What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nothing. Grow a pair.
They got an unqualified director to make the film.
>6 men
>2 women
>that big guy at the right
Someone was getting DPd at the very least.
>implying those 2 are good at fighting and not just whores.
Absolutely fuck-all. The DC is a really good film not even for capeshit standards, but for film standards.
Why was the comedian so based?
The intro was 10/10 so I expected the rest of the movie to be 10/10 as well. It was good but it had pretty boring parts. The ending was pretty good though.
Hooded Justice was gay with one of the other members.
>found out the song was from that irish fucker
Fucking dropped
Should've been an hour longer.
Hooded Justice looks fucking radical.
I'd watch capeshit about him.
Silk specter
Whoever wrote this and Snyder forgot they were ADAPTING a comic and ended up just copypasting what they perceived to be the important parts while also sprinkling their own ideas here and there, consisting most of the time in more gore and a dumber finale, which stick out as a sore thumb because it's obvious they weren't meant to be there. In Snyder's words this philosophy "saved the movie" from other potential directors trying to do their own thing
And yes, the finale is dumb. It was written and praised by some for "making more sense" for Earth's nations to unite against the familiar threat of Manhattan instead of a vague alien race... when the point of the ending is that such peace was never gonna realistically last in the first place
Characters act differently and more violently, except for the Minutemen in that pic they don't wear period costumes anymore for the sake of a modern AAA budget look despite the setting, music videos every two seconds, Rorschach jerkoff, Veidt was an obvious villain the moment he stepped in, the mystery and shock of the alien attack and Veidt's base is gone, and so forth. Snyder said reading the comic made him like capes when before he only read Heavy Metal and other more "mature" books, and it shows. His infatuation with the book starts and ends with the blood and blue penis. I don't blame him, he's not the only one, some reviewers liked the movie for that kind of novelty too, and the comics industry took books of the time like Watchmen and TDKR and thought they were meant to show capes in general should be more edgy and grimdark
Don't get me wrong, i still think it's an enjoyable watch, although too long maybe, but as far as adaptations go it's extremely superficial at best
>*changes her clothes in some random place that isn't her house and doesn't look the door"
>"Come on baby I know what you need"
I laughed at this. The Comedian was a piece of shit though.
Same here. He was probably murdered by the Comedian for stopping Sally's rape though.
Sort of. It's heavily implied that The Comedian misinformed another Minutemen member that Hooded Justice was some Russian child molester/murderer that was on the lamb and that's why he refused to ever let anyone see his face, leading that member to kill HJ.
This was to get back at HJ for voting him out of the Minutemen.
Mystic Dickstick best character. Best powers.
Malin Akerman's complete inability to act
me on the right
Not to mention he was a weirdo outside of his hero shit, that would actually make for a cool r-rated cape movie.
The Silk Spectre with her fringe look like my ex and made me uncomfortable during the whole movie
It seems like everybody who already read the book before the movie came out hated it. I read the book after and i'd say they did alright adapting it.
I agree, I was actually impressed with how much of it they were able to fit into the film. It's a shame we didn't get though.
Its visually disgusting due to it looking like the typical snydershit (aka it LOOKS fake as fuck in a terrible way)
It doesnt feel real which the comic actually does regardless of its even more ridiculous material. The movie has some good shots and it has a great cast but the visual style is terrible
Its "murky" and "grim" by sucking out all color and putting X colored (usually blue) filter on top
shitload of white privilege in the pic OP
Watchmen was a post-modern deconstruction of superhero tropes and the film adaptation was a generic capeshit film by Zack Snyder. That's not to say film adaptations need to be 100% faithful to their source material and can't stand on their own in their own medium. For example, Stephen King and his disciples really hate a lot of the choices Kubrick made in The Shining. However, Kubrick's film still stands on it's own as a great film independent from King's work for a whole myriad of reasons. Snyder's Watchmen does not.
Don't watch it on shitty YIFY, you poorfag third-worlder.
Literally a plot point in the movie faggotron
>you poorfag third-worlder.
My country literally pays me to go to school. Meanwhile you americucks had to have your foreskin sold to afford collememe
>show a shot of a bunch of red balloons
>99 red balloons starts playing
The comedian death was 10/10
Dr manhattans tramsformation was 10/10
Hollis masons deleted death was 10/10
The only mediocre parts were the silk spectr owlman parts
Nothing. Watchmen is practically unfilmable and we are lucky we got the shit we got. Because the fact it shouldnt be made, wouldnt stop execs from doing it.
Could have been way worse. Considering modern Hollywood the movie is a fucking miracle to exist as it does.
And yet all the complains you have about the movie are not related at all to direction. Blame the one who adapted it. Direction was spot on, most of the characters are perfect casts, like if they were born for those roles.
Minutemen movie when?
Garbage source material
Disney never surpassed it so their shills make this thread every two days
difference is when you get out you won't have a job
Everything was 10/10 but the ending change (blame Hayter and Tse) and some action scenes probably forced by execs to justify the 200m investment.
The rest of the movie is incredible even if its inferior to the source.
Well, if you are gonna make a MATURE film about Superheroes, that is also GROUNDBREAKING, you need to take one mature and groundbreaking work of art (Watchmen comic) and translate it all the way to the screen (The Watchmen movie) but making sure that you take everything to the EXTREME:
1. Violence - There was a guy breaking fingers and burning people in the comic, it was sorta groundbreaking for its time. So, what we need MORE VIOLENCE, this means that every important character in here needs to murder a lot of people, be involved into long slow-mo fight scenes and show their enemies die in very bloodly and EXTREME death scenes.
2. Sex - Masked vigilantes are actually shown having sex in the comic, it was sorta groundbreaking for its time. So, as we are UPGRADING the comic, we need a full soft-core sex scene like the ones we see all the time in a bunch of cheap pseudo-romantic films.
3. Plot - There were an enormous amount of plots and subplots within the original comics with a lot of it focused on character development and flashbacks, which was something unseen in comics. So, what we need to make it even BETTER, is to make a 3-hour long movie with as many plots and subplots you can fit in, but it's impossible to include everything, so we remove a lot of superficial stuff like THE MAIN PLOT IN THE COMIC, so we can focus on already mentioned slow-mo action and sex scenes.
Both silk spectres were bad but other than that is the best capeKINO so far
4. Themes - The comic was constructed with complex philosophical and emotional conflicts, creating a profound reflection of the human condition and our place on the universe. So, to translate it properly to film, what we need is to forget most of this nonsense nobody cares about, care only about some kinda ambiguous moral choices of the characters, so we keep the "philosophical tone" of the comic.
5 Characters - One of the greatest things of the original work are its complex 3-dimensional characters, that create a very human tale. So what we do? Take some actors that look alike, make them say some very relevant quotes from the comic in a very serious tone, and remove most flashbacks and most of their development so we can see them superficially, as all of this doesn't matter, since it's just a movie.
6. Increase the text amount to 3000 and the bump limit to 400 for Sup Forums already you piece of shit jap
Patrick Wilson was perfect as Nite Owl, and Jackie Earl Haley was a 10/10 flawless Rorschach. It should have been an HBO miniseries, thiugh.
hehe, what...,what if the movie is 9 hours long? that would fix it! im just a genius! hehe
I also believe the director mandates the changes on a famous ip micromanaged by exec boards! hehe fuck znydurhhh
I will also use cap lock on MATURE and EXTREME so I led people to believe Im smarter and wiser!
Zack Snyder is the king of cringeworthy melodrama.
I'd watch a Watchmen miniseries
*king of mythological drama and operatic atmosphere
Sorry, it was a ttypo
slow motion and cg rain != operatic atmosphere
everything after that frame in the movie
wrong, movie is shit
Get Noah Hawley to direct it and keep Patrick Wilson & JEH on board, and it would be kino
He got the joke.
Nothing asshole
>alesbian whore
>a literal mentally ill
>a sociopathic rapist
>a publicity stunt
>a vain slut
>two big fags
And Nite Owl who was the only normal one.
This is unfortunately accurate
Remember guys, when these movies look smart it's AAAALL thanks to Snyder, but when things go south obviously the execs magically come into play as they obviously tampered with his genius!
The times changed.
I’ll meet you on Mars for a drink and we can talk about it op
I hope Jackie Earle Haley gets a sweet DCEU role.
>Nothing. Watchmen is practically unfilmable
This has been said about tons of material, but some of them became very good films. Watchmen isn't one of them. Instead of "filming a comic book" they should have properly adapted it for the big screen. The pacing was horrible, the soundtrack was overbearing at times, and I never cared about any of the characters.
This. A well ADAPTED Watchmen would've played with live action capes tropes just like how the original did with comics, for example
>A well ADAPTED Watchmen would've played with live action capes tropes just like how the original did with comics, for example
Can you explain the difference or are you just really high right now?
Ironically, Comedian is the only one with a practical and non-silly costume.
Well, as a starter don't give the characters ultra modern costumes that make Nolan Batman's pake in comparison. But other than that i was thinking stuff like, dunno, Nite Owl's (the original) flashbacks playing like a '60s Batman episode
The point i tried to make is that the movie shouldn't have shied away from the fact that the characters looked dated and out of place, because they were out of place
Enjoy your college degree while you work at Mcdonalds
Captain Fried chicken and watermelon was too busy with muh dick business
Underrated post.
But who would watch you?
Everything went wrong!
Fuck the movie!
Read the graphic novel instead!
Literally not you braindead fuck
> Gugino
my guy
Snyder didn't get the joke.
He was a gay Nazi, what's not to love?
D. Boon died
The times they were becoming quite different
>What went wrong?
nothing, it is the only true capekino