Why are Western men such crybaby faggots?
At least Japanese men have honor and respect for society and don't White Knight foreign hordes of sub 70 IQ brownies.
Is it something genetic?
Why are Western men such crybaby faggots?
At least Japanese men have honor and respect for society and don't White Knight foreign hordes of sub 70 IQ brownies.
Is it something genetic?
Other urls found in this thread:
Oh look it's the leaf with the proxy.
Would you ever give this up?
And if not, let us know what your motivations are.
This is the leaf, he was doxxed yesterday
J-wiggers give the rest a bad reputation. Too many Anime tattoos.
You sound sad, like you regret, rather than complain.
There are many insensitive white men out there for you. You just need to find the right club.
Whito pigu are retarded mr. samurai ninja
Archive link or it didn't happen.
So this dude really just walked into his house?
Why? Reviewbruh is just a kid and this canadian dude is a grown ass man.
Shits kind of weird imo.
why is review breh crying tho?
which video is this from? this makes me sad
It was pretty funny tho
Just seeing the leafs manly dominance over little brah crying made me chuckle
A leaf stalker literally walked into his house when he was trying to do a review. He teased him and took pictures as he started crying.
There's estrogen in our food/drink
Hey leave reviewbrah along. He's just an innocent autist who wants to review food products while wearing a suit.
Poor kid.
just post the fucking link
There never was a video, he just took photos of him crying and begging him to leave
Go to the archive and see the thread yourself
Yes, blame everyone but yourselves
Niggers and shitskins don't do this either :^)
>hes now using a japanese proxy
your autistic efforts don't go unnoticed my friend
Says the one who's people regularly seppuku themselves when life is too hard for them.
BTW, how's the radiation this time of year?
I watched a few of his videos yesterday, and I really liked them. The kid is strange, but he sure puts a lot of thought into his reviews.
I find them strangely soothing, and his demeanor to be entertaining. The video where the cat jumps up on the table while he's reviewing an energy drink had me in stitches.
Leave this kid alone. He's fun.
no fucking way? Even after those supposed videos of him saying he's being gangstalked? This is a true happening. Reviewbrah frequents Sup Forums too.
Reviewbrah if you're viewing this thread you should weigh in on this.
what a pussy
Why are japs such suicidal faggots? They're always killing themselves whether it's WWII or today, so many of them jump off bridges or put lead in their head!
At least white people cope with their issues and learn to accept it instead of committing seppuku!
Is it genetic?
See what I mean?
No strength at all.
>Hating on reviewbrah
Day of the rope is now slant eye, two nukes weren't enough.
>anime poster
I thought you faggots would actually get it by now. Anyone with a nippon flag is either an american soldier stationed there or some faggot who teaches english. You got that, Davido-kun?
Looks like WowHobbs
They're all screenshots from other videos.
This leaf is irritating as fuck. He even got a proxy. He posts the same shit on other boards as well.
The only time i've been close to crying in like 10 years (only 20) was when i realised how fucking old my dog is and that is probably going to die soon
does that make me a faggot? note i did not cry but i was close to
but damn imma be bawling like a baby when she dies
Your favorite buttboy broke down and submitted himself to a fucking leaf
What does that say about you Americans?
I hope Reviewbrah buys a gun, shoots you in the gut and lets you bleed to death in the gutter like the pathetic leaf that you are.
>I'm done with Youtube
Goddamn I hate leafs.
Your favourite leader shot himself in the chest because he was wanted.
What does that say about you slanty eyed gooks?
reviewbruh noo ;_;
Welcome to Sup Forums were we take everything seriously! BTW, Yamaxanadu is mai waifu desu!
About as much as your mom can say with my dick in her mouth.
What board did this happen on? I can't find anything in the Sup Forums archives except for the pictures posted here
Where's the archive link?.
I don't think being this carcinogenous is allowed in the EU.
What the fuck even? Why would somebody do something like this to reviewbrah?
>obessesed with a YTer
>cant prove his wild stories
>posts fake YT comments to make it look like Rbrah is quitting YT
Someone needs to dox this fag and tell his mom on him
Hello leaf. You're going to be talked to very soon.
You made a big mistake and there will be a response.
Leaves aren't people and should be exterminated.
yea thats him
Many have tried to mess with Reviewbrah over the years. Reviewbrah is love. Reviewbrah is life. Reviewbrah is peace. You will regret this, Leaf.
these images are from his My Average Day 2016 video
they're following their leader
This never happened. Nobody has been able to provide any links to prove this.
He is talking about it in his latest video.
>Stalker shows up to harass Review Brah at his house
>Is blown away by gun fire
>Review brah makes announcement while trying maple flavoured twinkie puffs
Culture shock is a hell of a ride
>cry baby faggots
Says the pan faced swamp rat with the highest suicide rate in the world, who comes on a board crying about others being cry babies
Kys shill
Guys, we need to do something about OP.
He's basically an autistic schizo that keeps posting photo shopped images of reviewbrah trying to convince everyone that he's been attacked or that he's psycho.
There are no proofs. There are no links in this thread. The thread yesterday this nigger posted 39 times about reviewbrah.
OP is a ultra neckbeard autist. Newsflash. Thanks. He's either a leaf or american idk
i'm doing my "research" right now