Well /pol?
Will you do it?
Well /pol?
>Daily horse face brah shill thread of the day
Listen lats brah, just make a trip already instead of using a different proxy EVERYTIME
Is that the actor who played Jaqen H'ghar (sp) on the GoT TV series
More like Tyrion, tbqh. Also I will kinda feel sad when Russia nukes Sweden into oblivion.
I'm already doing 2/4 of the requirements. All I need to do is stop jacking it and get out more
Good job.
>right wing nu-male thread #326
>Calling this guy nu-male
Fuck off slavshit.
can't watch video, can you summarize the requirements?
>implying he's not
Just seeing the intro of that video is enough to give you the idea, but nothing hammers the point more than this picture.
No wonder the western males are so shitty if they become either beta lefties or the types like him lmao.
>exercise 5 days a week
>stop jacking it to porn
>Read every single day
>go out to different and unique places
>Find one flaw
>Find one flaw
Being a reactionary beta faggot would be on top of the list :^)
Well, he look like some narcissistic faggot.
Stop posting this gay for pay faggot
Ego fragility which makes him fake confidence, he's a racist retard who thinks himself enlightened after reading right wing propaganda, fucking steroids, his striking is shit (I do muay thai, this guys movement is amateurish at best)
This guy is so self absorbed, he's like the mice that John B. Calhoun referred to as the beautiful ones.
>training 5 days a week
I guess that's possible when you're a frauding cunt full of anabolics
Does 5chan count as reading?
I used to exercise 5 hours a day.
4 hours running 1 hour lifting.
I went from 200 to 200 in a week.
Yes, you read that correctly.
I built muscle and burned fat extremely fast. People thought I worked out for 6 months when in reality I just worked really hard for about 5 days.
All you need is friends to do it with.
Jack it every day, 10-15 times a day, is that bad, if so how bad?
Don't watch porn though, usually.
>"Different and unique places"
My state has hills, fields, and more hills.
>Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told Soundtrack, "War is declared"
How the fuck am i supposed to workout if there is not even bread to at home? fuck...
>takes picture of statue
>has to put himself in frame
That's extremely feminine.
Do you have a crush on this dude?
>exercise 5 demons a week
>stop getting jacked
>read the comments on porn videos
>jack off in different and unique places
Interesting challenge to be honest.
>Jack it every day, 10-15 times a day, is that bad, if so how bad?
You're fucking joking right? I have had periods of time where I've been doing it 4 or 5 times a day, but honestly a couple times in the evening is more than enough. After that it's hardly even pleasurable anymore and having to grip it that hard will give you serious ED
I have the same problem with the finding somewhere to go thing, I live in north London so there's just buildings and parks which I've seen hundreds of times and are hardly "glorious" or spectacular. Also traveling around is expensive and I don't have my own car at the moment
>Does 5chan count as reading?
He says it must either be a book or an article
>4 hours running 1 hour lifting.
If you did that every day, then it sounds pretty damn unhealthy for you.
>I went from 200 to 200 in a week.
>Yes, you read that correctly.
Not that impressive?
>I built muscle and burned fat extremely fast. People thought I worked out for 6 months when in reality I just worked really hard for about 5 days.
The most amount of muscle you could build up within that weeks is half a pound
>All you need is friends to do it with.
>Jack it every day, 10-15 times a day, is that bad, if so how bad?
The discussion between fap/nofap overrated. The consensus in science is that a few(2-4) times a week is fine and anymore is damaging. But people like Golden One swear that porn (not fapping, but the actual porn) is bad for you. He may or may not be correct
Damn, feel bad for you.
He said that it's understandable that you don't need to exercise if it conflicts with your schedule or whatnot.
Already started, currently covering 3/4. I don't venture out enough.
Holy fuck grow a pair of balls you pussified little bitch. You should be breaking a sweat 7 days a week.
5 days a week isn't that bad. There's routines that'll get you to do 6 days a week.
What I'm planning on doing is my 3 day routine + light cardio 2 other days
ITT degenerate betas that post anonymously on internet whine on someone who support nationalism, a united europe, and a healthy body and mind.
Manual labor + gym twice a week
Shitposting on Sup Forums counts as reading
Still jacking it to traps and femobys on /gif/
I break a sweat every fucking day working construction. You can't train heavy 5 days a week without help.
The getting out bit is easy. Most of us live in either an urban jungle, plenty of exploring to be done there, or not far from actual rural expanse. Most of either is grossly under-appreciated by urbane normies who just fly from A to B without a moment's pause and only go out for trips on extremely proscribed a popular trails with other faggot lefties.
The jerking it part is either easy or difficult depending on how much you've accustomed yourself to easy porn. If you're a solid NEET who beats off all day and has done so for years then you're probably going to have to go to some extreme measure to break the habbit. I can't help you with that because I never had that problem, but I can tell you once the pron conditioning is broken you'll no longer feel constrained by a sex-drive that's mis-wired to respond to every quasi-suggestive picture on the internet.
Other than training 5 days a week (I work out 3 days), this is already my life style unless you want to count Sup Forums in the digital distraction part.
>he's a racist retard
What the actual fuck are you doing on 4chins if you think racism is retarded? Racism is a completely rational response to disparate behaviors between ethnic groups which have little overlap. Go back to the Maghreb Achmed.
Just fucking go to the gym and start from there
you don't have to have all of your nutrients scientifically calculated for optimal performance in order to start training as a novice, just fucking go the gym and lift
unless you're some old fuck then you will be fine
>his striking is shit
>muh muay thai
boxers will say the same to you
The Golden One's challenge is hereby accepted. I will start benching right away.
>Jack it every day, 10-15 times a day, is that bad, if so how bad?
> he's a racist retard
Not an argument.
How good is swimming for gaining muscle?
>tfw skinny and dont really like going to the gym
>Jack it every day, 10-15 times a day, is that bad, if so how bad?