>Clinton Cash: Khizr Khan’s Deep Legal, Financial Connections to Saudi Arabia, Hillary’s Clinton Foundation Tie Terror, Immigration, Email Scandals Together
HA! Crooked Hillary strikes again!
I can't believe people would want her as president with that much corruption behind her name.
214.2 dimension sudden death peruvian underwater chess.
>Clinton operative George Stephanopoulos
kek, funny because it is true
Riemann Zeta Function Analytical Continuation of Chess in the Quaternion Field
It's true. All of it. But Trump NEEDS TO FUCKING SAY IT!! He needs to say the son was a hero but his dad is an Islamist piece of shit.
11^11 parallel dimensioned chequers my friends
So is the media talking about extremist Khan yet? Or just poor insulted Khan?
Send it to Trump's Twitter or something. At the very least on of his interns will catch this and show it to him.
>chased him for 20 minutes saying "it isn't easy being green"
how can the DNC ever recover from this
Srsly doubt msm will talk about a corrupt Khan. They would have to talk about the corrupt Clinton Foundation. It will only make press if Trump redirects the question in an msm interview.
I'd be interested in knowing what was the end game for the son who died. Was he an all-american, apple pie type and was oblivious to what his dad did? There aren't really a whole lot of muslims in the military. I think someone worked it out to be less than 1%.
hi ctr
>his wife is wearing a hijab
>in the USA
Why would anyone take this man seriously?
Well Clinton supprted the war that his son was killed in, just put that angle in the narrtive
is this sarcasm? b8? MSM will give her a pass on this.
Sad thing is this story broke AFTER the Chris Wallace interview with Hillary
Was he? His son died when a suicide bomber blew himself up. I'm betting his son was the suicide bomber.
Hang him from the nearest tree