What are some movies where Communism triumphs over Capitalism?
What are some movies where Communism triumphs over Capitalism?
It costs money to make movies.
Only if you don't own the means of cinema production.
The Beast.
what are some movies where mommy makes an error in judgment?
There's a whole genre for it: imdb.com
Anything by FacialAbuse pretty much sums ups the effect this election has had on May.
>Her smile and optimism. Gone.
real life in 50 years thank god
No more than five years until the bourgeois tories fall and we seize the means of production Comrade Doggo!
Make it so.
>want ot revert tax rate for the billionaires to Thatcher-era level
>he's a communist
>he's an anti-semite
>oy vey this is another holocaust
It never stops, does it?
>Come 2nd
>"Yay!! We won!!"
Leftist """""logic""""".
Can't absorb the Corb.
reminder that post-scarcity society is essentially communist and a main reason all previous attempts failed is because they expected people to be perfectly fine with a society where "shitter scrubber" gets paid the same as "nuclear physicist."
T..think of the poor billionaires who will be deprived of their third yacht if this monster is elected and raises their tax by 3% ;__;
Sure an NHS is nice, but is it worth inflicting such suffering on the innocent?
This is your future.
>ITT: retards who want britain to become venezuela
>Communism is about tax rate levels
lol mong.
>all previous attempts
Implying someone was attempting to make UK Communist.
>Lose to a limp dishcloth in human skin
For all the deluded leftists ITT, if you couldn't win now, how the fuck will you ever
>The rich hoard money in their Scrooge McDuck vault/swimming pools
This is what leftists ACTUALLY believe...
Well, commies don't own shit.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. kys.
I believe in duty to the society that shelters, protects and supports you so you can dedicate you time to copious money-grabbing rather than defending borders, scrubbing your own shitters or flipping the burgers you eat between high-stakes business deals.
Funnelling money into off-shore accounts, avoiding tax and generally being a leech is not behaviour to be encouraged or rewarded. People can become rich, but also need to recognise that no man is an island.
Who /Jezza/ here??
>What are some movies where Communism triumphs over Capitalism?
take a wild guess
Fire, Walk With Me: The Missing Pieces
why is jezza not PM?
i thought he won
WTF I'm a #corbonthecob now!?
post yfw Britain will be destroyed by a civil war in your lifetime
Explain how the most kino films ever were produced in Commounst Poland and Communist Russia
>post yfw Britain will be reborn by a civil war in your lifetime
there are no movies in the new britistain union only work and occasional muslim holidays
Britain has long been a corrupt oligarchal ruin, a festering sore in its own corpse. Only by cleansing the cancer can we begin anew
Glorious Revolution of 2019. Forces loyal to Comrade Corbyn overrun the last of the Nationalists in their stronghold of Norfolk. Boris Johnson, in his command bunker, choose suicide with a fowling shotgun over capture by the victorious Reds.
>Kebab will be removed in your lifetime
mfw SJWs get destroyed in a civil war in my lifetime.
>a civil war
British state opression apparatus is a joke but come on now
>falling for a jew system
Calm down Sup Forumstards
Based DUP
Phew, I was afraid Europe was about to start WW3. Turns out they just want to slowly decay and die. Go on then UK, fuck off and die
DUP wants the softest brexit on the planet but insane religious shit. Which will win out?
Hard Brexit or bust
It's like the Mail wanted him to win
>lefties cheering about the success of the left wing
>don't realise that they've essentially put turbo-conservative terrorists in power
We'll be after you when we've dealt with the Pakis and EU m8.I swer on me mum
Not happening under the Mummy "strong and stable" May government you nonce.
I guess this is what happena when you campaign on shit people don't care about (Brexit negotiations, immigration) and someone campaigns on things people care about (health care, rent, social services).
May was an idiot to think the UKIP meme faggots were worth anything, electorally speaking. As shown by the party's stunning presence in parliament, right?
To be honest Britain is already dead. I plan to move to America as soon as I can and make that my home.
I can see where they're coming from. If the tories choose to die on the hill of appeasing the DUP they piss off hard brexiters and moderates alike, if they choose to piss off DUP another election gets called and they get routed.
Yeah it will. The foxes and your demented granny are going to get fucked too, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Hope you like another snap election courtesy of DUP
>Nobody cares about immigration
Lmao you little cuck
The DUP are going to take a backhander then bend over to whatever May wants. Cry more, Muhammad.
what are some movies where the good guy overcomes impossible odds and wins?
i voted labour because may wanted to bring back fox hunting i will never vote for evil
>it's a Sup Forums-tard things everyone is as racist as his meme-addled brain.
Look up this election, or America's 2016 election. Immigration was never the top concern of ANY voters, other than autistic online surfers who think their worldview is normal outside of their own corners.
Campaign on immigration alone and you end up like UKIP: a symbolically worthless party, or BNP, an even more worthless party.
C'mon man. Don't delude yourself into thinking your one-button issue (brown people!) is what someone paying rent actually cares about. That's a symptom, not a cause.
Read the DUP manifesto they'd rather let the rest of the U.K. a burn than have a hard brexit or an enforced border with Ireland.
How can there still be commies in Western Yurop? You have reminders to just how shit communism is to the east of you.
that's why labour won a majority!
Not because May is and authorotarian centrist with no principles or charisma
>UKIP: a symbolically worthless party
>One man's successful crusade to get Britain out of the EU
>Nobody cares about Brexit
>Even though it was passed through a referendum
You got it, boyo
Keep clutching at straws bud. They have no real power in the relationship, there will be a deal and they will compromise,
>Faces the worst tory candidate ever
>still manages to lose
>UK gets a DUP + CON government
top kek, you are retarded if you think Corbyn has any chance of victory. 2022 is an assured victory for the tories now if May fucks off (which she will).
If there's one thing Europeans are good at, it's repeating past mistakes. Actually that's the only thing they're good at.
> insane religious shit
This is what fedora fags actually believe. Secularism is cancer, and created the vacuum that allowed for the islamization of the UK.
How many people have the DUP killed?
>tfw I will rape and kill Bourgeois Britcuck families in my lifetime
Revolution WHEN!?
Only retarded 20 year old liberal art majors are commies, the huge bulk of labour voters are brexiters and ex-UKIP
Tories need a big terrorist attack now to rally support for the government. Watch out.
that's only part of it. Do you think Labour won all of those seats just because everyone was like "ew, May has no charisma?"
Which is why all of Nigel's coterie is sitting at the negotiating table, making sure things go their way.
You can idolize Brexit all you want man, but that's not the reason people were going out to the polls except (clearly) a small number of people. You and others are extremely lacking in perspective. When push comes to shove, someone is going to care more about their own quality of life more than "oh no, what are our quotas running at this year?" If someone DOES worry about that, it's because their own life is so shitty and hopeless that they look for anything they can blame for it. And 9 times out of 10, it's not immigrants that make everyone's lives shitty.
>but muh Rotherham!
please don't fall back on the classic "I only care about women's purity when it suits my political fantasies" routine, and instead listen to my larger point above.
>Secularism is cancer
It's really not if it's thorough.
This tbqh
>tfw a 90 years old me will catch the beginning of a new ear just before I die
Social democracy is not Marxist leninism retard. The Western world was it its peak when most countries were social democracies. All they want is the Europe they had before the late 70s.
Soviet secularism was thorough and now they're backtracking hard on that shit. Secularism leads to social stagnation and decline.
Your own thought leaders admit you would get fucking owned.
>dealt with the Pakis and EU
You won't ever be free if EU lives you know. They'll fuck you as revenge for Brexit, you won't be going to pre-Brexit days before you destroy the new Reich
There are none. Apart from the fact that the movie industry is the very epitome of capitalism, communism always fails or resorts to tyranny to contain the starving masses then fails.
Or in the case of Comrade Corbyn it tries to bribe the young and inexperienced, doesn't even get started then the loser claims ineffectually to have won.
it's a scare tactic big companies push - conflate in peoples' minds that slightly higher taxes to pay for social services/infrastructure = horrific industrialized genocide, and they will have freedom-lovers defending them till the day they die.
It's a sophisticated "war of ideas" campaign decades in the making.
What marxist-leninist denies being a communist?
>Marxist-Leninist AND sjw
The guy who made this image really didn't do his homework
>all polls show that immigration in the number one issue
>no cares about immigration you racist!
lol, non-whites!
desu the more I think about it the more I think Corbyn winning a majority is better for us
Sure he will ruin the country and turn us into Venezuela but that's just the thing we need to turn this country right wing again (and the wogs will leave if we become poor)
Da comrade. It just need to be thorough.
>Sure he will ruin the country and turn us into Venezuela
t. Sargon of Cuckad subscriber
>The Western world was it its peak when most countries were social democracies.
Cant tell if b8 or historical revisionism.
UKIP was a one-man party, and that one man resigned when he got what he wanted. They were never going to be a parliamentary force.
Brexit is going to define the future of this country more than any four-year term will, and people know that. It's not the sole reason that they voted, but to brush it aside and say it was some irrelevant factor in people's decision is ridiculous. Similarly, equating 'immigration was not the top concern of voters' to 'voters didn't care about immigration' is just bad logic.
May could have called the election and not said a word throughout and would have done fine. Only a retard or somebody actually trying to throw the election starts talking about a dementia tax or repealing the fox hunting ban. The only thing that saved her disastrous campaign was that her opposition was run by a man who got 2 E's at A level and supported the IRA, and whose cabinet consists of a bunch of incompetent unknowns, a shadow home secretary that had to pull a sickie because she was so bad, and the shadow chancellor who is an open marxist.
>but muh 'muh' meme and weird strawman about a topic nobody else has brought up
Labour came pretty close in the 70s.
>reeee we need to destroy the country to wake up
People like you are the worst
either way the country will be destroyed, it's just a faster death with Corbyn or a slow one with the Conservatives
I know right. This was written by a Marxist.
>The “call-out-culture”--i.e., the public naming and denunciation of individuals alleged to be guilty of “oppressive behavior” without any proof necessarily being provided--held up by some “radical activists” as some sort of alternative or “restorative justice” provides almost no protections for the accused. It is, therefore, no wonder this ideology finds support within the establishment, which is seeking increasingly dictatorial powers to deal with social discontent.
The “tough-on-crime” rallying cry, which hailed historically from the extreme right, has now been appropriated by upper middle class feminist liberals, who demand a “tough-on-rape” approach. These are the same people who called for a witch-hunt against Brock Turner last June, who was sentenced to six months in prison after being found guilty of sexual assault, and the judge who sentenced him.