How is it that Pripyat after the Chernobyl disaster is still uninhabitable, but Hiroshima and Nagaski never had a problem with its radiation and are still thriving towns today? This doesn't seem to make any sense whatsoever.
How is it that Pripyat after the Chernobyl disaster is still uninhabitable...
There is a difference between a few kilograms of instantly reacting plutonium and masses of eternaly radiating fuel rods that melted their way into the bedrock.
Chernobyl was a nuclear power plant, Hiroshima/Nagasaki just had nuclear bombs dropped on them. I'm assuming that the radiation dissipated pretty quickly in the latter case.
American education, everyone.
considering the ammount if isotopes it'll take a long time. luckily TMI didn't go full helter skelter btw.
>considering the ammount if isotopes it'll take a long time.
NATO can remotely deactivate them so I'm not sure what you're getting at
Wrong. Radiation is not the reason.
The main reason is, that the whole city is in a state of decay from decades of neglect.
It would be very little risk involved in moving there, but why would anyone want to go and live there?
There simply is no infrastructure.
Chill Columbia, maybe you need to deactivate your atoms.
Oh FFS, you do know that there's still radioactive material in the Chernobyl plant, right? The Elephant's Foot is still there.
You could have fucking googled this yourself and NOT looked like an idiot.
Ladies and gentlemen I present to you, the American education system
"I have no idea what I am talking abaout" - The Post
You miss the meme
>The main reason is
The city is still extremely radioactive, especially metal objects and structures.
The ferris wheel and the car park are very radioactive, and the basement of the hospital, which hosts literally thousands upon thousands of scrapped pants, shoes and gas masks used by the firemen after the explosion is currently the 2nd most radiaoctive place in the world, the first being the reactor itself.
Rain has melted concrete to the point where rebar is visible, most structures are collapsed on one side or their basis have sunk into the ground, to repair the city would cost trillions of dollars, and to raze it to the ground is unthinkable, as every single building is a party of radioactive particles and fissile materials sitting pretty much everywhere.
That city is a living hell, i've been there and i can tell you even if it looks greenish and peaceful, it is not a nice place to visit, at all.
A human cannot live into the city for more than a week, given the lack of actual infrastructures and the LRS you will probably get if you dare to walk in buildings that have been sealed away.
Stepping into the hospital's basement will give you an ARS almost immediately.
The only safe places to visit are those you usually see if touring with a guide, since these places have been passed through a severe process of radiation bonification, including mass-excavating the radioactive soil away and asphalting everything.
I love how the checkpoint guards are extremely corrupted and assholes all the time, if they find you even a mSv value above the norm, they will strip you naked and wash you with chemicals, along giving you a fine for "not listening to your guide and partaking and trespassing into prohibited areas inside the Pripyat District of the CEX".
because a nuke is not the same as a reactor malfunction
Because USA good boy dindu muffin wrong
cheeki breeki?
hi newfriend ;)
nukes don't exist. Einstein was a jewish commie
We need more money for dem programs
get back to class, you're making us look stupid as fuck
Holy shit
that quote really made me think
You must be new around here.
>yuropoors living in the dark ages
What's the matter, Merkel divert your anti-nuclear budget to feed refugees?
Still better than our system.
Our public education is so shitty and leftist that we are not in the position to judge.
You've probably got that from those bullshit HC and BBC """documentaries""" where they hold a beeping geiger counter into the camera,
while not mentioning that they set the device to measure in μRem, not mRem.
>not getting the joke.
I'm just gonna do a 360 and walk away from this thread
We stopped using Roentgen's system since 1976, user.
Call it bullshit if you want, it's the truth.
382 uSv/h in the basement alone, for fuck's sake.
>germcuck obviously got tricked into buying land, only to find out later its uninhabitable for 50k years.
hows it feel, ahmed?
but wait what that means you would be walking in the same direction???!!?1!1!?
Pripyat is inhabitable. The problem is just risk of remainder radiation in dust and water, so its not completely safe as cant predict when get exposed if at all.