Umm, what exactly did she mean by this?
Umm, what exactly did she mean by this?
Feminists strongly believe that men's rights are rapists rights. It's actually catchphrase of theirs. No I'm not memeing
Amy Poehler knows who her only audience is.
Men are horseshit and deserve nothing.
Men's rights, like a lot of right-leaning issues, involves the powerful whining about how they are the truly oppressed minority. This joke illustrates that to comedic effect.
I'm a guy and I think she's funny.
"Rights" are a social construct for the weak. Strong men don't need "rights", they just do whatever the fuck they want.
Shea correct
She's right, men's rights folks are laughable.
>t. Ron Swanson
>tumblr tourists
>Sup Forums tourists
Please go back, friends!
early thread bait or literally retarded person
Go back to grindr.
>y-y-you Tumblr tourist!
Right, faggot. That must be the case. Cry some more.
Has she seen the state of modern feminism?
>le centrist meme
I bet you're "agnostic" too, you sexy little twink.
Oh look, a psychopath.
Stay mad, cunt.
Outside of memes and twitter, it really isn't some apocalypse like you people pretend.
unfortunately your average male rights activist isn't like warren farrell. the seemingly over the top depiction in this scene is probably too tame.
women are selfish despicable solipsistic cunts for the most part but that is still less innately gross than the hordes of pathetic males out there
>or literally retarded person
No, that would be you and your fellow redditors from r/MensRights and r/PussyPass.
You the one who seems triggered enough to respond to me about how mad you are.
That's because it literally doesn't exist outside of memes and Twitter. Who even identifies as a feminist any more?
>women are selfish despicable solipsistic cunts for the most part
You sound like you get a lot of pussy
Not that I'm aware of.
If you live in a first world western country you're not oppressed, so their can be no 'truly' about it, men are about as 'oppressed' as women (that is to say, they aren't), hate to break it to you.
I used to think that, then I started dating this girl who dropped the word "problematic" on me a few times and unironically complained about "old white men in positions of power".
I can feel the heat radiating from you ravaged, swollen backside all the way over here.
you sound like a waste of carbon
Honestly, What is wrong with being a centrist? Are you so obsessed with picking sides?
You sound retarded.
Yeah, they're not common but they exist. I've met a total of two people who called themselves feminists and they were both revolting overweight neon hairs, fit the stereotype to a tee. And people wonder why feminism is a laughing stock.
>hrrrrngh women won't fuck me we should pass a law that requires them to touch my dick!
>lmao sweety I know you won't fuck me let me give you a 300 page dissertation on how much I don't care, I have so much more time for activities like drinking craft beer and talking about craft beer did I mention I don't care you won't touch my dick
Yeah, ok Sup Forums
This one looks perfectly normal, took me by surprise. The only other new wave feminists I met were hippies living in communes, easy to avoid.
>le Sup Forums boogieman
It's not gonna happen, reddit.
>he's a nice guy around women
lel, he probably gets more pussy than you.
Triggered much? :^)
Men do get fucked by the courts in America when it comes to things like sentencing and custody so I don't think it's fair to dismiss critics of that as angry sexists.
The left can only argue by calling people racist or sexist, their actual arguments don't stand up to criticism, hence their anti free speech streak. Just point and laugh at their death spiral like everyone else.
>being this delusional
I bet you think negging works
>doesn't deny it
It does. You must be fucking hideous if it doesn't work for you lmao.
>I can't handle organized opposing viewpoints, but if I pretend they are all a meme, I don't have to address them seriously.
cognitive dissonance is beautiful
>woman are disgusting cunts and I neg them
Literally angry beta logic
Back to
There are minor issues with custody rights but they are in no way as extreme as most of the MRA community believes. I am all for paternal rights and giving them more legal responsibility and access to care, but MRAs cry that the sky is falling.
You are trying really hard to pretend you aren't furious.
Men have it worse than women in modern society, you literally can't prove me wrong.
>cognitive dissonance
That doesn't mean what you think it means.
t. uggo
Sorry about ur inferior genes lol
Liberals deserve to be mocked, not debated. They've already proven themselves to be subhuman.
t. reddit
>Men have it worse than women in modern society
Lol no they don't, not in the slightest. That isn't even white knighting or some shit. That's just laughably absurd to say in the western world.
>you are ugly if you don't mock women
Right, you must be drowning in puss.
You're sitting on your piss stained chair right now, vibrating in sheer anger. You're so mad you've actually developed a headache, but you're too angry to get up and get an aspirin. Instead you sit their, bellowing and cursing at some pixels on the screen like a raging bull.
Well you sure convinced me. How can people not take Sup Forums seriously with such airtight arguments?
>doesn't deny it
>tfw you're a tall handsome nice guy and you get laid without all that much effort whenever you feel like it
>spending all this effort
>lying on the internet
Nothing I just said was a lie.
They do
>worse jobs
>harsher punishments for the same crimes
>much more likely to die at work
>more likely to join the army
>more likely to be a victim of every single crime except rape
>far more likely to commit suicide
>get screwed over in domestic disputes
>expected to be the breadwinner
>have to listen to some stupid cunt go on for hours about how gosh darn hard she has it for having to see a man with his legs apart on the bus
What I wouldn't give for some of that female privilege.
>tfw people on Sup Forums actually believe this
>tfw Sup Forums is tumblreddit
>you literally can't prove me wrong.
You have had voting and property rights for over 200 straight years, unperturbed. This a joke post, right?
I am. Thanks for noticing. Don't worry though, champ, I'm sure male feminists get all the tail.
I feel like MRAs are just a strawman. Do they even exist outside of small corner of the internet?
>more likely to join the army
That's entirely their doing though, why complain about it?
Don't forget
>no affirmative action
>colleges are mostly women
It's honestly funny watching women whine about how hard they have it, kind of like an absurdist a joke.
Meant to say
>more likely to die in the army
Men are killed disproportionate to their population in the military.
These threads always attract low level white knight bait posters I wish sometimes the pattern would change though.
pic unrelated I guess
>worse jobs
>harsher punishments for the same crimes
For some crimes, you got that one.
>much more likely to die at work
That is somehow the fault of women?
>more likely to join the army
And? This is voluntary.
>more likely to be a victim of every single crime except rape
Autistic as shit statement out of feeders.
>far more likely to commit suicide
Which is the fault of women?
>get screwed over in domestic disputes
You have this one.
>expected to be the breadwinner
This isn't a real point. Just a complaint.
>have to listen to some stupid cunt go on for hours about how gosh darn hard she has it for having to see a man with his legs apart on the bus
I bet you know no actual woman who has ever complained about manspreading.
Face it, most of this is just unsubstantiated crying about boogeyman phantoms. Only two of these points were worth discussing. Ever think that you just have your own very obvious problems with women?
I don't know, I don't browse Sup Forums. Libtars though are like stupid trained monkeys, nothing more than ridiculous charicatures of themselves for us higher beings to mock and laugh at.
>colleges are mostly women
I think you may literally exist in an alternate timeline. Ablooo Ablooo though! Life must be so hard because women are people who exist!
Oh, that's because women in the army rarely have what it takes for "combat" units so they end up working desk jobs, infirmary, base restaurant and stuff like that.
*feefees not feeders
You are just generalizing and parroting Sup Forums talking points. You understand that, right?
>facts make you reddit
Absolutely yes. How many female garbage collectors are their? Sewer workers? Miners? Farmers?
The last one was sort of tongue in cheek. Note I'm not blaming women for this, men mostly do it to themselves, I'm laughing at the notion the majority of women face any real struggle in our modern feminized society (majority of men don't either, but at least they have some legitimate gripes).
>trying this hard
You don't have to do those jobs, kiddo. That isn't being oppressed. Stop with these silly MRA points
You're telling the story, like I said, I don't browse Sup Forums. I formed my opinion on the subhuman nature of liberal thought from watching these hapless inferiors in the wild. What other group of "people" can simultaneously believe gender is a social construct while stating sex reassignment surgery can supposedly fix a social construct? Libcunts, that's who.
>men have legitimate gripes
>but women don't at all
I'm guessing you don't get the irony in how autistic you are.
Then women choosing not to be CEOs or engineers isn't oppression either.
Name some, then. All I can think of is having a slightly higher chance of being raped.
>anyone even remotely left-leaning is,a subhuman
>this is a rational opinion I hold concerning millions of people
If you are seriously this unhinged, you need real help.
Reproductive rights, faggot.
Also something nobody said.
It's only about as half as hard as my cock is right now. Sorry bub, booty calls. Have fun white knighting though, I'm sure m'lady will reward you with a kiss one day!
Kek women have like a 4 in 1 statistically higher chance of getting raped when compared to men. You have to be baiting me. You can look these numbers up..
abortion? You know some of the loudest opponents of this are women, right? I think abortion should be legal (America would look like Brazil if it wasn't) but the women's rights angle doesn't really work when so many 'pro lifers' are women.
>not calling women disgusting cunts is white knighting
Nope. Just liberals. I respect communists more than liberals because, though their opinions are retarded, those opinions have conviction that isn't swayed by some bs flavor of the month activism. The tards down at Evergreen are worthy of nothing but unrelenting scorn and mockery, which they're receiving.
>some women are pro lifers so that means I can outright ignore reproductive rights as an issue.
You are absolutely retarded. We aren't talking about just abortion but female contraceptives, healthcare and general medical coverage. It most certainly isn't completely fair for women.
>he thinks insulting someone is negging
Lol, leave your basement once in a while, kid.
>still generalizing
Depends where you live.