Why the fuck do people like Under the Skin...

Why the fuck do people like Under the Skin? This is one of those movies that you can't fucking discuss on Sup Forums because any time you raise any criticisms some jackass just calls you a pleb and refuses to explain. I'm starting to think they're just shitposting and have never actually seen it but like to pretend it's one of those high-class "art" films that only the enlightened can truly appreciate.

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If you want to just whine about it that's fine but this video pretty much explains the whole thing and it's really not that complex.

It's something like babbys first art film and it's pretty shallow and empty despite what imdb memers think. It is however somewhat successful at being a decent thriller/horror with passable visuals and music. 4-5/10.

That's exactly my point. It's not a complex film and yet it's treated like something amazing.

>not a complex film
>treated like something amazing
Something can be both simple and amazing. I don't see a problem here.

I thought it was clear that "amazing" implied "amazingly complex."

Yes, what you said is true, but I see people treating it as a masterpiece of complexity.

>literally pretentious: the flick
>lets not make a story, just scenes - let those idiots think its d33p lmao

>any time you raise any criticisms some jackass just calls you a pleb and refuses to explain.
But that is the explanation, boy. You are a pleb and therefore you are not capable of grasping patrician values.
No worries though, as part of the vast majority, all your entertainment needs will always be covered. Lot's of capeshit and starshit around...

See, this is exactly the kind of stupid post I'm talking about. Not a single thing indicating he has seen this boring-ass film, just condescending bullshit filled with buzzwords.

Izzit posedv to be a sukkubus or a inkabus?

You didn't raise any actual criticisms with your initial post so you really can't complain.

>because any time you raise any criticisms
Do your "criticisms" revolve around insightful comments like its "pretentious," "overrated," "boring," or any other pleb-signaling noncriticisms?
Or are you just mad no one validates your contrarian snowflake opinions.

I thought the reason you couldn't talk about it is because nobody gives a shit beyond the tits.

I liked the score

best way to spot a reddit tourist

I can't think of a movie with this much nudity which manages to be so un-sexy, they did a good job with that (I think that was the point)

Waiting for op to deliver an actual criticism of the film

I didn't even give a shit about the tits or the movie.
Get on my level.

>Chris Stuckmann
Yeah fuck off

It's not just an awful artsy fartsy crap you'd expect from a student filmmaker in the 70s. If it wasn't for ScarJo, no theater would have aired this garbage.
It's not only cinematic grabage, they filmed people without their consent and then paid them to let them use the footage, you can see it when't she's whoring herself in that ugly neighborhood, you can see it at the mall too.
Then there's that scen where a kid is left crying at the beach...They scared a kid and made him cry just to film their retarded movie

are you 14?

t. chris stuckmann's ex

Fair enough.

Great "music."

ScarJo is cute!

I need to rewatch this

t. chris stuckmann

Stuckmann does not at all seem like the kind of person who would watch this movie.

damn now I want to watch this

>they filmed people without their consent and then paid them to let them use the footage
That's called "getting their consent" idiot. If they didn't want their footage used then they would have just said no.

>they filmed people without their consent and then got their consent
>They filmed a crying baby
Holy shit thats literally worse than 10,000 mecha-hitlers.

What exactly is plebeian about being bored by a film? Do you call someone a pleb when they don't like watching paint dry?

One thing I liked about it was reading that the ugly deformed guy (who I had initially assumed was makeup or CGI) took his friends to the theater to see it without letting them know that he was in it. So he made a bunch of people sit through this crap just to see his dick.

First we rape then we burn.

The movie is not about aliens, children.

I bet the book is much better, as all books are. Films are for plebs who are too lazy to read.

Why don't you go turn in your kitchen knives and ask them kindly if they'll film the body cavity search you filthy fucking brit? In real countries we have some respect for privacy.

Nah the book is worse than the film desu


It's one of the best films of 2013 you plebeian Sup Forums drone

No, that would be Wolf of Wall Street.

>What exactly is plebeian about being bored by a film?
It's not a valid criticism. Its predicated on influences outside of the movie's controll.
2001 is a boring fucking movie, it's still a great film thats an audio-visual masterpiece, on an objective technical level. Ever see thin red line? Its literally watching grass grow: the movie, and Sup Forums used to call it their favorite modern war film, before the capeshit and star wars occupation.
It's just an unqualified opinion based on muh fee fees and backed up by fuck all.


I read it years ago but the book is very different from the film. In the book she knocks the victims out with a needle hidden in the passengers seat and takes them to a farm to be made into meat like animals would. They go a lot into the others who work at the farm and I think an inspector who comes down to check up on the workers

Okay, I literally do not understand what you are doing. Why are you just naming random boards?

Films from 2013 which are better than Under the Skin:
The Wolf of Wall Street
Hobbit 2
The World's End
Inside Llewyn Davis
Pain and Gain
Pacific Rim
2 Guns
Only God Forgives
Ender's Game (barely)

Films from 2013 which are worse than Under the Skin:
Runner Runner
Star Trek Into Darkness


>Hobbit 2
>Ender's Game
jesus dude that's pretty vicious

It's a shit film.

I remember this image from a few months ago. I looked up Stemple Pass because the poster was cool and it isn't even a film, it's just a guy playing music over pictures of rocks.

I couldn't dig it. Agree with the other post about it being babby's first attempt at something deep.
The plot was incoherent (it's fine to have a minimal plot but just throwing in random shit for the sake of art is pointless) and her acting was poor (not real enough to come off as an alien trying to be a person, not robotic/unsettling enough if they were going for a disturbing angle).

It's a shame because there were some cool scenes but it's all poorly arranged. The angle of her falling in love with a human had a lot of potential but only came up in the end of the movie and didn't go anywhere.

>Dallas buyers club
>inside llewyn davis
>upstream color
>secret feels of walter mitty
I like wolf of wallstreet and scorcese, but 2013 was a good year for film.

>it's a benning is too deep for some retarded nerd episode

The book is very different, but a lot better.

>it's a faggot who acts all pretentious but uses the "it's an episode" meme that only retarded underage frogposters use

I like how she just faked an English accent for no reason even though she was in Scotland.

>The plot was incoherent
>Weird lady turns out to be an ayy lmao luring men to her space ship to be turned into dogfood
>gains independence and tries to become human
>fails at it and loses hope
>Ayy lmao handler drags her back to the ship to be replaced by another sexy alien ayy
>Just like the beginning of the movie
>Realizing thats the lifecycle of the ayy lmao man bait robot and not a unique experience
Its pretty straight forward. Its just not exposited to you in dialogue.

pretentious garbage

it was even more disappointing when I looked up what the story is based on and they turned an interesting book into a 2deep4u "art" music video

Not him, but what was the meaning of that part where the motorcyclist stood on the top of the mountain looking confused?

It's a stupid movie but ScarJo gets nekkid.

The film isn't amazingly complex, and it's essentially pointless to ponder the reasoning for the alien's predation on human men. The important subtext of what happens is the alien, after meeting the disfigured man, begins to develop human feelings, and begins to see herself as human and those around her as having value. It is a this point of vulnerability and mental transformation, where she embraces the ego of a human woman, that she falls prey to what was once prey to her, a man. The film has themes of self actualization and feminism. That's a simple analysis of what the film is about. It's a visually beautiful and unsettling film with some good performances. Anyone who calls you a pleb or acts 2deep4u about it is just baiting you.

It's treated as being better than every other sci-fi film that came out there year, because it was.

that's pretty based tbqh

>but I see people treating it as a masterpiece of complexity.
How so?

>incoherent plot

Now this poster deserves being called retarded. This is not a complex film.

Aliens are harvesting humans to extract meat from them for some unknown purpose. They use young female shells to lure in prey, and when one of those aliens wearing that shell has a crisis of conscience they are recycled like the girl you see at the very beginning of the film.

Scarjo has a crisis of conscience and wanders off to find herself but ironically becomes prey herself.

It's a film about human nature as observed by alien eyes; and the vehicle for all of it is a sci-fi story.

No fucking wonder comic book films are discussed endlessly on here, any plot point that isn't expressed verbatim on screen is deemed 'incoherent'.

Sup Forums would be better if it were just pedophiles with brain cells than right now where it's filled with comic book drones.

>he doesn't understand the importance of aggressive elitism in maintaining board quality

>Anyone who calls you a pleb or acts 2deep4u about it is just baiting you.
That's the thing about it though, it is 2deep4plebs who cant into visual narrative. Tons of people try to call it a bad movie because it was boring and they didn't understand what was happening.
People who got it, but still didn't like it arent in these threads, because they still appreciate it for being a solid flick technically.

>The angle of her falling in love with a human had a lot of potential but only came up in the end of the movie and didn't go anywhere.

Way to miss the point. Did you really think that the movie was about an alien finding love and settling down?


>artsy fartsy
Opinion discarded. You should probably kill yourself

It's only gotten shittier so you can see how well that worked.

This. It was a breath of fresh air.

The same thinghappens when you mention how you don't like Primer in a Primer thread

The logic is that 'if you got it, you'd like it' and if you don't 'you're a pleb moron who can't appreciate good films, and you didn't understand it.'


Imagine wasting your time watching this much trash

Only because it was a truly shitty year for sci-fi. If it had come out in another year it would have been forgotten.

It's still a film though

>I love Under the Skin but all these other films I've never watched are trash.
Yeah, that explains why you like Under the Skin, shitter.

>Sup Forums would be better if it were just pedophiles with brain cells
>literally supporting pedophilia
Cunnyposter detected.

I haven't seen Under the Skin, but all of the movies you listed other than Inside Llewyn Davis are either flat out terrible or completely forgettable.

Primer is admirable from its production aspect alone. Its the statement that if you want to make a real movie there's literally nothing stopping you. Its not the greatest movie ever but considering how it got made it's better than anyone could have reasonably expected. The fact that a guy in a garage with a day job put together a movie that managed to be better than its peers with huge budgets backed by major studios.

Did you dislike primer because the last 30 minutes were near impossible to follow? That's the point

I enjoyed some of them because I'm not a pretentious asshole like you.

Besides, are you seriously criticizing how someone uses their free time, while you're posting on fucking Sup Forums?

>That's the point
He ran out of money so they couldn't afford to shoot scenes that would have explained more.
The commentary track is worth listening too.

>If it had come out in another year it would have been forgotten.
What year?

2014 and 2012 both had far superior sci-fi films, off the top of my head. UtS lucked out to avoid releasing a year later or a year sooner.

I like anyone who digs at this movie. It's ok at best - a story you could tell in a short film, but oh shit shots of scarjo driving and speaking w/ real dirty scots. pseud plebs be like "it's such an insightful look at what it means to be human." nah it's visually great but mostly ponderous garbage - call it a buzzword but Under the Skin is overrated

it doesn't get better on rewatch

Yeah because Sup Forums isn't tied for 3rd worst board, and /lit/ isn't garbage either.

What happened in the last 30 mins again.
All I remember is him going on to make room size boxes

There are very few movies I consider truly pretentious and this is one of them. It was painful to watch, and I generally like artsy fartsy cinema.

So when that guy fucked her did it count as rape? She's clearly adult (or adultlike) but was acting like she was braindead.

Fucked if I can remember.

She's an alien so she probably doesn't understand the concept.

You might say it is... alien to her.


This movie in its entirety is Hollywood, which depends on making money off of people wanting to see pictures of pretty girls, laughing at their customer base for wanting to see pictures of pretty girls.
Okay. You got me. Stupid me. Let's see how much more money I give you.

>for no reason

She's a world famous actress and her voice is almost as recognizable as her look. Hence, the wig and voice change.

Isn't it an indie film?

A brave and heroic rapist saves the day and kills the foreigner. That's the message I got. Sometimes rapists see the things we don't.

I'm glad Trump is our president!

>You only like it because you think liking it makes you look intellectual, you can't possibly actually enjoy it because I didn't!
>However don't just call me a pleb without explaining why, I don't have to justify my argument but you do!