Trump is a fascist who will ruin the free market but Gary Johnson will make America so free that I can refuse to bake a cake for a Jew
Gary Johnson is God
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Fascism works.
>paid for by Hillary 4 president
No it doesn't, go back to North Korea you fascist
>North Korea
Hillary we increase the demand for weapons which will help the weapons and PMC industry which in return will help the free market
Divide et impera
Speak English you Mexican
Everyone here is wrong.
The only way to save the USA is to make it the USSA under comrade Sanders. The glorious hammer and sickle will save us all.
Go back to Cuba you free market hating liberal
It is
What about my human cargo? It would not make it through the port security.
Try Somalia
No. I don't like the people there.
Something about the people just makes me feel... Uncomfortable.
There so many things completely wrong with that picture.
>open borders
stop shilling your faux-libertarian democrat """candidate"""
Go to North Korea you government loving statist
This is because apparently they've been putting the "cart before the horse"
> refuse to bake a cake for a jew
no, Johnson is not taking that stance because refusing to bake a gay cake is literally oppression or some gay shit. It is 2016 after all, and they wouldn't want to trigger the social justice weenies.
Just think of how much freedom we could vote for and not get if a real libertarian was on the ticket- but no they've got to cuck us as hard as they can.
Hell, perhaps a real libertarian candidate could win with how much people hate the two main choices.
I want to like Gary but doesn't he support the TPP?