Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
The obvious
Jezza is moist
Then pic related can take over to play old Jezza.
Who will depict her ?
Idris Elba
Oh god no. Those are scenes that I never want to see depicted on screen.
Fuck. I can see this working.
I can do that!
>When you think you've won but you just forced your cucked enemies to unite with literal white nationalists to retain power
>tfw hate these people but kind of want to make a movie because the casting works out so nicely
How did this guy not win? The other side literally said she wants to change human rights and put everyone's internet under constant surveillance?
Did Sargon get BTFO today... again?
That's actually 10/10 casting
Leslie Nielsen
Holy shit, just get him some facial hair on the cheeks, a little weight down and they're like twins.
Goddamn this thread is making me want to become a casting director.
>How did this guy not win?
the NORN IRON OLSTER UNIONISTS consented to form a coalition government. on a more personal level that involved having to fight every day against being undercut by the feckless cunts of deadweights in his own party Corbyn *did* win. we also had a peculiar vindication here of Donald Trump's insistence that the mainstream media was well out of touch, except in this case it was a poke in the eye for the shiteing cunt media and a serious upset for that piece of shit Murdoch. lively times
Because he's a commie douchebag.
They're both awful choices and the parties should be ashamed for ever having made them their leaders.
>tfw just found out Tony Blair is godfather to one of Rupert Murdoch's kids