Welcome to the daily West and Europe thread where we appreciate traditional culture, art, food, architecture, music and more.
Today's edition: national cuisines and other unique dishes!
Welcome to the daily West and Europe thread where we appreciate traditional culture, art, food, architecture, music and more.
Today's edition: national cuisines and other unique dishes!
you forgot to use your proxy, (((schlomo)))
Never used a proxy
>not using a proxy
What's your point?
A bit of lovely smorrebrod
Forgot the image...
Are you a hungarian jew?
>Not stealing the cuisine of others and refining it as your own
Get tae fuck ya cunt
fuck up ya bas
Nope, Ruskie
That looks pretty fucking delicious i have to say
Its pretty good and used to be really cheap so you could eat loads of it. It goes great with loads of beer too.
Ah, of the parasitic variety or a "bad goy" jew?
The fuck is this shit
Here have some of this
oh boy user you have a good taste, have you tried them? Hungarian food is really good
East London cuisine
Been to Budapest, tasted all of them, even Tokaji!
Get on my level.
10/10 would eat again
Holy fuc, what's is it made of?
What's this?
best european jewish food
Posting not so known spanish cuisine
Cod fish mixed with this kind of thin chip fried potatoes , onion and eggs.
The other guy's pic is puff pastry, beef and and tasty mushroom based paste.
Sorry user but jewish food is pretty boring and plain.
You poor fags
This is daily breakfast in Turkey
Get lost turk roach you don't belong in this thread.
this looks amazing
greek food is better
Zarajo: A traditional dish from Cuenca is zarajo, braided sheep's intestines rolled on a vine branch and usually broiled, but also sometimes fried, and sometimes smoked, usually served hot as an appetizer or tapa.
Tastes like glory.
would eat as meal for one
I love this one from our neighbors, all of you should try it
I need this.
God I miss whataburgers BOB's.
Ultimate protection against jews and kebab, mixing wine marinated fried pork with shellfish.
you truly can't beat jewish food.
basically: bread, olive oil, tomato and jamón
We'll have a city festival in august.
Soon I will eat langos.
It's the ultimate cure for hangovers.
Also, absolutely love crema catalan. Our version is slightly more boring, no burnt sugar topping :(
Jewish food doesn't exist: it's made of other people's food.
That looks tasty
Is that some 'go 'za I see?
The very best
Is that langosh with... noodles? Cheese?
it's stuffed with cheese, jamon and lot of stuff. Check some other pics.
You guys probably find it gross because it's organs like lungs and kidneys on the inside, wrapped by the sheep's intestines on the outside, which is then cooked until crispy.
But it's delicious.
The EU has banned it, but you wouldn't know.
European Jewish food is really sad.
I mean I enjoy a good brisket on rye with the hot mustard as much as the next guy but lets be real... Its poor peasant food.
Matzah balls is other people's food. alright.
Are you supposed to it it as whole?
Is this already digested at least once?
Hungarians confirmed for non-whites
My counties cuisine counts as wear since we are right next to America
Only good thing about this shithole desu
Do turks even eat?
Posting more
>EU has banned it
what do you mean by this?
absolutely barbaric
We make these the best desu
>Continental eurocucks cant enjoy this
>OP is israel
my favorite food.
bootin and sticking with the euro-jew food
What is this? A dough thing covered with some sort of cream and cheese?
Looks tasty
>he doesn't eat yuca
Yes, you use a plate to cut this one
what's whale like, compared to fish
This can only be called 'Assorted pieces of dead animal bodies and the back of the pantry.'
Like a mix of fish and deer/moose
Not necessarily Portuguese, but it's in every restaurant and local drinking den.
Great with some olivier salad on the side.
How could I forget
>he doesn't eat quipe either
Forgot pic
Big fan of 'o 'a
is that Giordano's??? shit is so money
love me some pollo empanado
ah keep that thing away from me
>be me go to copnhagan
>try this sandwich thing
>cold and bad
>ask some studant if people eat these he says it is old people food
i think the only thing danish cusine is good in
is cakes(10/10) best desserts ever
Why even eat this? Why don't you just put this into syringe and inject it straight in your ass, to skip all the unnecesarry processing?
wtf i hate spain now
I'm not exactly sure what that is, forgot it's name, but it is absolutely delicious. It is special hot bread served with delicious creamy cheese on top that melts on to the bread.
Wood roasted pig suckling with black pepper sauce.
>he don't eat guava