What does Sup Forums think of Thomas TJ Kirk ?

what does Sup Forums think of Thomas TJ Kirk ?

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He is a nigger.

Picard was better

I think of endless abundance of bananas, an abundance of which was granted by the Gods and can only be repayed with



Is that the guy who stuck a banana up his asshole?

I notice he turned to the right-wing lately. Even admitted that niggers comit more crime, although dening the same few months ago.

'Gifted region'
bullshit, IQ can be affected by genetics, but don't buy into the "you can't raise your IQ by more than a few points, goyim"-scheme. State of mind (stress levels, etc.) can make a difference of over 10 points in tests.
Furthermore, simply picking up on doing different activities, hobbies, and actually reading and trying to comprehend every single detail of the read subject can further increase your intellect.


kill the degenerate

He's honestly pretty alright if you take all his opinions with a massive grain of salt, he's entertaining to watch but often says some pretty retarded shit.

kind of like Sup Forums

That picture is stupid, there is no minimum IQ to go to the best colleges. George W Bush went to Yale which is a excellent college and Bush is barely able to function in a social context.

I came here to post this.


>t. mensa apologist

How would you feel if that was you?


Yup, why do alt right guys love ramming things up their ass? Gavin and TJ would get along well

Him and his new gf.

He's done pretty well considering how ugly and retarded he is. Also his micropenis.

Still. He's fucking hotter pussy than I am. Lucky cunt.


>min. IQ for best colleges

He's pretty based and Sup Forums being triggered all day long wont change that fact

I thought he was gay now


Turkey jizz?

He dated a guy after he broke up with Holly but he's back to pussy now.

uneducated blue collar plebs need to feel good about not believing in god, too.

he entertains you losers so you don't go out and rape or pillage like the brown skins.

Smart, certainly someone who wants to be an intellectual and probably could be, but a Jew cock sucking sell out. Probably a fucking Jew himself but idk. I wouldn't say he's stupid per se though.


What guy?




>leaves his spouse to get some cock
>does banana stuff with his butthole and posts it on the internet
>is overall fat and disgusting
>doesn't believe in God but somehow still makes videos after videos with him raging against him
>has no legitimate job
>supports Sanders

Atheism is truly a mental disease

That you post this thread every six hours.
So surprised.

You again!? Fuckin catholic shill.

Deist actually

He should just admit to himself he's never gonna be happy with his current lifestyle. He's gonna be 50 someday with a gaping asshole and a burnt dick begging for change at some street corner.


>last name is church

Seems appropriate for how much of a preachy post-Protestant he is


"Yeah. Well, you deserved it. So, fuck you. I hope it happens again soon. I'm tired of being treated like shit by you mean little cunts and then you using your rape as an excuse. Fuck you. I think we should give the guy who raped you a medal. I hope you fucking drown in rape semen, you ugly, mean-spirited cow. Actually, I don't believe you were ever raped! What man would be tasteless enough to stick his dick into a human cesspool like you? Nice gif of a turd going into my mouth. Is that kind of like the way that rapists dick went in your pussy? Or did he use your asshole? Or was it both? Maybe you should think about it really hard for the next few hours. Relive it as much as possible. You know? Try to recall: was it my pussy or my ass?" —TJ, responding to a rape victim who criticized him on his reddit.

His ED page is a goldmine

also have a pic of his microdick

>t. libertarian atheist cuckold

Is that the guy who put a banana in his butt?

I saw a video from him the other day where he basically claims everyone voting for Trump is racist against Mexicans so I have decided to disregard him.

TFW you will never be amazing atheist's drugged up introverted twink boyfriend

>Implying Hitler is bad

Fuck off, kike.

I think I can live with that

Enraged niggers recently when he said Gentrification was a good thing


It looks like him being atheist is only a sympthom, the guy is legit mentally ill

>minimum IQ for best colleges
Topkek. Definitely not

>mfw they have the same hairline

And poured hot wax over his genitals.

He put a banana in his tailpipe.


Fuck off, TJ. Take your shitty bananas and go home.

I'm a Lutheran catholics go to hell.

Hating on Hitler who was even christian.

Off yourself.

Eggman has really fallen on hard times.


Where did the "Hitler was an atheist" meme even come from? Is it just "he killed people so he wasn't a good christian"?

Damn, what a fucking loser

He opposed both protestant and catholic churches and in place of religious teachings, he taught kids Nazi ideology. Basically he saw the church as something that compromises his own dictatorship and cult of personality.

He didn't ban religion though, I think he saw its benefits on society in keeping people tame and promoting the moralistic family model that the Nazis liked so much.

How come Peter Hitchen is so based when his brother was such a faggot?

He loves bananas.
A lot.

He attended church and he even says and yells "Amen" in multiple speeches.

He was also roman catholic, thags why he went to hell.

Hitchens was right about Cyprus and little else.

I think though it's a problem of quantity. There were some decent points made about gender roles by academics pre collapse of the Soviet Union, and now you have retards that believe in 63 genders.

You had thought out, philosophical objections to baptist populism and the increasing amounts of pandering to laity in Christendom that lead to stupid shit like snake revivals and Jesus camp, and now you have retards who think Christianity as a whole is responsible for all oppression and Christian traditions should not even factor into any facet of modern society.

You have educated, well intentioned people here who see the exploitation of global finance, and the detriment to society that the erosion of traditions has caused. But when the retarded normies are "converted" to our side, and can stop sucking dick for 5 minutes, they'll probably kill every single Muslim and accidentally nuke Malta because they speak Arabic or some shit.

Democracy and populism are shit.

He may have been a christian, but religious he was not. He was much more concerned with promoting his own ideology.

Religion in Nazi Germany is a pretty complex topic and you can't cover it all in a Sup Forums post, there were elements of Christianity - both protestant and catholic, but there were also elements of paganism and indeed atheism. the overall theme though is that the importance of religion was downplayed as the Nazis wanted to make their ideology the dominant one over any religious one.

Someone who doesnt give a shit about his own dignity, is stupid and thinks of himself as a genius just because he can btfo few people that are more retarded than him.

Yes, I have read a little about it myself and I believe that you are right.

They were very good at celebrating pagan "holidays" and rituals like "midsommer" which we also still have in Denmark.

Pic related.

literally who? fuck of red dit with your you tube heros

I think their goal was to use pagan symbols, rituals and symbols which were common to Europeans in order to give them the feeling pan-europeanism. This was also done by Napoleon when he taught Charlemagne who was previously a somewhat neglected historical figure in German schools as a way of unifying the French and Germans


Hm, well, pan-germanism at least. I dont think he had any desire to incorporate all of europe in it necessarily.

The pagan symbolism also included elements of Roman and Greek paganism, which certainly helps when trying to create an empire that spans Europe. Who can think of a time when Europe was more unified than under the Romans?

christians have a higher divorce rate than atheists, kill yourself jewsus shill.

>open marriage
Why marry someone if you don't want to commit to being exclusive?

Why not just be fuck buddies that live together?

True, but he dident try to create an empire that spans Europe.

It's arguable, but I just wanna point out we're having an amicable discussion about the nazis

On Sup Forums

On a thread about the amazing atheist.

No, I'm a nobody's drugged introverted twink boyfriend.

Well apparently he's come out as being for the price atheism is unstoppable so I like him even less now.

He likes bananas and hot water on himself. He also supported Bernie. He's a weak cuck.

The world is a strange place user...

Thanks for the talk. I gotta run.




Jesus fuck

His response to this is he just now trys to make a joke on his show that he likes bananas up his ass.