why does Seinfeld feels much more dated than Friends even though they aired mostly at the same time?
Why does Seinfeld feels much more dated than Friends even though they aired mostly at the same time?
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because you are a faggot
Younger cast?
I can't believe so many people liked this show. So glad that people are coming to their senses about this overrated shtick
Friends kept going six years after Seinfield's last episode.
Different age groups and social circles. Friends were young and hung out with young people while Seinfeld was more "adult" and they were antisocial so it's hard to imagine anyone from seinfeld clubbing (except kramer)
friends has a little bit more of a soul to it, which is more in line with the sitcoms of our time, like the Office and Parks and Rec. Seinfeld is a show about terrible people learning nothing.
now I know you're gonna say "well Always Sunny is about terrible people", but that show has lots of yelling and reddit jokes so it's more contemporary
The colors of the clothing and sets. Seinfeld has that washed out/beige 80s/early 90s look, whereas Friends has a more colorful palette.
Friends is a piece of shit
Seinfeld is one of the best shows ever made and it has held up beautifully
Seinfeld started airing like 5 years before Friends.
There was a reference to the Berlin Wall coming down in Seinfeld. That's how fucking old that show is.
Always Sunny is people being assholes to be assholes. Seinfeld was people being too lazy or uninterested to be good people.
I think it's just the opposite. The jokes in Seinfeld are timeless because they didn't depend as much on popular culture or trends. At least generally speaking.
Seinfeld 1989-1998
Friends 1994-2004
Remember the hulu commercials for the le nerd couple and their whole life is seinfeld and they won't hang out with people who don't like seindfeld
probably part of it
The exact opposite of this is true. You are a troll and a colossal faggot.
Are you a female?
I'm not sure. Why do the earlier seasons of Seinfeld feel more dated than the later ones, OP?
I like Friends, but Seinfeld shits all over it.
Seinfeld is the perfect normie detecter.
If you cant appreciate their misery you are a sheep.
I bet you also think you're special because you watch it's always sunny.
Because Seinfeld has been copied to hell and back so if you didn't watch it when it was originally on you feel like you've seen it before.
Friends was shit so no one bothered to copy it.
It probably has something to do with the contrarianism, lack of good taste, and general young posting age of this shitty board.
Seinfeld is a classic show. Friends was the Big Bang Theory of its day.
>unironically thinks friends is better
I'd point you to Reddit but Facebook is probably more your style
>no one bothered to copy it
Tell that to HIMYM
Friends was shot on film and has been rescanned for HD, idk if Seinfeld has had the same treatment
Jerry's hair makes seinfeld more dated. The friends cast was more youthful and trendy at the time.
>tfw you're now older than first season friends cast
>tfw 23 year jennifer aniston is no longer a beautiful woman to you, but a younger girl who is way out of your league
>ywn see Seinfeld for the first time again
It was, though I didn't know that Friends was too
what's up with that? I don't see the point of shooting a 4:3 NBC 3-camera sitcom on 35mm film. Seems so much more expensive
and so much more of a hassle than shooting on video, all for what? ever so slightly better picture quality (on a 90s CRT with those weird interference patterns analog OTA broadcasts had)?
not even similar
>why does Seinfeld feels much more dated than Friends even though they aired mostly at the same time?
It doesn't.
friendly reminder that George's parents didn't show up on the show until season 4.
>Seinfeld has been copied to hell and back
In what way? Good writing with interesting characters? I hear people say Seinfeld was copied yet I can't think of many shows like it.
Everyone knows this, it's the handicap parking episode.
And Jerry Stiller wasn't George's original dad. They reshot the scenes later.
>it's the handicap parking episode.
Wrong. The Contest is actually the first time his mom appears.
Friends is for faggots, yuros and women
Since it's Seinfield thread, can someone explain to me that "six games" joke? I'm not American, so I don't understand what exactly that means.
it means that he seriously hoped.
The World Series in baseball is decided by a best of 7 games. George was deriding him, implying if they were better they would have won in fewer games.
Not quite. Seinfeld was 1989-1998 and Friends was 1994-2004, so Seinfeld is quite a bit more dated. The average Seinfeld episode is gonna be from 94 whereas the average Friends ep will probably be a 2000 or later episode.
>implying friends is better than seinfeld in any way
this literally triggers me
Let's be realistic here, aside from a few standout episodes, the first 3 seasons of Seinfeld were kinda shit.
me too. I don't know why it offends me. Maybe because I was exposed to both for long periods of time. Seinfeld was always better, 100%. Anyone with an objective sense of humor can see it. Maybe if you care more about personal growth and sexual tension, Friends was more thrilling.
Why are these 2 shows always being compared?
Monica was Jerry's wife
George was the suicidal dude that talked to Phoebe.
they aired on the same network, they weren't ever competing.
Thank you.
>Let's be realistic here, aside from a few standout episodes, the first 9 seasons of Seinfeld were kinda shit.
We're being flooded by underage with shit taste. This will only get worse lads.
maybe they'll grow out of it. I liked some garbage in my youth too.
Wrong, Friends is good, but not better than Seinfeld.
This is correct. In the modern sitcom you are invariably supposed to be invested in the lead emotionally and root for them. You just kind of watch Jerry. Also contributing is the fact that sitcoms are being consumed via streaming more than ever, and Friends is on the more popular streaming service.
>he fell for the aniston is pretty meme
Also Ross is what makes friends watchable. The character is hilarious.
Childhood is thinking Chandler was the funniest. Adulthood is growing up and realizing Ross was the glue that held the show together.
>only recently got to watch seinfeld because they never aired it properly in my country back when it was a thing
>think it was going to be dated
>holds up incredibly well
>best sitcom I've ever watched
we're the same kind of faggots we were back then, only now we have internet and smartphones instead of payphones and answering machines
Yup. Chandler was just an annoying cunt
I'll watch friends if I'm visiting Grandma, or stayin at a hotel and all I e got is basic cable options, but Seinfeld and Curb are leagues superior.
There are a couple of things. In general, any sitcom that has an antisocial main character on it, as pre-Seinfeld, sitcoms for the most part were warm and fuzzy. Especially late years Seinfeld, everyone is an asshole. This has been copied most by It's Always Sunny, but you could say a few others did it e.g. maybe Arrested Development.
Sitcoms started being about the little eccentricities in life (Friends did this fairly often) post-Seinfeld, when, before, they were largely about three things: 1) work, 2) family, 3) relationships.
Late Seinfeld was an absurdist comedy where people got into wacky situations, but in a more surreal way than prior sitcoms, and not just in a wacky "lady giving birth in an elevator" kind of way. This was copied by 30 Rock and I suppose Arrested Development.