberals constantly trying to take over all forms of media
>one media unintentionally is trumpesque

I support more media becoming trumpized because liberals cannot stand having anything even resembling people they disagree with

What a bunch of pussies

Bulbasaur was Grass/Poison

i don't have a problem with it although it's tail face is kinda derpy


>Gumshoos has a tenacious personality, which is why it targets one prey for so long without wavering.
>Gumshoos can withstand a great deal of hunger. It’s able to stay perfectly still while waiting for its prey, keeping watch without eating a thing.



The sad thing is this is literally the best Pokemon design in the past 2 or 3 generations.

I refuse to believe these are real.

Make Alola Great Again!


>one media unintentionally is trumpesque
>implying people itt are saying it's at all unintentional

>implying I won't have to hear about how Nintendo is engaged in some kind of conspiracy to support trump every day now from both right and left wing spastics

it's not a shoah, it's just very irritating millennial autism
