Was she being a thot tho?
Because I've seen white girls walking around a music festivals literally ass naked and no one calls them sluts
Was she being a thot tho?
Because I've seen white girls walking around a music festivals literally ass naked and no one calls them sluts
Other urls found in this thread:
1) they do get called sluts
2) she's held to a higher standard
Little slut looks like the old guy in Temple of Doom. Only, instead, she's looking for Bangcock Palace.
Is there any context to this picture?
Why is Mr obama upset?
What the hell is a thot?
I cannot understand your urban bananaspeak.
This is why I stopped going to music festivals
Probably because his little girl was out acting like a whore. I'd be upset, too.
It's a nigger buzzword, pretty sure it means slut
Because naked women scare you?
That ho over there if I remember correctly
It stands for That Hoe Over There.
So it really boggles my Jimmies when they call someone a THOT.
"She's just a That Hoe Over There"
Niggers just can't make sense even with the shit they makeup themselves.
why should we converse with a piece of shit that uses ape lingo?
Her Hijab fell off.
i saw this on national geographic
dunno what the big deal is
That Hoe Over There
fuck me for knowing that
fucking hell they arent called sluts & whores nobody calls them that to their face because we're TRYING TO BANG THEM YOU THICK INBRED
& if one of y'all starts getting uppity about slut shaming guess what youre a fucking manwhore too bitch
> this is their first family, but it's Europe that's fucked
That is one happy looking family right there.
What the fuck is a thot?
I don't speak niggerbabble. Can someone translate this crap?
They're on the way out, if you were unaware.
underrated, fucking kek she does.
It has nothing to do with race it's because she's the presidents daughter
>its a "black people pretend Obama is ghetto and 'one of them' despite being raised by a single white mom in a comfy middle class all white upbringing" episode
wtf speak english you nigger OP gdamn.
You can LITERALLY put them in the most upscale neighborhood there is and they'll still act like thots.
Really makes you think.
It's nigger speak for shore
Thot means "that hoe over there"
I'm sorry I don't want to be sexually accosted while enjoying my favorite bands.
Contrary to popular opinion having a vagina doesn't entitle you to behave in any manner you like or in anyway make you interesting.
That's the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw that pic yesterday.
Malaria is a ho at Loompapalooza
His mom didn't even have that much of a hand in it, his all-white grandparents were probably the primary caretakers and influences. People raised by a single mother by herself don't become president.
>going to festivals to enjoy your favourite bands
haha lmao
is that her?
most young people, regardless of race and even sex, are thots
He's about to open a can of...
Not like she has his re-election to worry about
Girls gon be girls, the white girl right next to her was sluttier, just not as good at dancing as Malaria
Proper ass nignoging right there
okay so
alright look there is no FUCKING way you have ever been
>sexually accosted
at a festival. im a solid 7/10 hipsterfag & i got laid at Bumbershoot but i had to pick HER up. theres no fucking way pal.
She's black and twerks worse than the white girls she's with. She's also less meaty.
She needs to start acting proper.
The disappointment on that security's face
I remember this being the big meme when I was 7 years old.
>actually enjoying music
>not going just attention whore on social media and take mad dr00gz
I hate 2016
>white girls walking around a music festivals literally ass naked and no one calls them sluts
But they are, and people do.
>You a lil that ho over there out here
What was meant by this?
Yeah you're a queer.
You go to festivals to do molly or hallucinagens and hook up with sluts.
If you're not into that then music festivals aren't for you.
I can just imagine your autistic ass all pissed off in the crowd mumbling how everyone there is "degenerate" while being the only one not having fun.
Great goy. Let's discuss this burning issue. I was getting tired of Hillary's email bs.
guy looks like he wants to whip out his tiny dick and start jerking it right there
>okay so
>alright look
Yea open that mouth so I can piss in it.
So do I. Trump gives me hope we can do better, though. Especially stemming the tide of the global caliphate.
holy shit their girls are ugly
uglier than the average black girl
Pic related
Sup Forums everyone
Those hairlines are fucked huh
Michelle is one of the tranniest looking sheboons I've ever seen
The only thing that pisses me off is that they let that guy become a secret service agent. He's so out of shape, looks like he hasn't stepped in a gym in 2+ years. Seriously, even concert security guards are usually in better shape than him.
>Yeah you're a queer.
>You go to festivals to do molly or hallucinagens and hook up with sluts.
It's this predisposition that's ruined festival culture.
Or maybe it was always shit and I'm just a jaded old man now.
True. But there are much worse affirmative action celebs.
You must be old as shit.
Because music festivals have been like this since before woodstock.
Who's the chubby pale, is what I'd like to know.
Chubby Pale is best combined category.
So? Her father Obongo shits all over the Presidency and makes an ass of himself, why can't "his" kids do the same and shame our nation even more?
Yeah. How do you expect to go up the chain if you're stuck watching the kid. And then the kid acts like a dance whore.
>that guy is security
>easily 140kg
Jesus Christ America...
Oldfag here. The worst thing is music becomes shittier yet the mindless consumers, convinced through marketing firms, lap it up. Buddy Dean lost American Bandstand from that payola scandal. Too bad such ethics no longer exist.
i went to metal mayhem rockstar energy festival like 5 years ago
other than those whiskey infused energy drinks for like $9 which i had MANY of
there was an old lady there who i kept running into and everytime id see her shed go all "AYYYYY LMAO AVIATORS LETS SMOKE A BOWL MANN"
i was wearing aviators the whole day and through the night
anyway shed promptly pull out a glass pipe with weed in it and wed smoke that bowl
her granddaughter or daughter or adopted child or w/e was pretty hot and she was in a swim suit and covered in mud i assume from falling all over the place
she basically just continuously kept flailing her arms around with glowsticks dancing i assume she was on acid or something she didnt say a word
towards the end of the night Disturbed was on the stage and she was chilling near my group with the glowsticks things going on and she just collapsed to the ground and we were all like omg shes ded
nope. after a few moments she just got right back up with those glowsticks man shit was cash bro
i was fucking amazed at how many wasted AF people were literally ALL around us and then literally everyone of them drove away
Yeah you need big security when at events because they can bear-hug people and carry them away to break up fights.
You want some scrawny crossfit dude try to break up two big drunk Americans?
Have you seen bouncers at nightclubs?
Only requirement is to be tall and weigh a lot, weather it's muscle or fat.
Goddamn she's ugly as sin
that makes sense but I was under impression this guy is Secret Service or something
That shit crazy lol.
What's always funny is the medical tents set up for if people get alcohol poisoning or overdose.
Couple hours into the event and the medical section just smells like rotten vomit.
This guy was picked for size, yeah...
If the shooting starts he's a good shield... could probably absorb a few rounds without any vitals getting hit.
Trust me, there was way worse. I was front row for Cashmere Cat and Two Door Cinema Club, I saw the Obama Negress up close. Some of her security guards were scrawnier than me, and I'm 135 lb skeleton. How the fuck do they guys have jobs?
i've noticed in the past 5 years of going it's just more about drugs than seeing loads of bands you like now. FUCKING GET OUT REEEEEE
Music isn't getting shittier. You should try out Spotify, old fag. Music is so easy and inexpensive to access now that calling people who listen to music a lot 'consumers' -as in the mindless drone type- isn't really applicable. At this point it costs almost nothing so there's no mental gymnastics to convince ourselves that the CD we just dropped $13 on is actually good. At this point you either like what you hear or you move on.
Try out Spotify, Google Play Music, or Apple Music, my man. Really.
That pic is like 3 years old though. It has nothing to do with what Malia did a few days ago.
Oh lol he seems like private security hired by the event to stop fights and manage lines and what not.
The Secret Service members that are in charge of protecting the presidential family are hard core operators.
Held to extremely high standards.
that's what I thought
but they're probably out of sight somewhere
I've heard a few decent new songs, but I was always picky. I'm fine with my Hendrix, Marley and some Zeppelin and Beatles.
Yeah either out of sight or dressed in plain clothes conceal carrying nearby.
>held to extremely high standards
>are fired because they hire prostitutes when abroad
Lots of body fat to absorb incoming freedom lead.
I thought this was them at their recent vacation drop? See the girl's height.
>It's this predisposition that's ruined festival culture.
Yes. Held to high standards.
That's why when they fuck up and hire prostitutes they get fired.
How did you not think this while typing that out?
One thing I do remember is a while back a secret service member (or maybe it was FBI) left his weapon in his car which was stolen after someone broke into it.
That's an unforgivable mistake.
This is what you get for being an """"atheist""""
Used to work with them, and you're both right and wrong. Most used to be "hardcore operators" but not anymore, the longer and higher they get in the service the dumpier they get. There's a pick out there of her detail in casual but some how still uniform (they were all wearing plaid button ups and cahkis). The vest automatically makes you look chubby but, these guys aren't in the same shape as they once was.
only those who adapt survive
Americans are evolving
>Used to work with them
any more info?
Even operators get old.
But I'm sure they keep up with fitness enough to perform well, especially the ones watching the family.
I'll bet their weapon proficiency has only improved as they age and rack up hours at the range.
that was the DEA sven
You can raise a nigger in the most upscale neighborhoods possible, send them to the highest level public schools, do everything you can to raise it "right" and it will still revert back to its nigger origins and act out. It can't be helped, the nigger will always be a filthy savage nigger animal, one small step above an ape.
things change and i dont like it!
quit being a faggot and get laid
what in the fuck is a thot you dumb monkey
>That Hoe Over There
>quit being a faggot and get laid
Damn, it's on national news too. You'd think she learned her lesson after drinking underage at her tour of potential colleges
Nothing special, really. Chatted with some of the office bound guys a lot, and they gossiped like school girls. Getting the potus detail was more politics and less resume.
>no one calls them sluts
did he fired?
>music is getting worse i tell ya!!
shit meme, you old fuck
That's the truth, to a certain extant, but the job doesn't have the same fitness requirements. Like most jobs some people only do the bare minimum. By that point in their career, resume means less (because there everyone's got a resume), and politics play a bigger role.
Now shooting to can be a toss up also. I've never shot with them but the former military guys always shit on the former cops about shooting.
Requesting that comparison of the lyrics of a Beyonce song with seven producers to Queen.