Thoughts on this, lads?
Thoughts on this, lads?
dude like.......... shut up
But why?
is the babadook a good movie to watch?
Isn't that an insult to fags? The Babadook is supposed to be bad.
The Babadook makes people commit suicide, though... LOL
Someone sounds BABASHOOK
I haute this shit so much
>okay, but
>just, yes
Wear can I get glasses like that? Asking for a friend...
This is important.
he's quite obviously a gay
made a little cutesy book with drawings of himself
i love gabagool
Australian Netflix accidentally put it in the LGBT category.
>character preys on children and destroys families
>make him gay icon
what did they mean by this?
>Mother's anxiety and depression personification is a queer
What did they mean byt his?
>and Just, yes
What did they mean by this?
Why the fuck do people pretend to like this shitty boring movie?
Hitler did nothing wrong except lose the war.
>Shit movie
>Annoying name
This shit has no redeeming features whatsoever. Nothing was lost here.
What the fuck is the Babadook?
>Thinly veiled metaphor for mental illness
>Becomes 'queer icon'
>and just, yes
glad to see buzzfeed is being inclusive by hiring people who don't speak english to write for them
What the fuck is a babadook?
The babadook is literally mental illness personified, I think it's fitting
i can see it
>babadook is about a ghost terrorizing a heterosexual family
Not really.
The build-up and atmosphere go nowhere because of the film's lack of good direction. The ending is one of the dumbest things ever put in a movie. Also, the kid is fucking annoying as all hell.
I'm about done listening to this retarded fagspeech in every news article ever.
>and just, yes
>and it's amazing
> a monster which lurks, peeps and sneaks up and attacks children is the new mascot for fags
seems about right
>White Dudes
>The Internet
fucking kek for days
Can you guys like, not?
just, yasss queen, slay
Do NOT post Machi on Sup Forums, she'll be ridiculed by the angry men on here!
Fucking poofter cunt
I liked it.
>and it's beautiful
Caaaaauuuuse iiiittt's EPiC Xs XDD!!!11!1
>Symbol of depression and general lack of mental well-being is gay community's mascot
if you like shitty horror movies that aren't scary and have the dumbest ending imaginable, then yes.
inb4 "muh metaphor for depression" no it was still fucking dumb
I just saw this on Twitter.
>and just, yes
Absolutely disgusting
>le happy cuck face
>and just, yes
Trending on Tumblr
So that is why my coworkers keep telling me this shit. I thought they were just fucking around
I hate faggots and they should be rounded up and placed in labor camps until they die to be honest senpai
But why? That doesn't make sense
> Single mom
> Mental issues
> Queer icon
checks out
There's no logic to it. It's just because Netflix accidentally put it in the LGBT section. So tumblrinas pushed it as a meme
>drawing a connection between homosexuality, gender disphoria, and a manifestation of mental illness
What did they mean by this?
Post-modernism is the worst fucking thing to happen to western culture. It's ruined everything it's touched.
and just, YES
yaaaaaas queen slayyy
We need to talk about this.
You don't know what you're talking about
Anyone remember that thread about a year ago with the OP making up a TV show that had Babadook, Shrek and other characters? Autism in its purest form.
Yes I do, it's a fucking cancer that's spread from literature into film and music and social thinking, it's an aimless mess of shit that's allowed nonsense like genderqueer polyaromantic demisexuals to turn the fucking Babadook into an LGBT icon because they completely lack any self-awareness but heeeeeey nothing matters and traditional roles don't apply so fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck common sense!
Babadook was fucking boring. Stupid ass hell too. Netflixmeme.
>"and just, yes"
i fucking hate the way libtards talk
babapussy threads when?
That's a lot of gibberish for someone who claimed to know what they were talking about.
>omg you guys someone said something dumb on a blog
>also me:
I like how twitter basically became a den of black people posting spongebob memes and passive aggresive cunts.
Yes. Just know before you go in that it's a psychological thriller-horror, not a true horror movie. Almost everyone who hates on it does so because they were expecting it to be regular horror with lots of violence, jump scares and supernatural shit. Not only that, but they were expecting it to be *10/10* regular horror because all the critics said it would be.
The few that don't hate it for not being regular horror hate it because they cannot stand child actors, even though the kid was actually very good for a 7 year old. His character is just an autistic little asshole and it drives his mom mad
>I just watched Jordan Peterson
>and just, yes
So now you can be a journalist without any grasp of the the language in which you're writing? The "Dook" in Babadook doesn't rhyme with "Shook". The retard who wrote that article saw two Os and just assumed they were compatible. That's literally a preschool grasp of the english language.
Liberalism is truly a plague.
>terrorizes families and preys on children
>is a thinly veiled metaphore for mental illness
>queer icon
It makes perfect sense
it's great if you visit reddit on a daily basis
I love how people think this is progress and evolution but is the mark of any dying society...sad!
I don't understand this
I'm a fag but this gave me a laugh
same as it ever was
came to say this
>and just, yes
I was up for the recent revival of Babadook memery up until the queer icon shit. Humor at its cheapest. So disappointed.
>Watch X SLAM Y about Z
Came here to reply with this.
It's completely mediocre but it's treated like the second coming because the horror genre is so trash
it's fucking shit
It works better as a movie about a stressed out mother dealing with her hellion of a child who starts to manifest his anger into a monster that continues to torment him
She should really kill that kid
>X SLAMS Y about Z and it's GLORIOUS
>X..Just, X
>um, sweetie
>so fragile
>like, whatever
Pretty much this. Idk why people complain the kid was autistic and annoying when that was literally a key plot point...
>"hypothetical quote" - X, probably
Fine, I guess?
I'm just wondering why. Why the babadook specifically?
Was there something about his character that stood out for the 'gay community' to latch onto?
It doesn't bother me, but it just seems really fucking bizzare.
it actually was pretty good except for the last minutes but, those last few minutes can easily ruin the the rest of the movie for a lot of people