Seems like the Russians have started their own sharia law. Drinking is no longer allowed.
How do Sup Forums feel about this?
Seems like the Russians have started their own sharia law. Drinking is no longer allowed.
How do Sup Forums feel about this?
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Alcohol is for degenerates. Meanwhile ahmeds are raping swedish women and cucks like you do nothing about it.
public drinking is illegal.
That's like saying any and all traditionalism is Sharia.
Policies and mindsets that combat degeneracy are (were) adopted worldwide because they are the best, strongest, most effective policies and mindsets regardless of the religions and politics that pushed them.
Yes, they are in Sharia which, yes, is why the followers of Islam outbreed you and have exploded out of their countries to conquer yours. That's just because they work, not because Muzzies invented not being a cocksucking lush.
Go back to the traditionalist way. Destroy degeneracy. Otherwise you'll never fight back.
>Alcohol is for degenerates.
Says always drunk slavshit
edgy mongrel
Looks pretty sanctvm to me. Way to go, God bless this group.
Lets be honest... alcohol is poison to the body and mind. You should be drinking the juice of fresh fruit and vegetables
tfw drunk as fuck at 1:30pm on monday
They're pretty funny I give them that. I've been watching a few of their videos now, they go around telling people to put out their smokes and taking away and pouring out peoples alcohol.
weird how they haven't been stabbed to death yet
gibe address I send slav sanctvm morals police
can't stav the slav
>PUBLIC drinking is banned
Like in every civilized country Achmed
Fucking retards that doesn't know how to read
Public drinking being illegal is retarded as fuck.
> tfw always go next to the mosque when visiting a friend who lives close to a muslim area and spit out my bierli in purpose when looked at by mudslimes
It's my fundamental right to do this
Holy shit I would have murdered anyone taking my beer from me in the park.
Why the fuck is drinking in a public park a problem?
Public drinking is apparently against the law, so good for the activists enforcing the law, i especially like Stop a Douchebag \ Stop Xam
If you're unfamiliar with em, check out the channel, its full of gold reality tv shit except its actually real.
>Anti atheist
>anti faggots
> anti west
> Anti feminism
Russia is isis
>Lets be honest... alcohol is poison to the body and mind
Absolute anti-science bullshit.
Alcohol consumption in moderation has several net health effects, including reducing the chances of several types of cancers.
Bottom line - moderate drinkers live longer than no-fun-allowed subhumans.
>implying anyone who spouts this reddit popscience bullshit drinks in moderation
Sup Forums has the highest instances of alcoholism, next to /ck/
>Source: my ass
Wow I just loved their videos.
We need more of those, everywhere.
Bunch of moralfags if you ask me.
>"Yeah my country is a shithole but look at that shithole"
Do Russians call everyone who they disagree with 'fascists'? lol. Just like our marxists. Oh wait, they are the same. Fucking krokodil taking, child raping commie mongols.
Am I crazy or did they use an angry looking Mufasa as their logo?
>then they slap you in the face and kick you out of their town.
Guess what, that's their fundamental right too. Suck it up, pussy.
>Getting the ethanolopeans to quit drinking
Good fucking luck
lmfao they literally don't do nothing but look assblasted
>mfw its legal to drink on the streets in Edinburgh but nowhere else
these lion versus and those other stop something faggots should get shot
and russia is a good place for that to happen so i hope they get shot and die
It's illegal to drink in public, like in any civilized country.
Good to have citizens who watch the law.
>It's illegal to drink in public
alcohol causes so many problems. think of all the drunken fights, drunken drivers, etc and all the injuries and death caused by them. Still despise islam though.
Kek, actually this guys have ties with right-wingers. Orthodox State of Russia and Novorossiya when?
stay mad anti alchol man
haha, you're slow.
Oh fuck and how our youth is supposed to have fun? We don't have money to drink in clubs or pubs like Westerners. And we're too shy to meet new people while being sober.
This is so retarded.
It's illegal in Russia. A few exceptions don't disprove the rule.
Even here in Ireland public drinking is illegal. At most you can stand outside some bars.
It's not Sharia to not want people pissing up around town at their own leisure.
Honestly I see it more as fighting degenerates than having ties to sharia and shit
they have real sharia law in chechnya
the Russian govt is basically financing the development of an independent islamist state in irs own territory
>We don't have money to drink in clubs or pubs like Westerners
Drink at home.
Learn to have fun without drinking.
Be very thankful to movements like these, because it means your country is waking up and starting to care for law / each other. Thank Putin.
I'm not anti-alcohol. I'm anti-Scot.
>It's illegal to drink in public, like in any civilized country.
All those Russian-Germans. I never realized there were so many...
wtf I love how base these Orthodox Sup Forumsros are. Totally my new heroes!
Degenerated values will be exterminated. Drugs, feminism, promiscuity, faggotry there is no other way.
The west can chose between letting the Muslims do it, or cleaning its own mess.
they just work off their 7 mils rubles
That good feel when public drinking is allowed in Finland and there aren't problems with it because we are not plebs.
Drinking a beer in a park with a friend of yours or drinking a beer while walking to a bar - Why the hell should it be illegal?
Here only acting like a retard and causing problems is illegal.
>Oh fuck and how our youth is supposed to have fun?
Fun is not allowed.
>meet new people
On church or through your family, like a non-degenerate.
It's public drinking, you sliding faggot.
Holy Shit! They are preparing for war. Nothing gets a Russian in a fighting mood quicker that taking away his Vodka.
Children, retard.
And what's the purpose of drinking alone at home? People drink in public places to meet new people or too relax. If you're too shy to talk with strangers - drinking is the only way to overcome anxiety.
And no, Russian people with anxiety don't visit psychiatrists like Weserners, we don't have money for this and this is not comon.
>having fun without drinking
Russians are so cold and tough that you can't communicate and have fun with them without drinking.
Police should care about the law.
>On church
eat shit, I'm atheist
I have bad relationships with my family
>alcohol isn't degenerate
>proceeds to curse others for drinking
They are christian, you asswhipe
Even in Sweden you can drink 3.5 % beer in public. Nobody cares if it's stronger where I live anyway, because it's pretty much 99 % white.
The law is the law. It's a bit of a cunt move when people are just enjoying themselves and not causing trouble, but again - it's the law
no, the main guy isn't. you can tell just from his beard and facial features he's probably some retarded variation of islam like Chechnyan or something
>be Russia 1914
>prohibit alcohol
>lose a quarter of the budget revenue
>proceed to lose war
They didn't start their own law. They've actually had these laws but people just don't obey them.
Thats what their entire movement is about. They aren't christian preachers, they just stop people doing illegal things, because as it shows, russian police are extremely incompetent.
I totally support them. It's illegal here too, and for good reason. You shouldn't be out drinking in public, regular people shouldnt have to put up with drunken assholes acting like drunken assholes in public. its annoying, its dangerous. If you wanna do that shit, go to a bar or club, or go to your friends house. The earth is not your playpen, and honestly im pretty sure it's this kinda shit that has been holding Russia back. I mean look at that shit, its fucking 2016 and the Russians are acting the same way we did in the 1800s.
Fuck you faggot
Down with prohibition!
Good. They should introduce prohibition again, not just ban public drinking. When USSR tried it the crime rates dropped almost in half.
Good goys, don't let the Russians try and clean their country up and fix themselves. Don't support these Nazis.
If there is a country that needs to cut back it's Russia but fuck Muzzies.
Beer/Wine has some uses in digestive problems.
I don't see what's beneficial about habitually eliminating brain cells
>implying the USSR were ever truthful in their reporting of crimes
Alcohol kills brain cells is a false meme. It's about other things like Korsakoff's syndrome that make alkies retarded.
That's just because the militia had to be sober.
Do you have any proof that this movement is related to Islam or Muslims in any way? If not, then shut the fuck up with your "sharia".
Russia has had problems with alcohol for generations. No one has ever been able to do anything about it. Scandinavia on the other hand has instituted policies that have been effective in curbing alcohol consumption. It would be good if Russia could do the same.
Why are the authorities allowing these Pussys to act this way?
Surely it is in their interests to remove the dumbasses going around provoking people?
I must be very naive about Russia.
Good, that's your first step away from "MUH based Putin" Sup Forums memeplex.
Read some soviet dissenters and godspeed.
You stole it from us. The true patrol of the Russian Purity.
>Going up to random people and harassing them into giving you their property
>"b-b-but it's the law and we work for the police we can tell you what to do"
>With a group of people behind him all dressed in black, videoing the whole thing
>Not just giving the footage to the cops of those drinking instead of intentionally antagonizing random people minding their own business
>people will defend these fucking dumbass russians
>"I know Greco-Roman wrestling too" fucking kek
This is literally no different than the internet/Youtube community of "pranks" or "social experiments" where they do their best to fuck with people/annoy people on the street to get a reaction and then post it online.
The only degenerates here are the political bootlickers going around thinking they are a self-governed wing of the police enforcing laws
I would assume based on the bearded mofos actions he is a muslim, maybe not the group itself par say but he is the leader and most likely uses this group as a way to introduce people to the religion. These people break the rules, I follow them, follow me, this is the way of habalabadingdong. You should come to mosque... brother... you will enjoy it, you will learn. And that naivety of false friendship is how the kid got smacked in the face.
I say this from experience... A friend of mine saddled up on the high horse of Sharia about 2 years ago, he was also diagnosed with schizophrenia. He began speaking with an Arab twang in his accent, and started using new words that didn't make sense. The spicy wasabis brainwash people into a closed minded thought and play with them like pawns. Theres no getting through to them, they teach that allah closes hearts to some people so it is not possible for a bumpkin like me to comprehend.
This man has absolutely no moral right or authority to go around imposing his beliefs on people. If Russia banned smoking and drinking yet it is the culture, he has no right to impose the will on others... if he wants to do that, he can go put on a uniform, but until he does he has absolutely no right. That is the job of the authority. He believes the public have a right to police themselves. The problem with this is people become the judge jury and executioner on the spot.
I love some parts of the UK law. You can only make a citizens arrest if it is an indictable offense. If you start imposing your will on others and it is not the case, then you are now the harasser and the person then has a right to defend themselves. If you accuse someone of something you better be in the right. This is what the UK mooslim patrol doesn't realise, because they're thick.
Oh and the fucker has a beard, and repeats himself a lot with that condescending pity party thing he's got going on.
>i don't like what you like
>>Not just giving the footage to the cops
The cops would just laugh at you and tell you to fuck off and do something productive.
It was interesting to me how the cop was a fan. It reminds me of when Tesak and Format 18 were killing and assaulting immigrants and uploading the videos to youtube. The cops were all for it.
Russia seems pretty based. Or corrupt.
I guess it depends on your perspective.
With that beard and face he looks like a smelly Chechen to me. But he didn't say "allah" when he said "god's with us". So I don't know what to think.
He also said they were Christians specifically.
The Orthodox can be pretty based.
Those are cucks. Format 18, Slavic Union, "Russians", "Gramps Frost" and Restrukt - only we do based shit.
Well I'm from Ukraine and culturally eastern orthodox so I'm pretty aware of that. I think he's just the Russian of a hipster with that beard, then. Also a snitch
So then you begin a movement to force the police into enforcing it and create awareness, otherwise you are literally aggressively taking the law into your own hands and becoming the judge, jury and executioner yourself. I don't condone public drinking/smoking around children whatsoever, although I would wonder what kids were doing in a public park at night when it's all adults around them.
The only thing worse than drinking in public or public disorder offences is groups of black-clad vigilante groups operating with freedom to "enforce" any and all law they see fit, it's dumb as fuck and attention seeking at heart.
Personally I gave up alcohol. Don't really care what happens with it.
"Snitching" is a nigger concept.
These guys don't want degenerates roaming around drinking, doing drugs and driving down the standards of their community. I don't see what's wrong with that. I don't care about the guy's beard.
>*marries daughter to a kike*
Well Russia does have a drinking problem. This might fix it
If a true need arises, then cooperate fully with law enforcement. But don't go out of your way to report free men and women.
How does this have so many likes? Obviously drinking in public is prohibited, but do these guys have nothing better to do? All they are doing is snitching on people for having a beer and the comment section just cream
themselves over it. Shit is lame as fuck.
He is Orthodox, but genetically he's a Jew. He doesn't look Russian and his last name is certainly not ethnic Russian. You might as well have the last name Ostrovnoy, same kike shit
Boблa, хape шитпocтить. Дyй нa Cмoлeнcкyю в Бyль к двeнaдцaти. Пpoвepь тeлeгpaм, блиaть.
Eto odna huynya. NS/WP - yedinstvennaya spravedlivaya gruppa v Rossii
So am I right in thinking these morons are being allowed to act this way by the authorities as it achieves the no smoking/drinking goal, even though the authorities may not agree with the pussycat dolls motives they still allow it to happen to condition them into not smoking or drinking.
The authorities will later discard the pussycat dolls when the no smoking/drinking goal has been achieved leaving our beardy friend wondering just what the fuck he achieved, at which point he has no one left to impose his will on... cause he's not gonna be imposing his will on the authorities... thats for sure. Also explains why the big guys showed so much restraint...
Yeah like those grooming gangs in Britain the authorities were covering up all these years amirite?
"Free" doesn't mean shit to me when that "freedom" is used to create a zombified degenerate populace that puts my family and culture at risk.
We need more groups like this.
is it just me or are russians either the best bros youll ever see, or the biggest dickbags in the world?