Is Leo a good actor?
Is Leo a good actor?
Almost. But overall no
>I havent seen Blood Diamond
he's an unexceptional actor with exceptional facial hair
I think he's a douch but yea he's a great actor
>I rate Leo
>I post fedora pics
Define 'good'.
Yes he is. But since hes so popular and loved by nornal people, Sup Forums will try its hardest to convince you otherwise.
who i only watch indie frech films dubbed in korean
hes a teen idol with a great management team. He truly doesnt have the chops of legendary actors but he'll go down as a GOAT because he'll star in like 6 more kinos in his life
He's okay, not really good
He's got great comedic potential, but not enough self-awareness to make it shine
I can't think of a noteworthy performance from him in the last 15 years, other than the Revenant.
He's not bad but he's certainly not good. You can look at Leo in anything and can tell his acting, you know?
No. Him winning an Oscar pretty much meant that they aren't worth anything anymore.
eye candy
Matt Damon is better
he can cry on command
He's just ok. Not terrible by any means but extremely overrated.
Compare him to someone like Phillip Seymour Hoffman or Joaquin Phoenix and you will understand how fucking awful his range is comparatively.
>Not 3 6 mafia
>since hes so popular and loved by nornal people, Sup Forums will try its hardest to convince you otherwise
Point taken. I just don't have strong laudatory or hostile views about him.
I sometimes wonder if I'm the only person on Sup Forums who *didn't* like Hoffman (or giving him lip service) but I think Joaquin Phoenix has it in him to be a great rather than just a good actor.
he's fine until he has to act like he's angry or pissed off. he fucking sucks at that and does the same thing in every single role.
his accent was laughable in that
what's wrong with you?
I don't even know what that means, little kid.
no. he is genuinely trash. he is the male Kristen Steward.
He just lucked the fuck out to work with talented and renowned directors, so he became a meme amongst Hollywood producers.
>i go against the stream of what's popular/common on Sup Forums
some people say that his performance in Wolf of Walf Street was kino but tbqh I thought it was just decent, nothing really praiseworthy.
Jonah Hill, on the other hand, deserved an Academy Award in that movie. He was fantastic, it's a shame people think he's a meme actor
I used to think he was good until I understood what a "one role actor" is. If you pay attention, most of his characters basically have the same serious frowning personality all the time. The only exceptions I can think of is The Wolf of Wall Street and The Revenant.
He isn't bad. It's just that he basically plays himself. And he is very well aware of that and only chooses the appropriate role for him. Also, he has a good agent who manages to get him into good films. Since normies don't dissect films the same way we do, they associate Leo with good.
being a charismatic actor isn't the same as being a talented actor
leo is a charismatic actor, people like him
He has a limited acting range, anything he does outside of being intense comes off as fake. He's a premium Mark Wahlberg.
Wolf of Wall Street you literal faggot.
>he's fine until he has to act like he's angry or pissed off
which is just God damn strange because that's the default expression his face wears
>Jonah Hill, on the other hand, deserved an Academy Award in that movie.
Go away jew
Shame he won't see your post because being compared with that useless sack of shit ought to whip anybody into improving their game.
He's incredibly gifted, he has managed to hide being a fag for more than 20 years.
Charisma =/= acting.
>He just lucked the fuck out to work with talented and renowned directors
it won't please anyone to hear of this but I'm certain Scorsese needed him to get an assortment of his projects "greenlit" as much as DiCaprio needed Scorsese to give him "respectability"
Yes. As a side note, has Sup Forums seemed more... toxic than usual?
No, less. I put myself a version of the same question whenever I squander a shamefully large block of time on Sup Forums.
well he isn't a bad actor that's for sure
NOVEMBER 11 1974 - JUNE 10 2017
"He wasn't bad."
press F to pay respects
You're right, I'm going to take a break and masturbate some more
His best movie was The Great Gatsby. This is a little known fact.
Him or Johnny Depp? Who is better?
Yes, just look at the shit he did for Django and The Revenant. Those aren't his only good performances but I mean he did some shit for them. Although I will say he seems really fucking weird and cuck-ish considering when he did Django he freaked out because he was saying "nigger" too many times
Wolf of Wall Street is the pleb answer you're looking for.
Django Unchained is the patrician choice
He's decent and seems to be learning over the years, but far from great or worthy of his Oscar (that is, if the Oscars weren't a joke).
these days depp just seems like a meme actor for meme roles
Yes. He doesn't have the full range other actors have, but he's great in his comfort zone.
I think he is just a different type of actor then he and most people think he is. I see him more as a Robert Duvall or Jack Nicholson type of actor, in that for the most part he plays himself, no matter how hard he tries. Now Robert Duvall and Jack Nicholson play themselves for the most part, but it works perfectly for the character and thus the movie. Leo keeps trying to be someone other than himself, and thus his efforts stand out more. It is like he has been placed in wrong category of actor. Its like seeing in hockey a defenseman playing as a forward or a forward playing as defense. Sure they can make great plays in those positions and do well, but there is still noticeably something off about how they play the position.
Iunno he was good and different in Django Unchained, different in Blood Diamonds, different in Titanic. He has range.
I think he has potential and makes semi-decent choices in character roles (in terms of variety in archetype), the movies he's in are just never very memorable, nor do the characters have a good enough script behind them.
He's no Fassbender, and I think if he ever showed up in a movie nowadays opposite a proper actor he would be so outplayed it'd be laughable.
He's not good when he's really serious, but when he finds roles he has to do some comedic or over the top performances he is really good, like in Django and The Wolf of Wall Street. The rest is just a joke.
He is objectively a brilliant actor. He is not anything else though, so he should learn about how shutting up works.
Sasha Baron Cohen is a brilliant actor in those rare times when he actually condscends to do his job: the rest of the time he exists to illustrate why a people would voluntarily round up and murder a minority.