Making Trump choose between "muh veterans" and "muh racism" was a genius move from Clinton desu. It was the Kobayashi Maru of political gambits.
It only took 1 brave patriot to stump the Trump
Other urls found in this thread:
Trump is a traitor and kike loving degenerate
Please CTR SuperPAC, no more niggers today.
>I'm right because my son died
really makes you think
>Same Species
Thinking superficial physiological differences determine species. If they can interbreed and produce fertile offspring they're the same species dipshit.
Trump has stakes his whole campaign on loving veterans and hating Muslims. Putting a Muslim veteran in the spotlight basically gives him a no win scenario.
This is such a fucking nonstory and I wish it would just stop.
>If they can interbreed and produce fertile offspring they're the same species
Literally untrue.
It's not quite that cut and dry, for example arctic gulls can interbreed with neighbouring colonies, but if you take the first and last groups of their population "arc" around the arctic, they're not capable of breeding successfully. It is probably acceptable to split human species into geographical regions (probably continents) but that's not really an acceptable thing to do in western science.
>A species is defined as a group of individuals that, in nature, are able to mate and produce viable, fertile offspring.
Source: Boundless. “The Biological Species Concept.” Boundless Biology. Boundless, 26 May. 2016. Retrieved 01 Aug. 2016 from
I heard science has a liberal bias. Damn those biologists requiring facts and evidence
that's literally the definition of a species
He never said he hated Muslims. Its nowhere near a no win scenario. Fuck those assholes for utilizing their dead son in a disrespectful manner. Their kid probably would've voted Trump anyway. He loves the vets.
Youre right. I was thinking it was genus, but in that case they don't necessarily produce fertile offspring. Like ligers, or mules. Ya got me.
>Sup Forums
>passing high school
Choose one
No it isn't
>pocket constitution
this is a nice meme
>implying racism applies to sand-nigger ideology
Maybe if he believed what he said.
His past of being tied to the Muslim brotherhood and his support of sharia killed this stupid meme.
Good luck trying to put lipstick on the nine other Muslim (((gold))) star families
KeK that son of a bitch is begging to leave him alone.
Shut it Muslims cunt. Your people have killed more of ours than died defending us!!
How bout a link?
So lions and tigers are the same species now? We have had fetile ligers.
Are grizzly's and polar bears the same species? We have had fertile young of them as well.
Fucking moron. That textbook is wrong.
You are retarded
Hey Correct The Record
Fertile crossbreeds of coyotes and wolves as well.
Literally thousands of fertile crossbreeds in birds.
trump is an ambush predator
he lies in wait and lets little nibbles be taken
then when the moment is crucial a killing blow
there is so much power and capital riding on this election
if a well timed knockout of hildog is not performed they will have time to react
and it wont be pleasant
Source on stats in image?
I think we should suspend the elections and have Kahn personally choose the president. His son did die in Iraq after all.
Proper link? I didn't see it. No kike links.
>So lions and tigers are the same species now? We have had fetile ligers.
>Are grizzly's and polar bears the same species? We have had fertile young of them as well
It's a simplification of the definition. THOSE offspring cannot produce viable, fertile offspring. For fuck's sake, scientist s are debating whether Neanderthals were actually a separate species because apparently Europeans and Asians have Neanderthal DNA, and it's not like a Chihuahua is a different species than a golden retriever.
>American education
Did you even pass elementary biology?
Only people who cant see the big picture give any significance to Kahn's speech
The anti-muslim sentiment has nothing to do whether muslims can be heroic. It's about freedoms, safety, and our values.
Dying in combat for your country also doesn't wipe clean the stain of calling yourself a muslim. His death, while tragic, means nothing in this context.
Is Khan 2016's Plumber Joe?
here's a veterans group demanding an apology for Trump's comments attacking that Muslim gold star family.
yep, the guy really fucked him over, brilliant move by Hillary
Amendment 1
>Prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.
Given that the Constitution only applies to citizens of this country, Amendment 1 has nothing to do with Immigration. And Trump isn't proposing the deportation or banning of Islam itself. He wants to bar entry to those abroad who are from regions with high risk of support of terrorism or terrorist organizations. And the majority of those are Muslim.
There is no mention of Immigration at all in the Constitution.
According to Article I, Section 8, Clause 4
The Congress shall have Power To...establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization...
And Congress wrote the following into law over 20 years ago.
8 U.S. Code § 1182
>(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
>Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.
So it's all Constitutional and that asshole can go fuck himself.
Keyword: in nature
There's a debate about polar and Kodiak offspring in the wild constituting a single species.
There is no evidence of viable wild ligers
>Choose between two veterans.
But he's not. He's choosing between a vet and an immigrant.
What's going on correct the record
Yeah thanks a lot I'm fucking enlightened jidf.
>those offspring cannot produce viable offspring
yes they can, the wolf/coyote hybrid continues on just fine.
You keep on changing your definition.
I also never argued that dogs were not all the same species. Nice job trying to put words in my mouth I never said in order to try and discredit me. Although it is interesting that genetically, the FST of a golden and a chihuahua is closer than the FST of whites and blacks. Dogs are more closely related to each other than blacks are to us.
What is nature? Of course there are no "wild" ligers, tigers live in asia, and lions in africa. They are fucking cats, they have no way of even seeing other without human intervention.
Way to say absolutely nothing of substance.
haha holy shit it's true, americans really are this fucking stupid
Well, Trump chose to reject the veteran because he was muslim. Muslims who died for America died in vain and should have stayed home. Had they fought against America then at least they would be viewed as heroes by someone.
but the dad isn't a veteran
I wonder what the vet's mom had to say? :^)
anyone else finding it harder and harder dealing with >not an arguments?
People's stupidity is really bad for my health and I don't know what to do. it drives me crazy because nearly everything is so stupid, that I could take it apart in so many ways that I don't even know where to begin.
this fkn guy made no argument at all, and he's being heralded as stumping the trump. it makes me want hillary to win, and it makes me want ww3 and everyone to die. they deserve it
Yes logic doesn't matter. It's just abloobloo arguments. Libs needed to be fed strong anti-Trump propaganda and quick.
We should probably leave Mr. Sharia newsletters alone before Kek has him cut his wifes head off.
>Fort Chattanooga - 2015
>Fort Hood - 2009
Clinton forced his son to go to that war.
The fact that Democrats attacked the mother of the Benghazi soldier really highlights how invalid and worthless this entire arguement is
>appealling to emotion
How is Dilbertman going to explain this?
I'm really getting tired of this asshole.
It's hilarious how badly the media wants this to be a thing when it really just isn't.
This guy gets it. It's sad that somehow holding up a pocket constitution even though it has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT TRUMP IS SAYING IN REGARDS WITH IMMIGRATION POLICY is somehow "stumping" him? The media, par the course, is making a story of a non-story.
That being said Trump needs to soften the rhetoric because the media is having a fucking field day despite it being a bullshit argument.
I'm gonna give you a break here since your probably a 15 year old trumplet that hasnt taken biology in high school yet.
Keep truckin little buddy!
>Son is Muslim
>Son gets killed by Muslim
>Son gets killed by Muslim in Muslim country
>Son gets killed by Muslim in Muslim country that Hillary SUPPORTED to invade
>Fuck those assholes for utilizing their dead son in a disrespectful manner.
>Theme of day 1 of RNC
ayyy lmao
Trump doesn't use logic. He uses emotion and fearmongering and hate to demonise Muslims. Clinton counted on a brave Muslim patriot to counteract Trump's emotions. She's fighting fire with fire.
>wants to destroy America
WTF I hate double binds now.
>My son died in a war Hillary supported and Trump opposed
>Naturally, I will support Hillary
Get the fuck out of here and go make me some fucking bitters, you damn stupid nigger!
You realize the entirety of the Hilary campaign is centered around fear mongering and emotion right? Did you even watch the dnc convention? It was literally "dont vote for the boogy man or youll get nightmares!"
Thank you for correcting the record, $0.05 has been deposited to your account
Nope, the parents are compromised as hell, effectively arguing for more deaths, and irrelevant to the central issue.
There is one issue this election: can our system survive totally unrestrained mass immigration from violently different cultures or not?
Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father that the mainstream media and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been using to criticize Donald J. Trump, has deep ties to the government of Saudi Arabia—and to international Islamist investors through his own law firm. In addition to those ties to the wealthy Islamist nation, Khan also has ties to controversial immigration programs that wealthy foreigners can use to essentially buy their way into the United States—and has deep ties to the “Clinton Cash” narrative through the Clinton Foundation.
>areas of the world that have people who often want to kill us and have values incompatible with ours shouldn't have tighter immigration controls
Dem logic. Clinton's policy destabilized an entire region full of people with extremist beliefs and lead to the rise of ISIS, and now with the refugee crisis their spread across Europe. Trump wants to use the president's right to restrict immigration, a right which Obama invoked against Refuges in Iraq, to temporarily not take people from areas of the world that often have issues.
There are things that most people would agree with. Captain Khan volunteering to help kids swim, reading books about Jefferson, enjoying life in the US, serving our nation in the Army, making the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty - these are all things that make CAPTAIN Khan a hero. And then we have his father, who goes on stage at the DNC and makes it Trump vs Muslims/Islam. This is not fundamentally an issue with islam, this is a problem with RADICAL Islam. Trump has never advocated making the religion illegal or shamed or arresting/kicking anyone out who is Muslim in the US. Khan's father starts waving around a constitution (which has nothing to do with the rights of non-citizens) and accusing him of being hateful, dividing the country, etc... Trump then gets demonized by the mainstream media for saying that his father is full of shit (which he is) and that he is against radical islam. (His comments on his wife not being allowed to speak were ill advised and he should move beyond that).
Funny enough Khan's son died in a war which clinton supported against... supporters of radical islam. The thing that Captain Khan didn't believe in, but the enemies who killed him did.
The entire dem message including the current CTR message is "I'll hold my nose, but Clinton isn't as NEARLY as bad as Trump!". The entirety of the dem message is "trump is worse", it's attack marketing.
Did Trump really say anything negative about this dude's son? From what I am reading this dude is just using his brown privilege to disparage Trump on stage. What exactly did Trump say to piss him off?
Trump said he'd have liked to hear from the guy's wife too.
But that's offensive because a Muslim's wife is second to her husband and has little to no place to speak.
He just said that he would have liked to hear his wife speak, then he said that this is about radical Islam and not his son. Then he complained about the media giving him shit.
It's a complete sham. The media would have attacked Trump no matter what he said.
here (continued)
The whole position of Clinton's platform is so ridiculous, the MSM is trying to hype her up, CTR is shilling non-stop, and still she's losing polls - even though the liberal establishment and media villify trump supporters (so many supporters, including myself, keep support to ourselves in normal interactions). Trump started winning polls on Hillary, Trump, or neither/not sure, so they (reuters/IPSOS) eliminated the neither/not sure option and retroactively took polls that had Trump ahead or tied and removed them. (Also of note is that most polls cited about Hillary "beating" trump ignore up to 15% of people being polled saying they will vote for a third party candidate, often greatly at Clinton's expense, and only use polls that ask "HILLARY OR TRUMP ONLY RIGHT NOW" as they make headlines. As interesting as a question may be, that's not how ballots work on election day).
Trump called the fallen soldier (Son) a war hero and dissed the father as being uninformed and him being against Radical islam. Father, dems, media shilling it as Trump being against families of vets and muslims/islam in general to try to make him look bad. Trump said that he was a bozo, lied, etc. and implied that his wife wasn't permitted to talk on stage because of her husband (wife rebutted in writing saying she didn't talk publicly because it's still very painful for her).
He attacked his wife and claimed she wasn't allowed to speak because Muslims hate women.
> attacked
Get out of here shill.
He wasn't wrong
Literally the moment when he lost the election because we know he won't apologize
I guess 4 years of more Obama works
I'm honestly taken aback by all the hate towards Trump for this.
Didn't you Liberals want women's voices to be heard? And when the future president asks to hear the voice of the MOTHER of the soldier, you attack him and continue to demonize his name?
Go back on your meds.
He made a comment.
She wrote an op-ed responding to Trump. She said she chose not to speak.
I don't hate Trump desu. I just think it was a clever political move. Trump claims to love veterans and hate Muslims so trotting out the father of a Muslim soldier really put him in a double bind.
A Muslim is a Muslim. Look into that soldier's father's history a bit and you'll see his connections to extremism and support of Sharia Law.
If you support Sharia Law, you have absolutely no place in the American military, or even in the United States at all.
It's time to drop the misconception that you can be an American Muslim. You cannot. The ideologies are polar opposites.
Is this real? If it is then Trump's attack against Khan was some quasi 4th dimensional water polo to bring Clinton's support of the war into the media
Non-Whites don't belong in White countries.
Prove me wrong.
So I guess Trump started the shit flinging? If that's the case, that's what he gets. Im just sick as fuck of seeing these brown people complain about their feelings on tv and I dont even care who is right, I just want it to go away.
Do neo-liberals really think some dunecoon calling Trump a racist is going to change the election?
They've been calling Trump a racist for a year, but now suddenly it's going to make a difference?
>his death, while tragic, probably saved lives
Are you retarded?
The Muslim shithead was talking shit about Trump. He didn't present a single argument, he just name called Trump for the entire speech and his EPIC MOMENT that everyone applauded at was saying ''Mr Trump, have you ever read the constitution?''. The ultimate non-argument.
All Trump did was say that he would have loved to hear his wife talk.
Yea it's real. Even leftists are getting tired of Hillary's shit.
Trump is in a shitty scenario since the Mainstream Media hates him and doesn't want him to get elected. Trump loving veterans is not at issue here (he said he thinks their son is a hero who was killed by Radical Islamic terrorists).
What the dems are doing is taking Trump's attack on Khan for making several statements Trump insists are false (Khan claimed that Trump had never read the constitution, among other things) and implication that Khan may not have permitted his wife to speak (an overwhelming majority believe that women should obey men worldwide) are being spun into this wild attack that Trump HATES THE FAMILIES OF VETERANS (he doesn't, he doesn't like it when people misrepresent what he says). As soon as the wife put out a statement that she didn't speak because she didn't want to, Trump dropped the mentions about the wife and just continued to reiterate that the father was misrepresenting/lying about what he (Trump) was saying
Father Khan went on national television at the DNC and said several inaccurate things, I would argue he started the shitflinging.
>Khan's father said that if it was up to Trump his son would never have been in America
Trump wants background checks on muslims (and potentially a temporary ban, key work temporary), which is a pretty sensible thing when you're trying to vet the people that come into the country.
>Said Trump had never read the constitution, holding a pocket sized copy at the convention and offering to give it to Trump
This is stupid below the belt shit where someone made several statements about Trump that were false on their face (key ones being the two above) and Trump rebutting is used as evidence by the MSM that "he hates Muslims" and "he hates veterans". It's a deceptive portrayal in the media to try to smear trump when Khan's father threw shit first.
Actually it's a pretty huge character study. Indicates how he'd deal with many other issues, gumpist. He will never fist your hungry asshole
Trump insults anyone when it's convenient, even a dead veteran and his grieving parents.
>Are horses and donkeys the same species?
If she was still so traumatized after more than a decade after her son died (I'm inclined to call bullshit on this but stranger things have happened), then she was in no mental state to stand on the DNC's stage in front of the entire world.
Not to mention that neither of them have any business supporting the one candidate that wants to continue to destabilize the middle-east and killing thousands of Muslims.
Also, the father has ties to the Clinton Foundation and is a shill for Sharia Law. He is an enemy both to this country and to the fundamental tenets of Western civilization. There is no reason to listen to anything that comes out of his mouth.
Shills out in full force.