Do intelligent people vote more Liberal?
Do intelligent people vote more Liberal?
They believe in equality myths
Maybe more indoctrinated, that seems to be the state and purpose of the modern education system.
Funny bc non whites usually vote liberal
>yo just flip the line upside down nigga it'll be fine
why do blacks vote liberal?
>Implying that 103 isn't pretty much retarded anyways.
Their own intelligence sets a trap for them, causing them to overvalue management versus freedom.
Republicans have higher IQs than Democrats but liberals have higher IQs than conservatives if I recall correctly.
But those stats are racist and can't be used because reality is a meanie
They spend all their time thinking instead of actually experiencing the real world. They only understand the theory.
It is ironic but they think too much and feel too little.
people with more money arne't exposed to realities of life
people with more money have access to higher education
your political views are reflected in the environment you're raised in
kids with liberal upbringing collect together under the banner of higher education
therefore higher education reflects left leaning viewpoints.
For a bunch of people who claim to be very intellegent, they sure seem to lack the ability to look at things objectively
You also might want to read this
How do you want to test this shit even? You mean iq or some useless degree?
Last time I checked niggers didn't vote GOP.
ITT: excuses
>cutting it off at 88
I want to see how the black vote went
Liberal meme. Never found a good source for data like this.
It's particularly surprising because a large % of blacks and hispanics vote democrats and are renown for low IQ scores.
Nice source fag
It's funny how these always stop their IQ at 104.
Really makes me think.
I would say that stupid people vote for whoever there family votes for, slightly educated people with slightly higher IQ's vote liberal, and well educated people with degrees in things like STEM, Law, history people with high IQ 120+ seem to be conservative
104 IQ is just above average.
Prove it then.
most black people vote liberal. really makes you think, huh?
that is why Brazil is a shit hole. Trying to bread with them to make with white didn't work to well did it?
make them white
I thought niggers voted Democrat though?
are all those people experts in human behavior?
signs point to no
>high IQ voting left
cool stats bro
they do but there are less blacks than whites and only slightly educated self hating whites vote liberal that is why it stops at 104 IQ
They do. The Dems basically consist of the high IQ, cosmopolitan, novelty seeking white elite and heavily conservative, tribalistic non-whites. Overall they have higher IQs than prole whites.
I'd like to see a graph that includes race and potical stance aswell.
Would there be any harsh truths if we saw a chart that said black people with lower IQ.s voting for Clinton?No.
Better to imply that only dumb white knuckle draggers would vote for Trump.
>American elections can be directly attributed to ideology, therefore we can conclude those with one ideology voter base is more intelligent
Yes, because society encourages them to feel like their intelligence is an unfair advantage that they should be ashamed of and that the only way they can make up for this is by working hard and sending all their money to be gobbled up by taxes.
I'm afraid this doesn't hold up since niggers have IQ that are off the chart to the left, and 99% of them vote liberal.
Looks like bullshit. It's probably true for this election, but not for 2012.
The classic liberal "I'm right you're wrong you're stupid"
>The Dems basically consist of the high IQ, cosmopolitan, novelty seeking white elite
the only high IQ elite in the left are running the party and duping everyone else
remember these are the same people that think a womens' studies degree means they're more educated
Overall, low iq whites (>90) vote mostly republican (right wing) because they vote with their guts, they feel multiculturalism is a threat and petty crime is mostly done by niggers. Very high iq whites (120+) vote mostly right wing too because they are able to think and understand the same thing through all the liberal propaganda. Average iq whites (in between 90 and 120) vote mostly democrat because they spent a lot of time in school (aka indoctrination factory) and they aren't intelligent enough to realize they're being fooled by medias.
wtf i hate niggers now
Nice rationalizing skills, bro. Now show me study that confirms it.
This meme needs to die.
>educated =/= intelligent
Hell, even people with a liberal arts degree or womens study degree are counted as intelligent and educated, ebcause they have a shitty degree. If you think about it, even highly educated people like engineers or mathematicians don't necessarily know more about politics than the average person. Add to that that most colleges are red and festered with pro-diversity, pro-lgbt, pro-Islam agendas, and naturally the people that spend most time in those facilities will come out more "progressive". The only reason this meme exists is because it perpetuates the "if ur smarts like us youll vote what i want you to voteh" and to put down anyone that doesnt vote for what is "correct"
I got the funny in all of those. But in the last box bottom-right. We can see in crime stats that the further you are from rural areas the more gun crime there is.
But I'm not going to attribute that to wheat growing areas.
liberalism is white collar supremacy and the ideology of the cognitive strata.
>higher level of education corresponds to left-wing leanings
I hang out with professors and graduate students and have been to enough parties to understand the general mindset.
The Republican party says crazy and scientifically unsound shit all the fucking time.
In their community, saying stupid shit immediately gets shut down and ostracized. You misinterpret a result? Fuck you, you're an embarrassment, etc.
So when you have a political party that flat out denies climate change by showing you a snowball or talks about genetics research like it's a fucking joke, there isn't really much of a debate left to have. The only party under consideration at that point is the Democratic party or perhaps the Green party if they care enough to want results.
Oh man did they shit themselves in a frenzy when the Republican party went off the fucking edge in 2008. It's a lot worse now. 2008 is tame compared to the anti-science vein of the Republican party now
Basically every study or press article about the relationship between iq and vote show low iq and very high iq are mostly right wing while average iq is left. Explications are purely subjective of course, that's just my way to see it. Do you have a better proposition?
WTF I hate intelligent people now.
Are you stupid? It's literally a picture of a mountain range
There are different grades here but the point still stands. Both the cognitive elite and the slightly above average intelligence cosmopolitan types who act as the former's footsoldiers are heavily leftist.
>women's studies
Both modern identity politics and Marxism are highly abstract and complicated systems of ideas that could only be created by intellectuals. They have no connection to reality whatsoever and are good examples of "systematic wrongness" but I wouldn't doubt that the people who came up with them were very intelligent. Read
>m-muh rural slice of heaven and peace muffuga
If it wasn't for the intelligentsia, rural farmers would just continue being illiterate working their land, and hope their harvest doesn't fail.
Urban rules. No matter how many Gladio ops, Wars on *Insert concept here*, and Domino Theory shit Right-wing pulls, the Left will continue to creep. Hail Hydra.
>To test this hypothesis, Carl uses data on political attitudes and intelligence derived from the General Social Survey, which has been administered to representative samples of American adults every couple of years since 1972. Using GSS data, respondents are classified on a continuum ranging from strong Republican through independent to strong Democrat. Carl then creates a measure of socially liberal beliefs based on respondents' attitudes toward homosexuality, marijuana consumption, abortion, and free speech for communists, racists, and advocates for military dictatorship. He similarly probes liberal economic views, with an assessment of attitudes toward government provision of jobs, industry subsidies, income redistribution, price controls, labor unions, and military spending. Verbal Intelligence is evaluated using the GSS WORDSUM test results.
>Comparing strong Republicans with strong Democrats, Carl finds that Republicans have a 5.48 IQ point advantage over Democrats. Broadening party affiliation to include moderate to merely leaning respondents still results in a Republican advantage of 3.47 IQ points and 2.47 IQ points respectively. Carl reconciles his findings with the social science literature that reports that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives by proposing that Americans with classically liberal beliefs are even smarter. Carl further reports that those who endorse both social conservatism and economic statism also have lower verbal IQ scores.
>"Overall, my findings suggest that higher intelligence among classically liberal Republicans compensates for lower intelligence among socially conservative Republicans," concludes Carl. If the dumb, I mean socially conservative, Republicans keep disrespecting us classical liberals, we'll take our IQ points and go home.
Libertarians win again
Right wing people are less likely to divulge personal information to people they haven't met
>hey complete this survey and just put your race, gender, age, religion, level of education, wealth, marital status and who you intend to vote for
Chart only goes up to the low 10X's.
that's pleb tier user.
wtf is the Y-ax supposed to represent?
they've spent more years being indoctrinated
If the power were cut off to the cities, they would all die.
It's a fake chart. so what does it matter?
Agree and this confirms the point I made earlier about R > D but L > C in terms of IQ. But libertarians are literally the epitome of "intellectual sillies". It even correlates with autism.
I can read, ass
>They have no connection to reality whatsoever and are good examples of "systematic wrongness" but I wouldn't doubt that the people who came up with them were very intelligent.
the only way you could say that is if you admit they know they're promoting such ideology for the express purpose of causing destruction, because an intelligent person (or a person with a brain at all) could see these things for what they are
being among universities and metropolitan "smartness" has nothing at all to do with personal intelligence, it just displays an inflated ego
these people are not smart, they are well trained
Said every liberal and every conservative ever
I was just simply curius for a source a all articles that i encouter on the net miss out such and rather lament on the stupidy of the conservative.
No. Intelligent people are independents and vote on candidate merit and policies that best serve their own personal interests.
i think this really says it all
pick one
And if crops were burned and the soil salted, rurals would die too.
I'm coding a bot that pulls random comments from Sup Forums and posts them to twitter. What should the twitter be called?
Yep is a proven fact. Also the most smarted vote Libertarians.
The reason "slightly" smart people vote liberals is because they don't trust the markets, cause they see a lot of people not as intelligent as them with a lot of money and power (in the economic sense).
Do you think a picture of this mountain range documents a trend from rural to urban location?
Intelligent people do not vote. They organize themselves and try to gain power. Not like liberals who live in their ghetto, feeding Joo merchants with buying the latest Gadget and shout #BlackLivesMatter once in a year.
>It is ironic but they think too much and feel too little.
But I thought every liberal policy was just muh feels.
man made global warming is a hoax tho
Intelligent people are easier to fool.
Look at Blacks. They don't believe any of this Liberal bullshit. You just can't get to them.
Jesus christ, no I didn't.
Why did they stop the chart on 102? 80%+ white males are at least 105.
Not necessarily. They're obsessed with novelty seeking and sometimes people with great abstract reasoning skills can't see the purpose behind traditional behaviors that evolved over long periods of time. Individual reason is kinda overrated because a single person, no matter how intelligent, doesn't have the brainpower to solve every problem and understand the stupendously complicated world we live in. Go back and read Burke or Hayek. Excessive focus on raw, individual intelligence will actually make society dumber and more unstable, which is partly what's happening nowadays. Jews actually exemplify this problem. They're very smart but completely incapable of maintaining a society on their own and seeing the big picture or the consequences of their actions in the long run.
>1 post by this ID
Fuck, even poland is starting this bullshit. Always check this before you post and don't reply to bait threads.
>Intelligent people are easier to fool.
please tell me more Cletus.
Intelligence is relative. Mostly it is relative to the situation the person is in.
A decision that is intelligent in relation to a situation at one point in time. Can become utterly stupid when the situation changes, and it will all situations change. Unfortunately people have a habit of repeating decisions. It worked before so I will do it again. When they should evaluate every situation in relation to the present.
Some times liberal works, sometimes conservative works.
The average person is fucking retarded.
Give me stats about 130+, anything below is nigger-tier in my book.
Quite literally this.
I know that anecdotes don't carry a lot of weight, but it's worth mentioning that virtually all of the most hardcore liberals I know grew up in wealthy homogeneous neighbourhoods, never had a part-time job during Highschool and are now attending my province's most prestigious universities.
This is excellent
stupid people can be too dumb to fool. Muslims and blacks don't care about equality and inclusion beyond what advantages it can give them. smart people trick themselves more often that the stupid that get tricked by others.
It doesn't work that way. People who are slightly above average have an inflated sense of their own intelligence and hold on to their beliefs more strongly, even though they are still easily manipulated by propaganda that appeals to emotions. Once you start getting to genius/autist-level IQ (>130), you start seeing fewer people holding emotion-based political views, and more with fact-based political views like race realism, national socialism, etc.
They only pulled the data that supports their claim.
I don't believe that it is necessarily that more intelligent people vote liberal. It's far more likely that the republican platform on religion and science has been retarded for many years. Higher IQ people tend to be less religious, so why would they vote for evangelical candidates? Why would a smart person vote for a Mormon who thinks special underwear protects him?
If the republicans dropped the religious and social conservative parts of the platform they'd be winning every election.
>biased "research" from social "sciences" which are almost as filled with liberal rhetoric as "women's studies"
100% trustworthy, totally not a political attack thinly veiled by academic language and hinging on skewed statistics
This actually makes sense though. Stupid people are very grounded and tend to stick with a certain set of simple beliefs come hell or high water. They don't care for abstract theories or novel ideas. Only an intelligent person can get caught up in a web of nonsense that's long had its foundation cut off from reality without noticing. Yes, you can point to religion but that was enforced by the ancient cognitive elite (elite for the time at least).
Ted. This is silly. You can't get the delegates from me.
Intelligent people get educated at places where they are literally taught wrong, on purpose.
Notice also that the OP's IQ chart stops at 104 - yet goes all the way down to 88. They don't show the whole IQ range, they don't even normalize on 100. They cherry pick. They don't even label the y-axis!
Which is pretty typical of leftists, to be honest.
>Verbal intelligence
>Makes republican smart
Do you even know what verbal intelligence is? Do you know how verbal intelligence is measured?
Do you know how badly verbal intelligence is affected when it isn;t measured using the person's first language learned?
Do you know that most democrats tend to be immigrants, which most likely means they grew up using a language other than english, which will affect their measured verbal intelligence?
How about you find a study that measures people nonverbal intelligence. Thinking that climate change is fake because it's still snowing where you live is the definition of stupid.
Yeah except even moderates can see how fucking batshit insane liberals and leftists today are.
Checked for truth. I'm disappointed that Sup Forumsacks didn't quickly respond to the OP with similar arguments. This is just an expansion using modern science of basic conservative knowledge that has been known more or less since Burke. Hayek wrote great stuff on this too.
Y axis is supposed to represent the percentage between republican voters and democrat voter for each IQ level. If it's not clear picture this, 60 percent of 80 Iq are republican, it shows on the y-axis as .6, and 40% of democrat as .4.
Use your brain faggot, pretty easy to find out.
besides, it's implying that the graph is not pulled out of OP's ass after him having rough anal sex with a nigger
TL;DR you guys are idiots and OP is a faggot