We discuss it and related movies and information.
We discuss it and related movies and information.
Wet floors
Prometheus was miles better than this.
And comically evil Fassbender was such a poor directing desicions when what made him shine were his more subtle vallain roles (magneto, macbeth)
I'm gonna need more of an incentive if you want quality discussion.
two hours of wheat farming? didnt bother with this one OP, didn't need the Monsanto programming shoved down my throat.
The polymorph from Prometheus turned into a mountain
Next alien movie should have no dialog
>"S-stupid human!"
Rape, farming and names or nicknames pointing towards Southern US.
My main problem is that they keep messing it up.
Final form xenos are shown in Prometheus, before David designs them, so what gives?
Still no clear explanation on what the goo is and does. Everyone acts like the Engie planet is their only planet, which is 100% unlikely.
The movie has no clear focus, no real main character, no real main plot.
It is a horror movie, is it a colonisation movie, is it an evil android movie, none of these?
The low tier shower scene just made me sad. Complete with a grinning alien.
Danny is a child-like version of Ripley, and like the child she looks like, she's completely monotone.
I wasn't as disappointed as I expected, but I'm nonplussed to an impressive point.
I love urban neurosis in kino.
Attempt at making sense:
>Engie civilisation
>they have the goo
>the goo can mess up with DNA
>they use it both to create life and to destroy it; the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away
>for some potentially religious reason, one of them is sacrificed to give birth to life on our planet
>they visit us in our infancy and leave a map on some cave walls
>they don't contact us for millennia
>we find the map
>we go check that shit out
>we send the dumbest experts known to us
>biologist who's scared of an alien life form when dead, but immediately afterwards finds a snake-like hissing monster very kawai and decides to kiss it
>a geologist gets lost in a cave
>their captain sees where they are but says he doesn't know where they are, despite the 3D map in front of him, making me believe it was le epic conspiracy time, but no
>goo contaminates people
>people react variously
>contaminated fertilising happens
>results in squid fetus
>squid fetus infects Engie
>results in proto xeno, never to be seen again, red-herring
>David and his bitch go to the Engie's homeworld
>genocides them all with what they intended for us
>David kicks into autismo mode and designs xenos as bio weapons, when the goo alone is deadly enough
>the goo can now fly and directly creates xenos inside people
>one wonders why there's a face-hugger cycle at all after that
>one wonders how the Engies had sculptures of final xenos long before David designed them
>one wonders how Engies had skin armor designed like the xeno's skin before David did anything
Just wut.
Deacons existed before xenomorphs, either as the source of the black goo or as one of the creations; David just reverse engineers them and makes a bunch of different versions of them (neomorphs, xenomorphs)
>either as the source of the black goo
How so?
> David just reverse engineers them
From? How? Where? David and Ripley 2.0 leave the planetoid without the deacon creature.
>be Weyland
>create androids
>doesn't think of creating brains and replacing bits of one's own brain, little by little, by new android brains; same with other organs
>immortality obtained
Too bad Weyland is a retard compared to me.
Alien IP just needs to fucking stop. Theres no new ideas whatsoever for movies >Everyone and their dog knows the Xenomorph, the fachugger - they arent scary
>Engineers had potential, until they got turned into 6ft5 boney albino space retards that get fucked by humans and xenos
>Last two movies have utterly destroyed the lore and lack any sort of consistency or direction, causing more confusion and questions
>Evil Fassbender
>David, ask him what a "continuity editor" is.
Batty asks his creator for more life, Weyland asks his creator for more life. Batty kisses his creator before he kills him, David does the same to Walter. Echoing movies all around.
Ripley Scott got Lucasis.
>subtle in any way
what the fuck are you on?
David is a narcissist like his father. Mental illness is contagious.
I can't believe how much I enjoyed Danny Mcbride's acting in this
t. someone who didn't get the movie
The deacons already existed, which was the mural on the wall (we've never seen a full grown deacon but that's what makes the most sense). And the facehugger still exists because that's what creates xenos, the airborne pollen substance only creates neomorphs.
I agree with this, but he isn't evil. He's just obsessed with the same things his father was obsessed with. He is still after all, just an android.
I need to see it for second time at home, but I really liked it in the cinema.
The pacing was terrible, tho. It felt extremely rushed, especially the landing/exploring.
Any hope for DC or extended version?
I mean, he is a narcissistic mass murderer with a god complex and an obsession with creating the perfect life form. Evil is subjective, but he is most definitely an asshole
no arguments there
I was sure the captain in Prometheus was part of a conspiracy too when I first saw it.
>David kicks into autismo mode and designs xenos as bio weapons
That's not really what he does. The Goo is a bioweapon, David just likes creating horrid creatures.
>destroyed the lore
Back to /reddit/, son.
Doubt it, at least for now. I would bet on extended cuts when the prequel series is finished (assuming they let Ridley make more) and they release a set of all of them. Hopefully the old man stays alive long enough for that.
I have read the studio asked Ridley to do a DC for Prometheus and he refused.
Has anyone read the novelization yet? Is it any good?
>The deacons already existed, which was the mural on the wall
Good luck showing that it's a deacon and not a regular xeno. Also, why would you assume deacons already existed considering you need:
- a human to be infected
- another human to be fertilised by the former
- and an Engine to be facefucked by the latter's baby
That sounds highly unlikely in every way.
But go ahead, I'm curious to see what you have.
>The Goo is a bioweapon
Not always. Sometimes they create life with it.
Here's my take on it:
1. A smooth transition from the mess that was Prometheus is impossible without any continuity errors.
2. Probably a form of Neomorph. We see Neomorph looking things hatching from the engineers when they get GOOED.
Alien Covenant and Prometheus are extremely subtextual to a fault, they hardly do a thing with the lofty themes they invoke and set up to use. There's no exploration of these ideas, they're simply there. In the last movie we basically have this fragment of an idea, that a creator wants to kill its creation for its pride, and we're meant to just vaguely hold on to that idea ourselves as we're treated to an action horror movie about an exploding space ship.
The biggest utterance these movies are willing to make is that consciousness desires to create more conciousnessness, and that there is a life cycle between creator and creation. Besides that, there isn't much going on in these movies except an invitation to meditate on the concept. Ridley probably enjoys creating these movies more than most people enjoy watching them, I get the vibe that it's a spiritual journey for him but really not anyone else.
That's true my man. I wonder if it's programmable, or if it's the amount that matters.
On one hand I think it's cool that details are left vague so fans can have a lively discussion, but on the other hand I do want some answers and I'm pretty sure they just went with whatever sounded cool and are making it up as they go.
I don't have any proof so I suppose I'm letting my head-canon take over as facts. For what it's worth, I think Prometheus is an extremely flawed movie in terms of continuity. I just assumed the engineers knew about xenos/deacons/whatever because of the mural.
Honestly this is probably the best answer you're going to get.
In the end it's probably pointless to argue/speculate because Ridley might not even know what he's doing at this point.I can see how people really into the Alien lore/canon/continuity would be turned off by these movies.
no john, you are the reddit
Someone explain to me the wheat
I liked it a lot until I thought about it later. Really was a generic action flick. But The android drama/fights were kino. Even though anyone with half a brain saw that twist coming as soon as they saw David.
They'll retcon it in the next film
>I just assumed the engineers knew about xenos/deacons/whatever because of the mural.
Many had assume the xeno was worshipped as a God, because it allowed them technology. The idea being that they found the xeno somewhere.
The whole chapel thing was designed that way, with a cruciform xeno, an alter, and the whole black goo being like the body of Christ, which you swallow and it transforms you into "God".
Prometheus is like 15 great ideas put together, but never pushed more than the early stages of each of them. A fucking shame.
Like having an 8-inch long dick and only fucking with the head of it.
>Pleb critics hate it cause they didn't get it again
>Pleb critics hated Prometheus cause too much Engineers and no aliens
>Pleb critics now complain that too much alien and no Engineers
>user here values that Scott is trying to make movies "smarter" in terms of philosophical content that is too much4plebs
>user here agrees that scientists are stupid fucktards, but horror movies never work without them
>Le smart scientist: "lets quarantine and burn these fuckers" - Gets tfo the creepy planet - movie ends.
>Engineers are not dead, it's just an outpost. Killing the race would be idiotic as Engies are supposed to be super advanced space traveling race older than humanity.
>user is slightly bothered that they needlesly complicated plot with "David creates Xenos" when it was easier to say Xenos already existed and were the final stage of the black goo... or that Engies developed black goo from Xeno species, but fuck that, lets go with David then.
>user asks if they just took a huge steamy dump on AvP lore? Cause David wasn't around when Preds built pyramids. I know the AvP movies are bad, but they were canon till now. user kinda liked the premise.
>user heard that Prometheus was originally different. Something about Prometheus planet actually being LV-46, awakened engie being chestburster infected and trying to escape but dying and crashing the ship that eventually gets discovered in Alien 1.
Engineers engineered wheat. There you go.
>When you close your eyes, do you dream of me?
>I don't dream at all.
>Nobody knows the lonely perfection of my dreams.
Reminder that the space jockey was not an Engie in a suit. He was way too huge for that. And he was one with the machinery.