Recommend movies with devil worshipers in it

Recommend movies with devil worshipers in it.

Pic related, I liked it.

>I liked it


Kill List and Rosemary's Baby are both god-tier

it's a good movie, and pretty flawless. Unless you're 13 or just a general manbaby you should like it as well. Not OP btw

Not devil worshipers but you might like it, the original


Yeah I saw that too, pretty solid movie. Fantastic soundtrack as well.

>there are still people shilling this mediocre movie

Does The Omen counts?

>Recommend movies with devil worshipers in it.

>Not devil worshipers but



It was an ok film.

Seconding Rosemary's Baby btw.
Also The Ninth Gate.

The Devil Rides Out

see prime Christopher Lee in one of his best movies.

It is clear you like the movie for it's artistic value you so elegantly praised.

Literally the most Reddit libcuck movie I've ever watched.

>The Devil Rides Out

Great movie.

Btw, I love the depiction of Satan in this. The Pan-like cloven hoof image of the Devil has always been my favorite, I don't know why.

There is good taste in this thread, came here to recommend
>Rosemary's Baby
>Ninth Gate
>The Devil Rides Out

Grow up, you white nigger

>promotes degeneracy and feminism through the main character
>awful pretentious metaphorical garbage throughout the whole film
>"uhh where is your god now, christians?"
>promotes satanism which is basically an extreme form of liberalism
>Reddit tier acting

It was fucking cuck leftist garbage. Fuck off libcuck.

imagine being this stupid

I love the aesthetics of 1970s Britain.

checked for truth.
gotta check this one out

The Clinton's: a crime family

Which movie was it?

Any movie about jews or muslims.


>L-leftist! Cuck!!

Spoken like a true grown-up person. Dipshit low-life. Dumb identitarian fags like you truly are the niggers of our race.

If this is what you got from Magnolia you seriously need to get help.

The Ninth Gate is excellent.

Sorry my bad wrong thread.
Man I'm drunk

Ok, humor me, faggot. What's your stance on (other) fairy tails?


Funny thing is that you and muslim extremists say exactly the same thing.
What's your view on women's clothings?

>promotes degeneracy and feminism through the main character
>promotes satanism
It doesn't really. Are you dumb?

If this is what you took from the movie you are a retarded sheep.

You say that like it's a bad thing.