1.1 billion people doing nothing.
An entire continent of resources blocked off from the rest of the world.
How can one, single entity consistently fail in every respect for thousands of years?
What could be the cause of such ruined potential?
1.1 billion people doing nothing.
An entire continent of resources blocked off from the rest of the world.
How can one, single entity consistently fail in every respect for thousands of years?
What could be the cause of such ruined potential?
Other urls found in this thread:
Niggers are lazy
Niggers and Islam.
>blocked off from the rest of the world
China might disagree
Africans are not a serious people.
Islam, corruption and no water.
>blocked off from the rest of the world
>blocked off from the rest of the world
Kenya exports tons of produce to Europe, learned that in a BBC Radio 4 programme yesterday.
Someone post that pic of the chink complaining about lazy African workers
>An entire continent of resources blocked off from the rest of the world
>Coming from Canada/China
They're too busy being baked by the heat and killed by the thousands of deadly animals, none of which could actually be domesticated or put to use. You try building a civilization there, cunt
The continent is failed to doom. We just need to accept it and move on.
We did it
And it was harder down here.
>none of which could actually be domesticated
You realise western countries need it to stay corrupt to get cheap materials? Read a book.
They could feed the whole world, just they need the funds and the know how... this was some shit I read in news.
Basically they need others to do the job and the thinking for them
>An entire continent of resources blocked off from the rest of the world.
this is wrong, Africa continues to be exploited by the first world. However, liberals don't seem to realize that the tantalum in their phones is mined exclusively in africa and the cost of computing would more than triple without (more or less) african wageslavery
the "china taking over africa" meme is just that: a meme. It really only applies in the case of Zimbabwe, as Zimbabwe's government is totally bankrupt and is totally beholden to the PRC. SA also freelances between China and the west. But on the whole, they don't have any more power than Israel or France does. And their power is not nearly comparable to Rio Tinto (England).
>no water
>this meme
... africa has the worlds largest watersupplies just a couple of tens of meters below the ground
Nice meme, buddy :^)
>What could be the cause of such ruined potential?
White people stole their powers, do you even history? lel
>Mfw Trump is the only way to avoid a century dominated by the Chinese
OK, Jamal...
But we did build a civilization there.. well by we, I mean the British.
That Chinese dude is my hero
Reason why niggers can't do shit: IQ
>try building a civilization there
Rhodesia already did m8, then the blacks decided they wanted to go back to the stone age and the west supported it because "muh majority rule".
The ironic thing is that Africa is the cradle of humanity. That's where humans originated.
It's too fucking hit to work leafag. Also it is difficult to build shit there since there is a lot of endangered animals. Have you ever worked being over 40 fucking degrees? How about 50? No wonder those people want to rest under a shadow
All the Smart Africans left Africa.
>mfw chinks tellin me how to be n shit
Yeah but niggers are adapted to that climate. Whites aren't.
Because of the evil white man has been continually oppressing them since before white people even existed, you fucking racist
They are adapted to survive there not to work under the sun for 8 plus hours a day.
>too hot to work
the white and coloured farmers were pretty damned successful at farming.
>That's where humans originated.
no that's just where we find the oldest skeletons
because nobody fucking builds anything over there
> Zebras' unpredictable nature and tendency to attack preclude them from being good candidates for domestication.
I'm sure horses weren't much better back when we first started trying to tame them. It takes a long fucking time to domesticate an animal, niggers just never tried and now they're left with useless animals.
Yeah, let's just ignore Egyptian and Carthaginian civilisation. Ethiopia gets an honourable mention.
North Africa is fairly respectable with regards to past and present, considering it's a fucking desert there's only so much which can be done. But it does in the modern day link to the next part. Most of Africa hasn't developed domestically in most senses. Besides a weak and corrupt government there's not really much going on. Either these governments have to evolve, their people create a new government or an exterior force needs to assert itself as it did in the past.
My bet is on China continuing to develop and evolve Africa, but not fully or substantially. Just enough so they may be considered borderline functioning nation states.
all that melanin really does is protect against skin cancer. It isn't a magic fucking cooling blanket that that can make Africa's climate any more tolerable
How was rhodesia so successful in the past? Or south africa? How is zambia successful, and growing, their agricultural exports?
"too intolerable to farm" doesn't hold up to even the most cursory glance at the evidence.
They're tamed not domesticated. North Africa was doing alright until a few hundred years ago.
>doing nothing
so why don't you just walk in and take over the whole place faggot
yeah, you are just full of shit
>a fucking leaf
a lifetime ban might slow you down a little maby
>where humans originated
>oldest skeletons
>1.1 billion people
It wasn't always this way.
You best be paying the license fee m8
You're right. No one could ever build a civilization in the hot jungle filled with hostile megafauna
just watch the video bro
Yeah cause Australia was a modern productive country that the British just stole from the "advanced" blacks. Arguably Australia is infinitely harder to live work and build in than Africa with a fraction of the livable world space and shit all over Africa in every measurable way outside of rape/civil war/low IQ and genocide.
Carthage was founded by venitian colonists not africans
>Not knowing that Rhodesia constantly fought at 1-10 odds (sometimes as high as 1-100) while under 100% sanctions from every NATO country except Portugal and South Africa.
>Not knowing they were one of the most successful countries in africa under white minority rule and never lost the war.
Rhodesia was the breadbasket of africa.
That was my point.
My bad. I thought you were questioning their success.
>What could be the cause of such ruined potential?
Probably niggers, to be perfectly honest
Phoenicians, not Venetians.
> second leaf i see today doing right seeing a shithole!
Here is a you
>1.1 billion people doing nothing.
They are literally picking garbage just to survive you white First World moron.
Wow. Throwing money at them isn't working?
Africa could be a great place with minority rule. Even mugabe is begging white people for help.
They no longer exist though. Australia the perfect example because alongside nothing being done here beyond sharpened sticks and canoes, its horribly humid hot and filled with the most dangerous venomous creatures on the planet, some of the the most dangerous plants for humans to consume in the world. The idea that EVERYTHING here is trying to kill you is because nearly everything can do so with little effort. However unlike Africa that had a large local population that was enslaved/hired or forced to work for the colonists to build the basics of those colonies, Aboriginals populations were absolutely tiny. The Largest tribe ever encountered was in the Sydney region, one of the only settled tribes pre colonialism and was numbered under 5000. Australia wasn't just run successfully by European whites, it was shaped and built by the convicts and fee settlers from Europe, with an Honorable mention to early Chinese immigrants in the gold rush era.
Africa literally has no fucking excuse. DESPITE the odds Australia is a first world nation built out of nothing in just over 200 years. They had 10s of thousands of years to at least match medieval Europe, pre renaissance and could't even manage that.
Legend has it that he's still waiting for that gravel shipment.
We did, and then the natives got restless and demanded we leave and...
Well first world governmental intervention doesn't allow for the growth of the individual in Africa, so they grow up on being entirely dependent on foreign aid. Their local markets and businesses cant compete with the "free" foreign aid alternative.
This allows a rise to corruption and lawlessness, combined with their dictator style of governing, Africans poverty is at a standstill.
Yeah but I don't think white people will fall for Mugabe's tricks again lol
There is a lot of mining and trade going on there. The difference is culture
It's in a lot of African culture not work and just relax.
if it's so hot why is this guy chilling in white shirt, a jacket that is zipped up and a fucking beanie?
In other words, bleeding heart leftists, probably marxists fucked everything up and forced decent productive white rule out of Africa, so the could have "freedom" and self rule.
This. Africa is rich in resources but the people see nothing from it because politicians sell it off to foreign countries in favor of personal payout
>people have a revolution to kick out corrupt dictator
>general of the revolution takes power
>De Beer family comes and offers the war lord a cool billion of he gives the company exclusive mining rights to a plot of land occupied by some tribe
>war lord insights "tribal warfare" to move the people off the land and collects his cash leaving his country broke and war torn
>people are tired of his shit and revolt
This is literally the problem. Foreign interest will stop at nothing for a piece of the pie. Any time you see conflict in Africa, check a resource map and tell me it's not exclusively on a resource rich part of the country. Turns out it's hard to build a mine with people still on the land.
Inb4 somebody tries to defend the jews.
Probably because the average IQ of sub saharans is around 50-60. That means less than 0.001% of the population is capable of skilled labor, let alone the capacity of innovate or invent.
Exactly my friend, its now considered the poverty industry because the complexity of our current system is both oppressive to the the local community and profitable to the company back home.
look at what happens in hati , with bill Clinton idea to give a shit ton of rice to hati in an attempt to socioeconomically engineer hati by stopping the deforestation of mountains etc. Utterly retarded
I know. Australia is also a perfect example of when Europeans are in power. I just respect Rhodesia for everything they did. They are quite similar to the US. They rebelled from the UK and did what was best for their country. I don't think the US would have survived either if they had communist powers like china and russia supporting their enemies.
>It takes a long fucking time to domesticate an animal
Same applies to niggers. If colonial rule remained for at least a generation, it would've bred a decent black population who learned the value of hard work. Instead, they got their freedom - and their laziness.
Abuja, Nigeria
77 degrees
Addis, Abba Ethiopia
59 degrees
Johannesburg, South Africa
46 degrees
Bantus are not native to "Africa" they come from the Jungle.
>posts one picture of one guy in a coat for an unknown amount of time
must be, like, Antarctica there, dude
The damage has already been done.
foreign interests are the only interests that ever made anything out of africa
The US only succeeded because the other colonial powers were on their side, and the colonies weren't great at the time so weren't really worth keeping.
Madrid, Spain
93 degrees
Athens, Greece
93 degrees
>They're too busy being baked by the heat and killed by the thousands of deadly animals, none of which could actually be domesticated or put to use. You try building a civilization there, cunt
>You try building a civilization there, cunt
The horn, North- and West Africa did quite well to be perfectly honest.
Sub Saharan Africa suffered from a low population(Not enough water or Agriculture) and huge barriers to trade until very recently.
The US should have supported Rhodesia. Fuck NATO.
>tfw you realize all of the aid going to Africa is part of a conspiracy to eventually have their population explode and flood the west
Africans are not monolithic. People in North Africa have had decent success at times, as has certain coastal areas off Africa, and multiple parts of East Africa. Ethiopians, while not always called Ethiopians, had a giant trade empire in ancient times since pretty much every African good in the Near East (like Ivory) had to go through them, and they actually repelled a Roman invasion (though like the Scots the terrain they lived in was a huge factor; Ethiopia it's filled with hills and mountains). The lack of success occurs once you start looking further south.
What? You mean the jungle in Africa or what, Asia?
The aid is paradoxically keeping in their home environments and preventing them from transcending poverty.
jungle in Africa, not anywhere else.
The only exlanation.
There are so many nigs going to places like France and Italy though. This is really only the beginning.
This guy knows what's up. They need help building and maintaining infrastructure, but bleedibg hearts would rather throw food at them because it's easier.
Making money off of Africa and making something of Africa are not the same thing senpai. They likely caused more problems than they fixed. Easiest to point out is creating states that join tribes that want each other dead. Don't mind me, just drawing borders to make Syria and Israel a single state. What could go wrong? Tehee
You mean when Islam started to dominate?
This is part of it. African states are, for the most part, artificial rather than actual nation- states.
There's not a biological neccesity for progress. If you could easily live off the land without thinking, where is the need for technology. And let's not forget the foreign aid which kills any need for self sufficiency.
And it's fucking cold to work, live and grow something here
No, m8, it's an excuse, we have some people beleving that Russia is undeveloped because it's hard to live here, when teperature goes from -40 in winter to +30 (even +40) in summer every year.
But it's a shitty argument