Are there any video essays like this for Marvel films?
Are there any video essays like this for Marvel films?
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youtube has a search engine, try typing in
"loser virgin talks about stupid capeshit for a half hour using surface level observations that anybody who finished high school could point out."
Imagine being this butthurt mouseshill
>M-MCU is supposed to be braindead
Huh I guess that means re/tv/it never finished high school
This Pajeet is really insecure after being called out so many times.
Are you going to sperg over dead muslims in this thread aswell?
no, because marvel fans aren't autistic
You mean a video trying to convince people that a terrible movie is not a terrible movie?
People aren't dumb you know. Although Iron Man 2 could use one.
You mean Marvel fans are kids. Because don't fool yourself into thinking Disney is making the films for you. They're kids movies which you're awfully obsessed over pretending are anything but.
>b-but all capeshit is bad
spare us, we know how your script goes.
no because marvel flicks don't require an intelligence
How is a terrible movie? You're just mad that years of shitposting the same inane shit over and over again and one simple video elegantly ousted the marvel drone army as major hypocrites.
Excuse you, pappi
>this Pajeet going wild scouring twitter after Mexican accounts instead of just replying to OP
Goes to show just how good Marvel is. They can't even defend their films. Easier to just DDOS twitter users.
For the last time, reddit, jesus metaphors don't fix a shitty capeshit movie.
Yeah i'm terribly mad at a movie because i'm 4 years old.
Mentally, probably. Cuck Evansposters are the saddest fucks around.
For example does hiro know you let her advertise for free?
Instead of just replying to OP, they are more interested in spamming links to twitter. Again things are made abundantly clear that the Marvel drone army is more interested in shitposts war than actually talking about film. After all, they seem more interested in "hyping" up Marvel films than actually talking about them in a constructive manner. Little wonder, when the subject is intellectual McDonald's. I pity them.
So there is none? Maybe something as shallow as MCU has nothing to discuss. It's like a drug that's only wortwhile while the high lasts.
when the first post is also the best post
>DCbro makes threads about films he enjoys
>marvelpajeet obsessed with DC but is too insecure to ever mention Marvel because he knows DCbros will bully his kiddy quipshit so hard he'll feel the butthurt to the next Big Bang
And round and round it goes
Meanwhile Logan its the best capeshit ever done
12 times? Oh no, this totally makes up for the hundreds of times Evansfaces have been posted in every DC thread to desperately cover up the fact that Marvel is artistically and creatively bankrupt.
dcucks continually getting exposed
Take the console wars to Sup Forums, please.
>still nothing posted
I'm still waiting. Or are you going to insist on shitposting instead?
>posts on Sup Forums too
And yet we're supposed to believe that Sup Forumss problems come from locals
>BB, TDK, Unbreakable, IM1 and X2 didn't exist
"Only certain aspects are interpretation. The citadel is definitely phallic imagery. Kal El was launched through the roof of this phallic object and thus it was unambiguously an ejaculation of kal el into the cosmos. That is not just my interpretation, that is what the director intended.
The birth of kal el does definitely match the final scene of this movie. That is unambiguously true that the director intended the final scene to be the birth of superman.
It is unambiguously true that luke 536 is being represented symbolically when he steals the clothes. Clark being in tattered and torn clothing, the passage from luke 536 discussing torn clothing as a parable for one to distinguish between the new and old testament. 536 is on the door of the house that the camera focuses in on. This is intentional, this is not a coincidence.
It is also unambiguously true that the director intended the world engine to be contractions. They fit the exact description women give during contractions. If Krypton is the father (phallic imagery) then Earth is undoubtedly the mother.
There are some things that ARE just my interpretation absolutely, but I argue the big picture was intentional by the filmmakers, namely Zack Snyder. "
Holy shit this guy is fucking dumb.
He's right about everything. All you can do is point and scream lacking the intelligence to actually express yourself properly.
>phallic imagery
no you idiot, the father represents the old way and the mother represents the new, the old being the old testament and the new being the new testament
You mad, DumbChad? Write a letter to your prophet Snyder to strike me down for my insolence!
fucking joke bitch
>MCU is supposed to be dumb and shit
did it, saw some of them, all they did talk about continuity and stuff everyone can see without any deep analyzes
Marlels brought the War. To. Us.
So nothing? Does this confirm Marvel as kiddyshit flicks and nothing else?
I want to watch the 4 hours finished cut they have somewhere.
This is nu-christian pleb crap. He is projecting and interpreting what he wants into it.
After watching the behind the scenes featurette of this movie (3 hours long) I can tell you that none of what this guy is talking about was in there at all. They don't even mention anything about the Jesus scene in the movie.
The movie was simply a sci-fi based modern take on Superman as if no other superman movie had been made before. It's that simple. There's no deeper meanings or underlining themes.
Here is a better video on the movie, Pablo
>What happens in the film doesn't count, here this is small extras video that does
What a massive retard. Of course they're not going to fucking mention that Superman killing Zod mirrors his birth on Krypton as symbolic to his overall ascension from Clark to Superman.
Why do capeshitters only ever compare their films to other capeshit? Is it because you know they're shit when compared to actual cinema?
tell that to the video creator
He points that out. Krypton is the old Testament, Earth is the New Testament. He explicitly points this out.
If only this guy spent as much time on studying something like economics or medicine or engineering, as he does on making capeshit essays, he would not be so much of a loser.
Man of Steel requires you to be atleast 25+ to appreciate its themes of coming into adulthood and sacrifice.
t. 25 year old
This. Most capeshit is not worth more than a 6/10 and Im being pretty generous.
Hulk 2003 is cinema tho doesnt matter how many times people post that single scene of the guy exploding
What makes you think he isn't? I study medicine and I love Snyder films precisely because they require some rewatching before truly grasping. It's part of the charm in a genre lacking of discussion.
Also, I will add that the loser is the one screaming loser at others on a Mandarin Origami site.
at least i'm not underage like some other losers here
I dont want to enter into meme territory since I dont consider Snyder films particularly complex, but yes, this is true.
MCU film discussions last 2 days. What was your favorite quip, your favorite explosion, where do you think the plot will go now?, easter eggs, post credit scene and done. Thats the whole discussion. Then the marketing machine for the next movie starts and people talk about trailer, images, tweets and shit.
But the MCU movies dont favor discussion
no because most mavvel fans aren't autistic enough to make something this stupid.
1, Most Marvel fans are kids and Marvel films are made for those kids so yes you might be right about that.
2, You are painting yourself as that which you accuse others of being.
Kek there is, but even then Dark Knight was hailed as the pinnace of the genre
1. True, most marvel fans are kids. That's their core audience and they make great kid friendly movies most of the time. I am neither a kid or a fan of Marvel.
2. How am I painting anything. I pointed out that the video is stupid and its creator is autistic. Both true.
How many times have you pointed that out now? You sound very stupid and very autistic to me to be frank.
He's 19
The guy use to pretend he was 30 until his shit was exposed
What the fuck are you even talking about you mentally ill fuck?
>What makes you think he isn't?
Because someone who is actually smart prefers making essays on solutions for world problems rather than making autistic observations of capeshit piss?
Also everyone on the Internet studies medicine these days, how nice.
Ok I'll take that as a compliment I guess. But no, making video essays can be a hobby for some, just as reading is for others. There is nothing peculiar about it, unless you think a guy recording some thoughts on a film is hard work. And if you do, then I pity you.
Why does this guy pretend that MoS/BvS don't exist as great pieces on superhero deconstruction? Hell, we had that all the way back with Watchmen where the characters are explicitly poking fun at comic-book conventions. Whoever made this makes Logan look like some one-of-a-kind shot at deconstructing the superhero genre when we've had such films for years now. He's just willingly ignoring those to strengthen his argument of "reaching the point of exhaustion". It doesn't become as effective when you credit other works in the genre dealing with the subject aswell.
>making video essays can be a hobby for some, just as reading is for others
Reading is a learning experience.
Making an essay on capeshit piss is pure autism and pointless philosophizing.
If an engineer made essays on how a swing works, he'd be regarded as an idiot.
If an engineer made essays on housing ventilation systems, he'd be making a case for much needed area of improvement in housing development and architecture.
Don't mix apples and oranges.
DChads compare Man of Steel to Terrence Malick, BvS and Watchmen with Kubrick. They respect all forms of kino but Marlels have to compare their movies to DC. Even though there's no competition the record has to be set straight.
You sound extremely mad that nobody will ever give two shits about your shitty Marvels. It's ok, atleast you get your guaranteed dopamine surge as focus-tested by Disney's businessmen.
Don't you ever use Malicks name in those entry level trash flicks and directors, Sup Forums drone
fuckin hilarious
This post is, if it wasn't as sad in its tragic attempt to downplay discussion by forcing humor into it.
Shit, just like the marvel movies. Poetry huh?
I don't find any difference between your American inner-joke comic book brand wars.
It's like comparing which shit smells more, both are shit either way.
It's all capeshit piss to me. Useful only as guilty pleasure.
Ah yes, it's this part of the script now.
>I'm going to pretend the whole genre is as dumb as my Marvels, that way I will get my win by default
Nobody's falling for this old trick MCUck.
>my overpowered manbabies who punch buildings are better than your overpowered manbabies who punch buildings
You Americans make me laugh.
I don't think you understand what that term means. Deconstruction isn't an umbrella term.
He never said Logan was a deconstruction.
>Logan is a masterpiece because it references a western halfway through and also Logan is in pain
Damn, what a masterpiece. He talked more about his fucking paradigm shift theory than the actual film.
Like I said, it's now that part of the MCUck script.
Watch him go at it for two more hours.
All while pretending he's too smart for these threads, he will linger around like Gonorrhea does.
Because they haven't seen more as actual depth like picture related is "pretentious" and not governed by video-game sensibilities. For example do you really believe someone like OP has seen something as mainstream and accessible as Lav Diaz most accessible film to date "Norte, the End of History"? Of course not and the best part is that it has the same themes they push for this trash, but it's authentic unlike this
Capeshit is mental Gonorrhea so you got that part correct at least.
He said that it was demythologizing its superheroes only to reaffirm the myth. Basically he's oblivious to the fact that every superhero film goes through this arc in some manner, some less substantial as others. Hell even fucking Iron Man 3 did this. It broke down Tony to his core, portrayed him as an alcoholic and a failure and then rebuilt his myth again.
I'll never get why Superman killing Zod triggers people. Though the character never crossed my mind between the Cartoon Network Justice League shows and this film.
I've said two more hours. Look as I post and he'll keep go on. He'll linger around but he also wants to look "too smart for capeshit" so he'll do his stock reaction images in the hopes of being seen as better than other anons.
>durr this movie is a masterpiece because it talks about a supehero finding themselves in a world different from themselves and growing up
>just like every other superhero in history
This man needs to lay off the pseudo-intellectual smoke.
People don't mind. The people who mind it are those who think that Captain America's phony smile should be the default mode for superheroes.
Superman's actions in MoS properly propels him as an ideal of hope, a man embodying the ideals of two worlds, knowing that reality is more than two extremes but rather a complex world where ideals must be considered and weighed up against each other. It's him navigating in that world that makes him a superhero worthy of his iconic image.
pseudointellectual [soo-doh-in-tl-ek-choo-uh l]
a person exhibiting intellectual pretensions that have no basis in sound scholarship.
a person who pretends an interest in intellectual matters for reasons of status.
of, relating to, or characterized by fraudulent intellectuality; unscholarly.
Ayyyy, you got us m8. I admire your enlightened mind.
feels good triggering resident marlels
Probably not because the marvel movies don't need 20 minutes of hardcore reaches to convince people they're good
What hardcore reaches?
Not saying this is always a bad thing, but definitely this. about 90% of the MCU is brain in neutral. Fun films, enjoyable even, but they've never been anything that's fascinated me with their level of detail, intricacy, and re-watchability.
MoS is in too 5 cape movies of all time though
>this trash video comes out before the invasion
>even the MoS drones call it trash
>3 years after the Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and star wars 7 invasion
>entry level plebs praise it
What went so horribly wrong and how do we get swaglord out
Pic related is what happens when kids try to appear intelligent.
It's also the personification of the kind of people who think this capeshit is any good.
>He's still LARPing this hard
You can stop now. Nobody's falling for it. We know it hurts you seeing Marvel outdone so hard in every way possible.
How hard has this thread triggered on a scale of 10 to 11?
Same butthurt posts, same IP count. One might wonder if it's the same MCUck on damage control.
>capeshit tries to be intelligent
>it superficially copies the Bible and act of birthing
>like 2000 others films did
It's sad how lacking in kino watching experience one must be to be praise this as something special.
IP count is the same. How hard have you samefagged this thread? Be honest now.
How upset are you that you weren't here in 2013 when the flick released and much like Avengers 1 only Sup Forums cancer praised it?
How upset are you that you weren't even here when the op video released and no one praised it either?
You can't even prove to me wrong because again you weren't here. You're not authentic or sincere
Also the first reply
"Larping" it's called role playing here on a Sup Forums board that still holds up old ideals you utter fucking tourist
>here in 2013
I was here in 2005 you fucking tryhard shitskin. You think you're tough with this fucking act but all it makes you look is the Marvelfaggot you are. You weren't even here when TDK was dominating this board for several months.
>first reply
>IP count is the same
Damn, Marvelfag is not only a try hard poser but also a lying fuck. I hope Disney pays enough for you to waste our time.