/lbg/- Letterboxd General

Bresson edition.

Previous thread: >Not sure what letterboxd is all about?
The mission of /lbg/ is to promote the intelligent discussion of film as art by providing members with opportunities for intellectual discussion, by recognizing patrician taste through examinations and by calling out embryos as they arise.

>Directions for use
Post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched, if you dare.

>Haven't got an account? Follow this link and sign up today!

Previous thread died.
user discovers the equation for the perfect cinematographer: A plea: user's day is made: Use as a link to find the /lbg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Patricians occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Patricians may pretend to be normal users asking for recommendations and when you recommend something, they laugh at you for your plebian taste
>This is a thread for patrician purposes only don't offer or expect frivolous discussion.

Did Bresson do anything formally new that hadn't been done by 1939?

Other urls found in this thread:


reminder that La Vie et la passion de Jésus-Christ invented everything in cinema

>La Vie et la passion de Jésus-Chris
Cite at least five academic sources proving this or your post is garbage.

*posts screencap of a google search*

>someone recommends Free Fire in a /lbg/ thread the other day
>I get around to watching it
>It's the most tedious piece of shit I've seen in years

Fuck you whoever recommended this turd.

Wheatley has fallen off the deep end. Kill List was a pretty great movie but High Rise is one of the biggest pieces of trash from the last couple years. Free Fire looks pretty terrible.

daily reminder that steakbro's favorite game is Mass Effect Andromeda

his name is Chinese Doggy

Current thread:

Good morning to everyone (except those that think film isn't art)

Sorry, why is this a joke again?
I don't understand it, because I don't follow the video game industry, because, you see, I am not a faggot.





>rates out of four on a site designed for five stars
Get out.

You told me that before user...

No I didn't. Must have been someone else. This is the first time I've posted this sentiment.

Well, okay. I rate out of four because 5 stars are for absolute favorites only and there aren't many of those. That leaves effectively 4 stars. It's so people get an idea.

Can somebody share the 720p release of Taipei Story?


just get it from PTP yourself :^)


I can upload it for you but it's going to take a while


just another good old day on the LB home page

kill yourself

y :/

i love the smell of feminism and SJW in the morning

Maybe I'll get it tonight and upload it to mega. Wait a lil' bit.

ALSO, anyone knows of a way to get a hold of "Ashnan Arev" by armenian director Bagrat Oganesyan? Tarkovskij calls it "fantastic" in 1981, and he's usually critical of him as a person.

Nth for Jean Luc Godard

it's not on kg

I know, but maybe somebody on here has knowledge of armenian language in case it is in some library or some shit.

good luck my nigger

Mr. Chinese Doggy gives The Trial a 5 star rating.

The Trial is a really good film.

hoyp doyp welles sux dix griffiths better

you got any Resnais torrents ..i am too poor to buy stuff..i want to see La guerre est finie

Top Lad. I've waited 3 years for it. I can wait.

Let us know once you're done. Thanks a lot.

Allright, it is on youtube in TVrip so it has to be somewhere with better quality.



spoons have done nothing formally new that our hands haven't done first


They allow us to not get sticky fingers. That's pretty revolutionary if you ask me.

mild bobby sauce

no I get them from PTs

Is my cat retarded?

M'aiq, is that you?

a little

>having a cat

you are the retarded

another faggotass jumpin on board. little failure-face with his smelly-ass dogs. shitty smelly dogs. not even cute. just nasty shitty and smelly. always need fuckin walks n shit. fuckin all have health problems because they get bred with shitty specimens to retain certain traits n shit. mankind just trying to mold dogs into something less disgusting than they naturally are. cats do their own thing. i'm not a lonely piece of shit like your loser ass i don't need a garbage-animal jumping up on me every time i come home. fuckin idiot-fart. trash-life dung-person. dumbass piece of shit actually filled out a captcha to just repeat what had already been implied. you suck at life, cunt. performance meaning slobbering all over the fuckin floor? performance like making your house smell like a... well.. wet dog? such a nasty shitty smell that people actually use that term to denote a putrid stench. performance like just fucking panting all the time because their shitty dna doesn't allow them to ventilate like a normal well-adjusted animal? performance like shitting in the yard and not having the instinct to bury their shame? just shitting everywhere in the yard and the owner's like "uh-oh! bettr watch out for dog poop!" that, or they walk around cleaning up after the abhorrent excuse for an animal. fuckin nasty shit. cats are cool, calm, collected. they maintain their situation with finesse. dogs are like ugly fucking infants that need to constantly be looked after. makes me sick. and then people buy them clothes and shit, what a fucking joke. i love seeing a stupid shivering dog cause i always imagine it passing out and getting eaten. fuckin trash.



What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.



mon ucle is annoying as shit

i am not your negro

yes you are

i don't belong in your possesion as a negro

He is.

You do.

shut up negro

>watches more than 4 films a day

What the fuck do you do with your life? Do you just sit at home and watch movies all the time?

I do.

s-shut up

Saw "It Comes at Night" yesterday. Pretty good. Genre film in service of existential shit. More of a post-apocalyptic survival flick than a horror movie. Reverse Shot was pretty shaky on it, but A24 is releasing challenging stuff in a friendly package on a wide scale so I find it hard to complain.

it's my favorite ME game, not my favorite game

anyway, this isn't Sup Forums. do you think anyone cares?



it wasn't

cure for wellness was shot great but a mediocre movie

lol okay buddy

Spot on. The LBG review calling it "Shitter Island" sums up the way I felt about it.



> he doesn't watch 2 flicks and 2 kino a day

get out of my lbg embryo

>he trusts the palette of an obese chef

Why doesn't /lbg/ watch real fractured narrative films like Intolerance?

Should I go

>purposefully putting crap into your head to artificially inflate your movie total

This garbage was the most overrated meme movie I've seen.


I would. Strange how they'll do it in June instead of October like 99% of places


should i stay or should i gooo

you are retarded as fuck, do us a favor and never post here again

He's right, though.


kys faggot

Watch an actual movie next time you genetically inferior reddit trash.

lol k (you)

She's right

stop misgendering, I identify as xyr


kys faggot

Could it be that everyone here is retarded?


I am boycotting anyone who responds to the griffithposter.

If you reply to him I'm not your friend anymore

I disagree, it's actually good

Sunday afternoon is a v weird time

why are you doubting that
It is in London

What if someone response ironically?



i fucked that chick

Anyone recommend any of the recent BFI releases?

Manila in the claws of light