Will Sup Forums ever stop pretending like this was a good movie?


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we don't have to pretend, faggot

my fave DCEU movie

How to spot a pleb 101

It wasn't a good movie, it was a great kino

Fuck off Paki

tell that to zod's snapped neck

there's no need to pretend

it's not a perfect movie but it is a good movie. contrarian fucks only have "not muh superman" as an argument, it's pathetic by now

oh yeah, and people who have never read a superman comic before


Watch that last fight scene daily! Still waiting for a film to top it

Fucking back to pol you racist fuck this is a labour country now you fucking ignorant fuck, learn to exist

Fuck you!

Why does no one talk about how mych wonderSlut was going around killing men in her film? She literally killed about 100 people

Newsflash: Wonder Woman isn't Superman

kino along with bvs

It's a great movie, you dumbass.

If your complaint about this film is superman shouldn't kill you're a pleb faggot

It pisses me off that there's no word on a Man of Steel trilogy in the works. Superman has such a rich universe. It's time we finally get Brainiac.

Will fags like OP ever leave Sup Forums and go back to plebbit?

how much is WB paying you to shill this garbage movie?

Poe's Law. Capeshit is for children, lads.

>Labour Country
>less total votes and less seats

Why? Getting tired of paltry Cuckbucks?

>gets btfoed (again)
>replied to everyone

>muh console wars

>it wasn't me
>i only pretended to be retarded
Again, go back.

Mouseshill seething

nice bait

Superman is no Batman

As soon as you stop pretending Nolan made any good Batman movies I suppose

Only plebbit likes it

You'd know about it, wouldn't you rebbit

lmao, completely wrong

This was the first cape movie that showed me that not only can a cape director make a movie *not* aimed exclusively at children, but they can make one with some actual depth. Years later and I'm still finding new things to appreciate in this film.

it was popcorn kino


Be careful as nigwood is protecting his fellow non-whites

Yeah it's a piece of garbage

How can anyone like this movie? It is total rubbish.

I think it's sub par, but the autistic arguing that this along with BvS bring is more entertaining than both movies. It's honestly quite hilarious how many anons shit themselves over them.

get outta here you retarded cunt. I adored Man of Steel. Only shit like you, hate it.

Man of Steel was dark and & gritty and had christian imagery so I know I'm mature for liking it

Great film, criminally underrated by the film industry.


>original footage
>captured from a YIFY rip
When will Marvel Poos afford good Internet?

by optimistic outlook by the end of 22nd century

I've never been a fan of superman in comics or cartoons but I really loved this movie.

Irredeemable filth -- it takes a Christopher Nolan to have Superman's earthly father suggest that young Clark Kent should let a schoolbus full of kids drown rather than reveal his superpowers, but it takes a Zack Snyder to encase General Zod inside a fullbody metallic dildo before sending him into the Phantom Zone. And it takes both of them to grossly exploit 9/11 imagery with all those collapsing skyscrapers. Cinemalets please keep to your twitter memeing and pretending VA understanding

Why do people dislike Man of Steel and Batman v Superman? I don't get the hate

Why did you make this two separate posts?

This thread is being bumped by the same Marvelfag each time it's about to hit page 10.

And that's why Injustice happened

Movie when



we did, but DC realized around BvS release how easy it was to pay shills to post here like Marvel did.

it's not a coincidence how almost everyone disliked this movie here, but when BvS was coming out there was mass spam of calling it "kino" and "deep"

>batman can beat superma...


Because even with the ultimate cut its extremely bloated. Horrendously edited. Poorly cast. Baldly acted. Lazily written. Painstakingly dull. Unbelievably boring. Unnecessarily broody. Terribly paced. And that is just the first hour, there is still two more hours left.

The shear number of pointless subplots are simply staggering. Plot holes? You mean mystery elements. The fact that someone read the script and decided it was worthy of spending over 250 million to bring it to the screen boggles my mind. This is what happens when you take five different scripts that have no sense of correlation. Did editing and streamlining the story not cross anyone's mind.

The production is big on making terrible decisions and this is clearly evident in the casting. Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther is laughably bad giving his rejected Social Network performance as twitching Mark Zuckerberg. Gal Gadot is by far the biggest miscast. Most people complained when she cast due to her poor physicality and zero resemblance to Wonder Woman. Those points are fine, but the biggest drawback is that she's frankly not a good actress. She has the emotional range of a potato. Her big reveal in costume is complete with a 'cool' guitar rift like it's some Robert Rodriguez film. During action scene she is replaced by her cgi double which obviously looks bigger and muscular in comparison to Gal Gadot's actual physical appearance. I just couldn't help by have a good chuckle at that.

The biggest misstep in the entire production is the appointment of Zack Snyder as director. It seem like he just walked of the set of making Watchmen and nobody seemed to tell him that he wasn't contracted to direct a lackluster patchwork Watchmen sequel. An opening scene that features Jeffrey Dean Morgan being killed with a slo-mo shot of a shell casing exiting a gun; the government against masked vigilantes, a powerful god-like superhuman figure; a man that dresses in a black costume and fights crime with gadgets coming out of retirement; the death of a famous hero; not one, but three funeral scenes. How is this not recycling elements of Watchmen.

Zack Snyder has the inability to direct scenes where no action takes place and he can't mask it with stylish cgi backgrounds like he did in 300. Simply put when there's no explosions it dull and boring. Simple character interactions prove to be a struggle for a director who still gets his philosophy for his movies from teenage web forums. Religious references that completely lack subtlety and elegance doesn't make you movie 'intellectual'.

Other grievances include: a scene and a plot point that revolves around urine; Lex Luther's so called evil plan; Knightmare; a hyped fight that just ends up being a normal fistfight; and actual teaser trailers for future movies in the franchise.

>paki user

Do you have a fetish for indians or something?

do you come up with this shit or the mouse has a special department for it?

>Horrendously edited. Poorly cast. Baldly acted. Lazily written. Painstakingly dull. Unbelievably boring. Unnecessarily broody. Terribly paced.

this is all subjective

Nice try poo.

Sup Forums pls go. They're marvelcucks. Dont bring your pussy "insults" to other boards.

It's just sad that japan does capeshit better than the west.
I mean pic related is a better hero than the Man of Murder in literally every way.

Oh fuck off you Disney falseflagger.

No, I love Man of Steel and hate Batman v Superman.

This is the only capeshit movie that's actually worth watching though.

what about Batman Begins?

Oh yeah that's pretty good too.

They overdid the darktone.

If Superman wasn't constantly depressed about everything it could help this movie not be so boring.

>Painstakingly dull. Unbelievably boring. Unnecessarily broody.
None of these are arguments. Also
>Plot holes
Name one (1) plot hole in BvS.

I'm surprised anybody even remembers enough of BvS to claim there's plot holes. The movie was forgettable as hell, and the fight between Batman and Superman is the only part I remember at all, cave troll aside.

>can't tell difference between cello and guitar
>literally the only person who thinks the score sounds like Robert Rodriguez and they keep saying this in every thread but no one agrees

Why are you so new to Sup Forums? How could you possibly not be here for the release of BVS?

Nice dodge Pajeet.

That was fun. I kinda wish people would do this sort of thing for every flick. Will he ever do one for BvS?

People just desperately want Superman to be cool again. But that ain't happenin

Next you'll call me a falseflagger.