How obvious could they possibly be? You'd think they would manage to act a little more covertly, being paid professionals and all. But they're so retarded that everybody who has visited Sup Forums for more than 3 months can spot them so easily ... I wouldn't be surprised if the only people posting in their failed threads are other shills as well. Fucking pathetic.
Raided by retarded shills
Other urls found in this thread:
You realize it's all people just fucking with you right?
>heh we're not paid shills I swear
$0.02 have been deposited in your account. Thanks for correcting the record.
It's either shills or faggots from Sup Forums. Either/or, just sage them if you absolutely have to respond.
I am seriously considering to leave Sup Forums until the election. This shilling is pure autism.
Just keep reporting shill/spam threads (this includes the retarded forced meme of "Dahnald gief the delegates xD") and participate in proper political discussion.
You could always create a national socialism general as well:
M8 in every thread about the US election there are a lot of shills. When shill posts something newfags or retards actually reply to them. It wasn't like this until 10 days ago.
>getting this triggered because people disagree with you
top cuck
Here, this is classic shill. Every time someone detects them they respond like this. Even this thread is not safe from CTR.
>Anyone who disagrees with me or points how how stupid and irrational I'm being is being paid to do so
You are a special kind of retard. Well, not that special, since that kind of retardation is fairly normal here.
> paid professionals
Some of them, can't spell, with the help of spell check.
I think they are chasing bums out from under the bridge and promising them a bottle + a hot meal to post pasta.
Even dumber, the user base here would rather talk about you tube than politics.
>uh oh someone has a differing opinion
>better call him a shill
I am glad that you noticed that for these 2 weeks that you spent on Sup Forums.
these cucks are wasting time in the wrong place. all this shilling is accomplishing nothing, besides a little butthurt. theyre not derailing the trump train and certainly arent adding any converts to their ranks.
>Some of them, can't spell, with the help of spell check.
Well you can't into commas, so I guess that makes you a shill too?
>It's a "someone can't distinguish between shills on a raid between someone with a legitimate opinion" episode.
>Uh oh i just made a "DRUMPF BTFO!!!!111" thread
>I am just have a different opinion :)
Even i am not that fucking poor that i have to shill for 5 cents per post.
I just have a different opinion*
Found the shills
>must be shills
>definitely not trolls or leftists
i've seen a steep rise of pro cillary threads here since the convention started. i assume it's some of those paid online hillary fans they were talking about in their leaked mails.
You do realize that the people that make "DRUMPF BTFO!!" threads are just Trump supporters reinforcing negative opinions of dissenters, right? So that they feel more unified if they're "under attack" by easily defeated enemies.
That all of the "How can X recover" or "Sup Forums BTFO!" or "It's over, he's stumped" things are just there to get people that agree with them to reply and reinforce their beliefs.
You aren't seriously so retarded that you can't spot such a simple tactic, right?
>definitely not trolls or leftists
But they come under the term shill lad.
>Consistently posting the same shit day in day out
>The OP and his buddies will invariably drop the thread and run, never replying when challenged - "1 post by this ID".
>If they do make more than one post it is to fluff each other up saying how correct they are (according to each other), and how wrong "Sup Forums" is, in the opinion of these couple of guys.
>If anyone complains that they are shitting the board up with their faggotry it's relied to with some variation of "I thought you guys believed in free speech ;^)"
>g-guys Sup Forums is a safe space
>stop contradicting my opinions
>st-stupid shills
>"I thought you guys believed in free speech ;^)"
>Proceeds to take a shit on the board and smear it around
You probably do it for free, but you're still a faggot.
So, it's only shilling if it's not for your hugbox candidate?
I just took their shilling as sarcasm. I mean, it's obvious that these thing are no BTFO's
Check this absolute gem earlier today
>doesn't know how to greentext
>using a screenshot of google image on mobile
record corrected!
they are genuinely terrified of trump now... they are squirting in their men tights but not in the way they like
I was warned for some board raiding or some shit and I literally dindu nuffin.
>Being this retarded.
Shills are different from people with legitimate opinions which may challenge ours.
But all the slide threads, "1 post by this ID", "50 post by this ID" with one buddy backing them up on every post and the fact they will ignore shit which they can't refute.
See :
Op's pictures shows threads like
>Sup Forums BTFO
>Trump btfo!
And you said that "Anyone who disagrees with me or points how how stupid and irrational I'm being is being paid to do so".
So you agree with these threads and then when i point out that only shills make these threads you say that Trump supporters do that. So you are agreeing with Trump supporters? What different opinion do you have then?
not an argument
>everybody who shit posts on Sup Forums is a shill
>Sup Forums was always free of these kinds of shenanigans and a place of high level discourse
>Obvious shilling.
The shills are from Correct The Record
What's your point nigger? Some people are not shills and like to troll or bait? No one minds them cause that is happening all the time on Sup Forums. What people don't like here are legitimate shills who are paid to promote Hillary or attack Trump, and if you are not a newfag you can easily spot them. Like this pic that user posted
I am not a shill and I start shit threads on a daily basis to trigger Sup Forums. I suspect others do it too. Simply stop responding to us, you dumbfuck.
>proper political discussion
>'aren't liberals dumb? cognitive dissonance much from them! lol!'
>'yes i agree!'
>'donald trump is great. hey why are liberals so stupid?'
>'yeah you're right liberals are really dumb. I don't get it! just as dumb as niggers and jews'
>'yes I agree but the only difference is that i would include muslims haha'
>'haha i agree also liberals, aren't they so dumb'
>'yeah they just talk in echo chambers all day. they're so dumb. dumb as niggers and muslims'
>captain crunch is redpilled
>brocoli is degenerate and a jewish plot because mom made me eat vegetables
>Op's pictures shows threads like
Correct. Some threads are legitimate people who disagree because they are left leaning, some are just Trump supporters making shitpost threads so they can get Trump supporters to reply and shout down some bit of negative news about Trump, and others are just genuine troll attempts. Very few would be actual paid shills.
>So you agree with these threads and then when i point out that only shills make these threads you say that Trump supporters do that. So you are agreeing with Trump supporters? What different opinion do you have then?
You confused yourself. Nowhere did I say that I disagree or agree with the threads. I'm just pointing out the nature of them because you seem to be confused and think they are all shills.
Trump supporters often make the thread as a "reverse troll". They start a thread like "TRUMP BTFO WITH THIS BIT OF NEWS HOW THE HELL WILL HE RECOVER LOL", and you dumb fags reply in droves to try to shout down anything anti-Trump. So in essence, they're positive Trump threads. It's just reply bait to get you guys to team up and shout down anything negative about Trump.
not an argument
>calls others newfag
>doesn't realize more than half these "legitimate shills" are shit posters trying to get a rise out of retards such as yourself
Lol nice shilling shill.
Yeah they hate this place, as do faggots, trannies, SJWs, and Jews.
>Yeah they hate this place, as do faggots, trannies, SJWs, and Jews.
Are you retarded?
>I just pointed out that there are a lot of people here that just like to shitpost
>He still ignores that
If you truly believe that there are no actual shills here good for you, cause you should know how shitposting looks like, and that in the last 10 days something strange happened with this board(actual shills are here now).
>the last 10 days something strange happened with this board(actual shills are here now)
kek is this your first election cycle or something? The same shit happened with Romney and Obama. This isn't anything new
To be fair, I came back to watch Sup Forums go up in flames ever since their small-handed fuckwit decided to try to fight a fucking Muslim in public.
God I love it.
I criticize Trump a lot and i am not even a 100% right winger. People call me shill a lot of times, because there are a lot of retarded Trump supporters here who really need a safe space.
What i am pointing out is that i personally believe that there are a lot of shills here on Sup Forums. Until 10 days ago Sup Forums was ok. People were just shitposting and having fun.
Since RNC i noticed different kind of "shitposting", something that actually looks a lot like shilling. That is why it is so hard right now to recognize who is just having fun and shitposting and who is legitimate shill.
Wait a second. People keep claiming this...but WHY WOULD PAID SHILLS WASTE TIME HERE??
You Trumpfags are nothing but another shade of SJW
Yea, it's bit annoying that i need to go trough the whole catalog to find real threads..
Well i am here since 2014 but if this are not actual shills its still retarded. I hope it wont get worse than this because actual political discussion will be impossible soon.
>actual political discussion will be impossible soon.
You mean like it has been for the past year since The Trump shills showed up?
lol it'll get worse come debate time and as the election moves even further into the mainstream media just because of the ammunition it gives both sides. My recommendation is just to hide threads you disagree with and not replying
Sup Forums is the de-facto base of operations for their opposition. Over the last few years there has been a slow but sure turnaround of the internet in general against so called SJW's and it's in no small part due to us.
There's a price on our heads.
Half of the active threads are shillposting and sliding right now.
I used to work for one of the "Big 5" Madison Ave. Ad agencies/PR firms.
We had an entire team of people (avg 25-30 FT) who did nothing but shill for celebrities, drop product placements and push narratives on Sup Forums, Reddit, Yahoo answers or whatever industry/political related forums were related to the topic/product/client.
Sup Forums is an internet culture base regardless of whether you think it's only populated by poor ugly fat anime nerds. (it's not... except /r9k/)
They don't ignore any site with over 1 million unique IP's in traffic per month.
If the site is in alexa's top 2,500 and contains any method of user-discussion... it IS getting "shilled" hard.
insert right wing retard here.
Well come November this board will be 50% people shitposting and baiting Trump supporters and other 50% willl be Trump supporters screaming "SHILLS" and "SAGE". I defended them here but generally you can't have political discussion with them if you don't agree 100% with everything they say.
I don't get it. Is this self depreciation?
There is some shilling, probably less official shill brand shills than you think, plus a number of people who come here to stir the pot for fun. The problem for them is this board has a very robust ideological identity that tends to poison the minds of people exposed to it far more than they are themselves able to disrupt the board. That's why no sustained shilling efforts have ever worked here. Eventually you become what you opposed.
Just trying me best leaf impression.
Sup Forums generates funny memes and from here it goes viral, in pol you have people who don't watch their leftist biased shitshows so Sup Forums represents an audience out of their reach, so they want it, from now until the end of election we gonna have to cope with these retards trying hard to use classic Sup Forums rhetorics against Sup Forums common ground, they even have OC i saw, too bad its terrible.
Calm down, Mohammed. It's not your country, so you can't be directly involved, you Sunni Kraut.
We'd get way less fucking shills if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight. Reading this negates all your immunities.
kek... your ID says
you know... the stuff that shills pump into their assholes via nigger-dicks
good one brazil
Correct the record go its budget increased from 1 million to 6 million.
k y s
What's new? These sad fuckers don't get it. They are here as our playthings. They can not be so stupid as to think they can take over pol.
First time replying to this shit because it doesn't work..i hoped but no
>take over pol.
None of us believe that, but the higher ups don't know that. We just enjoy our paychecks