I turned 18 today

I turned 18 today.

Here's my schedule for today.

>Register with Selective Service
>Register to vote. (Just in time for Trump.)
>Go take out my first CC for the purpose of acquiring credit.
>Sever my bank account from my mother's who it was tied to because I was a minor. I have 10k in the bank from personal savings.
>Purge all video games from my PC.

It's time for me to grow up. I spent the last four years fucking my grades as a flunking student so I could play video games and jack off to porn. No longer. I start my first job tomorrow on a construction site.

Any other advise from you oldfags on anything to do now as a not underage b& young Sup Forumslack so I don't get fucked by the Jews?

Also should I join a church, y/n?

I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota.


I'll take that as a no.


Day I turned 18 I got real drunk with my mates
And ended up fucking a 3.14 qt Polish hooker in the Antwerp red light district
Good times

>time to purge my pc of all games because that will be the answer!

Honestly if you're still a worthless shitstain by this age,which you seem like.
Then it's too late for you if you think you're just going to completely change who you are as simple as that.

Also you shouldn't even be posting since this is supposed to be your first day here

so, normal stuff everybody does , let me ask you were you got 10k from?

You seem troubled. Did OP's post bring back some bad memories?

People like you make me cringe so hard.
Rather than just being an adult and acting like one you have to be a goddamn try hard and have a list of xy and z that you're going to do that will magically turn you into a big boy.
Then you have to go on the internet bragging about It for validation and you couldn't even wait a day after your birthday.
Truly pathetic

Id say yes to join a church.
You got rid of videogames, okay... Why? Unless you hardly play then whatever.
And if you didn't register to vote like 6 months ago i don't think you'll be able to vote in time for the election

Just hate people who feel the need to try so hard to act like they've grown up after one day

Sup Forums* newfag
also you should be banned for visiting before 18, little one.

I got sent off to the work gulag when I turned 16. No money.

Kill yourself, autistic twat


How'd you find this website? Explain young man.

Congratulations (pic related)!

1. Be creative about how to save money and keep a ledger
2. lift weights and eat well with consistency
3. meditate

You can do it user! You're doing great!

You may claim that he is autistic, but indeed, YOU are the ones who are truly autistic!

Ignore these idiots OP. One more piece of advice, don't come to Sup Forums too much, read books instead. Mein Kamph is full of advice for young men and insightful and relevant observations on jews.

vidya is degenerate and an absolute unconditional waste of time.

People have been doing that for thousands of years, it's perfectly normal to reevaluate your life and decide to change periodically. Dumbass.

>Any other advise from you oldfags on anything to do now as a not underage b& young Sup Forumslack so I don't get fucked by the Jews?
Stop watching the "Electric Jew", or any form of media jewry.

>Also should I join a church, y/n?
With the state of religions right now, it's not really advised that you join one. Protestantism is cucked a long time ago. Catholicism is cucked right now, with that heretic Pope. Islime is still a barbaric faith for pedophiles. Judaism is still Satan worship. And so on. Perhaps worship in your own way. Or Buddhism - at least that's about attaining self-enlightenment and moderation in things.

Hope it helps, and welcome to the real world. Hide your power level, and hide it well. Until the time comes.


OP you have no friends do you?

Give me your steam account if you're not gonna be playing any more

This is cute, but there is one thing you should always remember:

For every action you take, you will cringe about it a year from now.

Right now, you're obviously suffering for a lack of perspective. You don't actually know what being an adult is like; you're just making a bunch of resolutions to become what you think is more adult-like. Here's the truth: there have been many successful students who didn't fuck up their grades while still watching porn and playing video games. Are they immature? Nope. They just knew what their priorities were. They actually did their homework and studied before relaxing and doing this thing we call "having fun."

Anyway, happy birthday and good luck with your job. It better pay more than $15 an hour or else you are a real cuckold.

>living in Little Somalia