You cannot call yourself a nationalist, yet not dress in a traditional European manner

Someone who can't commit to doing the most simple task of keeping himself clean and neatly clothed at all times, is not worthy of any respect. If you call yourself a nationalist then you might aswell behave like one, following traditional European fashion (and not accepting this modern senseless NWO kike infected fashion) and with that representing your nation's face in a good manner, should be mandatory requirements.

>inb4 haha u effeminate fag thats for grils, guys dont care about their lookz !!
Whadda good goy you are.
Where have you heard of that, my dear friend? All great civilizations throughout history have always put much importance into their looks, so they could only emphasize their greateness some more. Aren't the first things that come to your mind when you think of the Romans for example - those striking shades of red and gold, that magnificent silver armor and most important of all, that shiny helmet decorated with plume? Just think of any other great nation which compromise the bastion of European culture - aesthethics were always something greatly respected. Because they are something that gives a worthy face to those great deeds the fathers of this land have accomplished.

>inb4 muhhhhhh comfor
Well what a man-child you are, suck it up.

Other urls found in this thread:

I bet you're wearing a tracksuit right now, aren't you?

so like this?

we were so hot

and our kids looked precious


Just look at the picture in the OP and then the pic related, just compare them for a few seconds. Whom would you find more appealing to represent your country's face?

> call myself a nationalist
no one in their right mind is going to do that

Thank you for your valuable input Serbia. It made me ponder greatly. So much so that I shall need to store it and return to it another time, to ponder some more and perhaps reach a more solid conclusion. I will file it under R for retarded shit I won't ever have to think about again because I'm not a fucking idiot.

>User ID
>Bundle of sticks

>not dressing in traditional European manner
pic related

The only tradition in Europe as regards fashion is that it changes.

We have traditionally had the luxury and wealth to pursue fashion as art and expression. Holding fast to some specific style is neither supported by the history nor logic.

If anything, you should be balking at the insistent repetition of these same styles that prevent us from embracing something newer.

Obviously not in America. I don't think this thread concerns you, nigger.

Unless I'm at the gym or laying around the house, you will always find me in a suit. Even if I'm just running to the store, I wear a suit because it is how respectable white men dress. If you want to be taken seriously, especially if you have far right political beliefs, a suit is absolutely necessary. Excellent thread, OP

But i'm not european. I"ll dress in my traditional American dress.

I agree, Giogio Armani are clothes for a proper redpilled man , and being a man of taste you shall win the white ladies by offering them the latest fragrance "Si"

get a load of this cuck. Sup Forums is dead

The difference is I don't wear sweats to a formal dinner, speech, etc. Im not going to wear a suit for lounging around the house, and im not going to wear street clothes to a business dinner.

Fuck off retard

I thing you shouldn't do that

Canada's shitposting has improved greatly in the last few weeks.

11teen/9 famalam

Thanks for the chuckle.


Now compare both of those faggots to somebody dressed properly. If you aren't wearing a codpiece then you've allowed society to emasculate you.

Sup Forums is filled with losers. Myself included. It is true that a true nationalist would wear a suit, lab coat, or a uniform as a true nationalist would strive to reach a position of power and influence. Most here are unemployed NEETs, myself included, and as such are not really nationalists but self-hating, reality-detached, losers.


He's right.

Get your heels, spandex, codpiece and giant wigs, we're going to dress old school.

Style has been changing throughout centuries, but it's European foundation hasn't, until recently.
You do realize that today's fashion industry is completely kike infested, right? It's pursuit is to make everyone around the world look exactly the same, completely erasing what made one nation's people distinct from the others (other than it's blood, but we're seeing they're also working on that with all the blood mixing). Today's fashion is nothing but NWO ambalage.

the face needs to fit the suit

At least you're honest.
The good thing is you could easily work to change that, unless you have some sort of disability or anything else that's not allowing you to become a hard working citizen and a nationalist that should serve as an example to others.

C'mon Sup Forums do you want to be a loser or would you rather be a BASED White man ?

The first step is to be recognized as such to the outside world , look at pic related and tell me you wouldn't want to feel like a million dollar in that fine Giorgio Armani suit ?

I don't wear a suit a lot. Always wear shirts and smart shoes though.

Kek, not bad.

This is probably b8, but that's a horrible photograph. It's lopsided, poorly centered, and there's distracting crap on the table. Not to mention that god-awful lighting.

>It's pursuit is to make everyone around the world look exactly the same
You're contradicting yourself.

You're perpetuating the homogenization of fashion by telling everybody to dress in the same shit as a hundred years ago.


>Get your heels, spandex, codpiece and giant wigs, we're going to dress old school.

Like a true Aryan

I wore some jeans and a jacket for the first time in months yesterday, normally I just wear band shirts and cargo shorts. Felt fancy desu

No need to be hostile there, amerifat. I wasn't implying you should wear a suit at all times, even around the house; I think it would soon enough turn all shabby. A fitted, clean, ironed shirt and anything but jeans and sweat pants would be enough

>everyone around the world
Notice that I wasn't talking about everyone around the world in the OP, but about Europe exclusively. European countries are all tied very closely to each other and share the same basic foundation, their differences are much smaller than those between them and the Chinese for example.

Try a shirt, tie and sweater
You'll feel like Bateman if you wear some snazzy shoes.

It's the new style. Slim fit suits are for faggits and Puerto Ricans

More autism threads that somehow get a bunch of responses.

Please fuck off.

Also look like the biggest cunt in town walking around Asda in that

It's my most days attire. But I shop at Morrison's. Still better than Nike airs, skinny joggers and a queer gelled hair style.

Nothing wrong with a nice plain button up shirt, well fitting jeans/chinos and some kind of suitable shoe though

Ehhh, I'm pretty sure that "prober attire" was introduced to us by swarthy (by our standards) southerners (Italy springs to mind, since it really does look neat). Before that I think leather, chain mail and knitted wool was the thing in these parts

>wearing the slim-fit Jew

They pretty much castrate you

Pic related is a real Aryan cut

That's what I usually wear except im not going anywhere near chinos.

So... too-big pinstripes and a fedora?

Top Kek

>That filename

I wouldn't mind that much.

I do it on a daily basis

I want to dress smart but can only afford cheap suits. I am 30 years old and want to dress smarter, I don't really see the problem with wearing cheap suits as long as they fit and I have nice shoes though, I mean I don't want to waste lots of money on expensive clothing, I am literally poor but still want to look the part. How do you feel about this?
It would be silly for a poor person to dress like a wealthy person, it actually gives the wrong impression to people I think.

>its a LARPer episode

>dresses like people from another time on another continent
cute. no wonder everyone considers nationalism a meme tier ideology.

>I want to dress smart but can only afford cheap suits
Don't embarrass yourself, OPs premise is cringeworthy

Hey poorfag. Buy good suits from a thrift store or eBay and have them tailored. Even richfags do this.

>river island?

You look like a fucking retard in that cheap ass suit

Go to a tailor holy shit

Giorgio Armani is for the Italians. A true Frenchman wears Georges Armand.

If you're not wearing a suit jacket you're not a real man.

Maybe don't wear a suit but rather a long sleeved button up shirt with dark coloured jeans or chinos. Along with that get a pair of leather shoes and a belt in a similar shade.

Fuck You, my sweater and overcoat suffice.

So? Stick with simple sensible clothing (no hipster crap). For the most part I use my work clothes, not for parties or other fancy things. But at the pub, when shopping etc. etc. It sure as taxes aint fancy, but in this economy. Well, it is so obviously "work clothes" that I automatically get alfa points for having a friggn job.

What about the sweater and tie? You feel like a new man with setup.

Oh boy, another Like-what-I-like-or-you-are/aren't-x thread.

What about those of us who work manual jobs, such as construction, or foundry/factory labor? We can't wear suits in those type of environments. Or are you talking about purely in formal environments?

I wear Brioni because Trump wears Brioni.

And some Hugo Boss....because Sup Forums

It's easy. When you leave work shower and put nice clothes on. You work hard. You deserve to feel special.

No you don't I b2t you wear joop homme.

>You cannot call yourself a nationalist, yet not dress in a traditional European manner

Fine, fuck you. I'm a #HilldoDildo now. Enjoy globalism.

If you don't dress like pic related, then you're a slovenly pleb more akin to the brown hoardes than to your noble ancestors.

>Where have you heard of that, my dear friend? All great civilizations throughout history have always put much importance into their looks, so they could only emphasize their greateness some more. Aren't the first things that come to your mind when you think of the Romans for example - those striking shades of red and gold, that magnificent silver armor and most important of all, that shiny helmet decorated with plume?
>those striking shades of red and gold
>that magnificent silver armor
>that shiny helmet decorated with plume

Btw, these are traditional Serbian garments.

The whole suit and tie thing did not come about until well after the new world had been established.

Pretty much every European country has traditional clothes that are most definitely NOT a suit and tie.

Ties are latino, btw. They originate from bibs worn by people of means in Rome.

They're about the most traditional part of a suit+tie, and even then they are really only traditional to a few countries that still exist.

But I do wear traditional clothing.

A well fitted cheap suit is undistinguishable from $10k suit.

So people whose careers require business casual dress should change into jeans and an ironic t-shirt before they do their shopping?

The autistic people who wear their dad's suit and sneer at everyone who dresses casually are no worse than the plebs who shit on people for not walking around in what is basically a step above pyjamas.

Dressing well means dressing for the occasion, paying attention to detail and not being so affected by the opinions of nu-males that you're afraid to be the best dressed man in the room.

Don't wear this if you're 19 and work at McDonalds but that's a decent business casual look.

1. he should be wearing a sports coat with those pants, no a suit jacket

2. you don't fasten the bottom button of a jacket.

3. Slanted pocket are a little too fancy for my own taste but ok.

>both buttons done up


A suit is not the proper clothing for removal of kebab, which is the duty of every european nationalist. You should know better Serbia.

>its current year
>not wearing surgeon cuffs

He needs to fire his personal shopper

nationalist are not required to be patriot. it can be done for purely economic reasons. your liberal douche baggery prevents you from seeing the obvious

its 99.9999999999999% of the time only about the economy

>I agree, Giogio Armani are clothes for a proper redpilled ma

Designer brands like these are a waste of money tbqh. Showing off who made your suit is pretty pleb-tier.

You can find much better quality stuff in that price range from lesser known brands like LBM 1911 and others.

When did dads stop reaching their sons not to be a fucking slob?

I am not a pretentious fuck therefore I'm not going to dress like I'm loaded with money.

Hoodies are more comfy and polishcore anyway.

But I live in the south. It's over 90 degrees (33 C) here.

>etsy brand of skinny suit made of "sustainable bullshit"

You are half right. Lots of old world tailors still practicing their craft in their old age, but you wait and you need to know where to find them.

The 60's. Fucking boomers. Absolute shit.

But I kinda want to show off how much money I got.

So in other words you're a filthy fucking normie.

You don't have money.
Want to know how much money you have? 0. Nil. Nothing.
The jews have money, you have currency.

>i finally found Shkreli's meme niche

>traditional European fashion

Your serbian ancestors wore a dress. We started wearing pants after we became turkroaches.

course dude

post em!

Those eyes look like they could kill with a mere glance


>You cannot call yourself a nationalist, yet not dress in a traditional European manner
Stop LARPing, brat.

Then buy a Rolex


I'm actually thinking about it, dude.

Cringe af

Pretty sure that's not "traditionally italian" and is only something out of the UK, the US ,Italy and France.
It's neither "traditional" ,as it was around as wore for only a small number of years (aka post 45-70). It did kept on living as a formal,work environement attire, but that's not something you could call "traditional"
And it's neither "European", as I don't think Eastern or Northern Europe were rocking suits in the 50s