How would your life have been different if Hitler had won? For the sake of argument, let's say that this is Nazi Europe. Russia is not part of the Reich, but rather acts as a colony. The UK is allied with the Reich. USA is concerned. Japan is a wild-card.
How would your life have been different if Hitler had won? For the sake of argument, let's say that this is Nazi Europe...
Probably wouldn't have mudslimes fucking around.
Technology and Medical advances would exceed where we are now.
Id be fine due to by bloodline.
It would be pretty comfy.
>france, belgium, italy, hungary, romania and the balkans
>part off the übergrossgermaniums
For the sake of argument, let's say my life start as it had in our life time.
>raised on Gobbels approved nazi propaganda TV
>conflict with edgy Résistance kids
>enrolled in French SS Division
>Mengele eugenic program determined I was skilled for foreign language
>get assigned to Reich colonial mission in Africa after training Marseille which is now Italian
>get shiped by train in Tunis because Mediteranean sea level has been decreased thanks to Soegel&Speer Company for the reconstruction of Europe
>Surpervising the construction of another artificial lake in Sahara
>dealing with natives tribes
>comfy af
>take another Tour in Sahara
>get shot by renegade brit soldier who deserted after Hitler intalled Edward VIII in power
I would be on an SS mission to Antartica to help build Neu-Schwabia
>get shot by renegade brit soldier who deserted after Hitler intalled Edward VIII in power
I'd avenge you, baguettebro.
Most impressive empire in the history of man, prove me wrong.
this is why nobody likes you sweden. You're too dumb for this board.
They'd install puppet governments in those countries (now provinces) and nobody would bat an eyelid.
I'd be dead because this is my ancestry.
I'm Polish diaspora so I'd be rip in pieces
>not reading the filename
Thanks for the (You)
My life wouldn't have existed in the first place.
That depends.What would happen to South America?
btw, this would be Europe
I would not live, my mom would be working in peru and probably become conservative with time. My dad could be born. And if so he would become a soldeir most likely, but maybe he would get a better jog with his iq of 123, i dont know abbout nazi employment and especially in a alternative sweden.
Eventually i think America would win around the 1970s, slavs would be the biggest sufferers.
I don't know. Probably it would be better.
Here is a map i made that shows what i would expect.
This sound really cool desu.
I would be controled by the united states, it would be about the same or better considering more exports for war efforts.
it would be super comfy and honorary. nobody would have depression or any of that shit or autism because we would put all the severe manchild spergs into sleep. finland would have arctic sea oil and shit
I would be inspecting my latifundia in Ukraine twice a year.
Greece would seriously be fucked, because all our neighbors were Axis powers with territorial demands.
this pic though.
you know exactly Dutchmen can't into mountaineering.
>Greece would seriously be fucked
isn't Greece seriously fucked now?
I'm so hard right now, why Hitler!?
You had so much to live for!
why are there white spots in Bulgaria ?
wouldn't that Damn in Gibraltar seriously fuck the eco system?
Wouldn't this generally seriously fuck the eco system?
You would all have been executed for something you havent done, just because your neighbour reported you as suspicious.
Internet "maybe" would not exist.
the only and really big wrong part.
but thats just a maybe. so if it would. everything would be more perfect.
> UK Allied
> Not USA
you do realize Hitler would have Allied with America before he allied with the U.K. right? Keeping him alive probably would have been the lesser of the two evils
I don't know about this. I always thought that the defeat of UK would end its empire. Hitler's plan was to annhilate the slavs no matter what and this is why he was ready to negociate peace with UK after the battle of France.
However, regarding the defeat of UK I am sure of two things :
-In the peace treaty, Hitler would have asked for far more severe sanctions than the treaty of Versaille of 1918 (give up all the colonies)
-After having taken care of russians, Hitler would have invaded Great Britain. They actually had already planned this occupation, even created a black list of people to arrest and other to nominate for the puppet State (Chamberlain as PM and Edward VIII as King)
Now about the colony of UK :
-Rossvelt planned to invade Canada if UK surrendered
-Japan had plan for a Greater Asia (peaceful cooperation) and already negociated with Indian nationalists
-South Africa and Australia are too far and neither Japan nor germany wanted to deal with them
Concerning the endgame, I strongly suggest you to read Himmler wikipedia page. He actually had plans to stretch far more in the future than Hitler and forcasted a war between asians and whites. The whole aryan thing was just to gave birth to a new race to lead other white in this fight. There is also no way Hitler would have let America untouched, that is where (((they))) are after all...
So even if victory in Europe is assured for Germany, the victory over America depends on how fast the Reich can increase its arm production compared to the US (namely produce Amerika Bomber sooner than America produces its Super Fortress)
>not changing the eco-system to benefit humanity
>not irreversibly bending the universe to your every whim
Are you even Human?
Bravo leaf. You do your nation proud .
Now you're just desperate.
I would never born because my grandfather was Polish partisan and my grandmother was nurse in the Army.
Hitler loved the UK and didn't want to fight us, the english are Germanic peoples after all you filthy latin, all memes aside.
>you will never watch the Greater german reich (all of europe under hitler command) duke it out with the USA in an intercontinental war
>you will never watch even bigger tank battles than Kursk between whites and asians
why give me these feels frogbro?
you should be proud. these neo nazi weebs should get a mandatory ahmed ass rape
Okay, so if Hitler wanted to take America, America would have no choice but to expand as well. America would still defeat Hitler with a Russian, French, U.K. Resistance giving him trouble as well. Hitler would still stretch his troops thin because he would still want to take Africa. Then he'd fuck up and press into China and lose his ties with Japan and China, Mongolia, and Japan would liberate Russia and then ally with America. Hitler doesn't win
The Germans almost won fighting on 3 fronts, do you really think they wouldn't win if all they had to do was fight on one front? it would probably end in a draw
I'm neo nazi weeb and I still proud.
This would be the capital of my country.
Turkey wouldn't exist for one.
>The eternal kraut wins
>Romania cedes all territorial gains for Transilvania to Hungary, given the fact that both of the countries have been fascist and alongside Germany most of the war
>Romania gets Moldova and all the land up to Odessa
>Romania is ruled by Antonescu, while the Legionaries have been taken care of (after the assassination of Codreanu, the movement became corrupted as time passed)
>The King is deposed of all power, yet still holds an honorary figure for the masses
>A thousand years of peace and prosperity bestows upon the Romanian nation, following Germany in a glorious future
Yep, I'm sad as fuck.
>How would your life have been different if Hitler had won?
Im Polish... so guess.
America, Russia, Britain
Then America, Siberia, Japan, China, Mongolia, India, Canada, Mexico (would have been taken due to a second American-Mexican war that they inevitably lose), British Resistence, Russian Resistance, French resistence, Palestine, Saudia Arabia, the Ottomans.
Bro Hitler with his expansionist ideas would get fuuuuucked up
>Hitler loved the UK
wut ?
>Operation Sea Lion and the black list
>british preparation and secret resistance formation "in case of"
>German love Brits
top kek
You hated each other, it's deeply rooted in your genes just as we hated them
But do not worry britbro, it's all part of Hitler plan to reunite to people of Europe to fight the yellow threat
I don't care enough to find the video, but a lufftwaffe officer even said, hitler didn't want to fight the UK because we're similar peoples.
Man, I would've loved to fight the yellow menace with my nazi bros from all round europe... feels bad mang
depressing tomb complex
literary orwell 1984 city
>be croatian in germany
>get ordered to go home and live in the independent state
as comfy as it gets
>quads of deceit
I actually find the picture quite comfy
heyyyy almost like me, sometimes i think that if you come from bigger city in slavic countries you are possibly part kike
It's a nice concept but imagine walking those streets constantly covered by shadow from the massive buildings and full of noise from all the cars passing by (and over) you.
>shithole of europe
>complains about depressing architecture
>only death Israel
>getting butthurt over a digital art fantasy city
sounds pretty much like jew york bartek
>Manchuoko, Korea, assorted Chinese provincial areas not yellow/under control of Imperial Japan
oh my keks, that imagine made me laugh so hard I farted
>Russia is not part of the Reich, but rather acts as a colony.
Even if Hitler had managed to take Moscow during Barbarossa, the USSR still would have continued to exist east of the Urals and would undoubtedly launch constant counter-invasions against the German occuption forces.
It would be better because Transylvania would belong to its rightful owners
Warsaw was a really pretty city until, well, something happened.
Asia Co Prosperity Sphere
My capital looks very much like that in the Federal district. Just need to photochop out the darkies.
most british deed of the day
if you go to all that fucking trouble in your response you sure as fuck CANNOT use fucking zero 0/10
because you RESPONDED duh
I would spend way too much time antagonizing whoever negotiated the peace deal with Yugoslavia. What a disgusting mess.
Well, maybe psychological warfare to demoralize brit pilots, but I didn't said Hitler hated your people. I said he hated UK.
I knew that there was once a study group in a royal academy who tried to dertermine if Germany could have won the battle of britain. The results were surprising. In fact, despite a clear technological advantage (radar) UK would have lost if Germany changed the organization of its air units.
It has something to do with the lack of experience rom the luftwaffe. They said that if Goering listened to German pilots who participated in the Spanish Civil war they would have won.
Probably not much better
Italy was a direct ally with Germany, and Balkan partisans were highly effective.
The Roman Empire was certainly impressive in its territorial expanse, but it's primary adversaries were pretty much just mud-caked barbarians, eventually being shattered by said barbarians.
I'm fairly interested in what a nips think about their place in a nazi world. So ? What happen to the Dai Nippon Teikoku ?
Do you read Zipang ?
why wouldn't nazis have invented packet switching?
Greek commie resistance would lead to extermination of greeks. These commie partisans were really stubborn and tenacious unless stalin was killed they wouldn't retreat or surrender and they would slaughter pronazi supporters.
They wouldn't have won, it was doomed even before they started WW2
>literally using wikipedia links while referencing anything to do with Hitler
Hitler sent at least 6 requests for peace before he invaded, and only targeted military installations in his bombing raids until we bombed the shit out of his civilians.
If Hitler won, we'd still have colonies. It was Roosevelt who wanted to see the British Empire destroyed.
Polish here. Would not be alive.
>they would have focus on biology rather than computers
>maybe if they would invent that, it would be just for the government.
>maybe the internet would be just like here
one of these 3
the video was after the war.
Oh yeah I agree, like I currently like the german people but hate it's government, if only hitler did invade and get rid of the (((corrupt))) here.
one thing that does piss me off is people here loving Churchill here so much when he was an fat alcoholic warmongering slob whose blunders cost so many British and commonwealth lives
London would be full of English people.
Entirely different.
>Family were wealthy upper class in Germany.
>Lost everything during the war and fled to the UK.
Reeeeeee I could have been an aryan chad lads.
Wouldn't be born
Familt wouldn't have been displaced to Germany and my great great Gido wouldn't have come to Canada.
>Implying any of you would be alive if Nazi Germany didn't lose
>Churchill here so much when he was an fat alcoholic warmongering slob whose blunders cost so many British and commonwealth lives
Hearing a brit say that, I can die now. Thanks user.
>If Hitler won, we'd still have colonies
No arguing, but get source on that ? I'm interested. On one hand, it would be easier for him to keep control of the colonies like that, one the other if the brit then refuse to trade with Germany Hitler would be rekt'd so hard...
>Roosevelt who wanted to see the British Empire destroyed.
Roosvelt wanted EVERY european colonial empires to disolve
Not in Romania, we were fascists at the time and genuinly the Reich's ally. That is until the soviets Raped us. The same can be said about huns
>It was Roosevelt who wanted to see the British Empire destroyed.
and he fucking did
>people genuinely think this is the best timeline from WW2
My father's side would be completely gone because they were both jewish and avid partisans at that
My mother's side had a Jewish grandpa that would be spared because he was a big expert in his field (actually happened) so he would build a family. All of my grandparents and great-grandparents were intelligent and hardworking, so they would no doubt have succeeded, assuming they wouldn't be hpunished for our other relatives who were fighters.
My uncle would be shot for being a lazy good-for-nothing, my mother would marry someone who was compliant but fairly counter-culture, and Im assuming because of strict religious enforcement, she would create a stable family, which she couldn't with my father.
I have always been hardworking, and with a stable family, I would probably have been an ubermensch by now. Shame only that I wouldn't have existed.
My grandparents would potentially have been relocated to other parts of Europe for developing their fields, (They wouldn't have much choice being Ukrainian and/or Jewish). so I would have grown up there.
Maybe it wouldn't have been too bad. If my grandpa had the same success there as he would, he would set me up with some good institutions. But still fuck Germany, fuck the nazis, life is good as it is.
Germans engineers were always at the top, kraut. Scientific german books were one step beyond the future. You would also stop german and jewish phycists from fleeing to murica.
I always thought that transhumanism would be a possible futuristic nazi project in a much more advanced bioengineering world than today.
Needs more idk but it's missing something
People are just more optimistic about new situations because they feel some childhood injustice inflicted on their life would not have happened and they would turn out to be successes. I bet we would all still be the same old losers, spending away our life on an online forum, only without an anime backdrop.
soviets always rapes us
but internet have to be invented, I dont think they would focus on connecting the community.
My life would be nice as fuck.
>pol thread where a greek sucks german dick like a champ
Whats new?
What gives you angloshits the idea anyone was interested in conquering the Americas?
Still in the United States. My family has been, on both sides, in America for many generations. At least since the 1850s. My family comes from a German noble house around the Rhineland. If in the U.S about the same. If in Germany, I'd probably join the Warren SS.
Fug Waffen changed to Warren. God damn mobile.
>Ethnic Thai
>France would have not stop colonialism
>Nationalism in Vietnam didn't take place
>France keeps improving Vietnam and neighboring countries with Infrastructure
>food allergies
>mild asthma
>very bad nearsightedness
My blue hair and blonde eyes may have saved me from the furnace as those are things that would preclude most military service but not really prevent you from being a productive member of society.
Could you imagine Bulgarians with access to the Aegean? I bet they would stink the whole sea up and the Greek Islands wouldn't look as nice as they do today.
Bulgarians in the Aegean? How would that be better? They'd shit up the whole area. Their depression and degeneracy would probably make the whole Aegean go from mostly sunny days to grey cloudy and rainy.
Just the thought of Bulgarians having access directly to the Aegean makes me vomit.
It was mostly a few cavemen in the mountains who after the civil war ran to Yugoslavia, they'd have nowhere to run.
>blue hair
>blonde eyes
Stupid error on my part, I swapped the two. I'm not some weird looking alien.
Nigel would found UKIP