Character is thirsty

>character is thirsty
>chooses an inferior beverage to delicious, refreshing Coca Cola®

water is all you should drink

Coke and McDonald's are patrician, Pepsi/Burger King is faggot redditor cuck tier

I drink a lot of water and it gets old pretty fast. After a while I just crave something with actual taste like crazy

Try seltzer, bro.

>Chooses a delicious, refreshing Coca Cola TM
>Doesn't chooses the even more delicious and refreshing Vanilla Coke TM
Am I supposed take this movie seriously?

You sound fat

For me it's water, the best kinobev.

fucking americans

Everything is water you dumbfuck. It's like telling people they should eat tasteless food.

Lol Waterlets, when will they lern?

ÜberWATER master race reporting in

>not Pepsi

that tastes groce, now lime and coke - thats patrician

I just weighed myself like 4 hours ago. 182 lbs and 6'0

Water aways deliver, look at that sick refreshing and cool texture. WATERfags on suicide watch

Keep drinking soda and you won't be for long.

I don't need the gimmicks or flashiness that Water offers. I'll be sticking with tried and true WATER™

fire isn't water

>drink only coke
>every few years I order a sprite
>it's fucking delicious and bubbly
>wonder why I don't drink it more often
>forget about it and order coke again

rinse repeat, just me?

You sound fat too.

Does anyone but fatasses still drink soda?

>drinking soda

>not Jones Soda

WATER > coke > bebsi >>>>>> piss >>>>>>> Water

I drink some every now and then. Soda can hit the spot sometimes, and is fine to drink in moderation. You should lighten up, faggot.

An expensive cut of steak goes perfectly with a splash of Coca Cola. I'm 5'6" and weigh 120 so no fatty here my friend.

>he drinks liquid diabetes

Jesus Christ. Get a decent Merlot you absolute pleb. baka

unless that's muscle, which I doubt, you are fat

Who are you Costanza?

Are you a chick, 12 years old, or a turbo-manlet?

Ehh, just slightly overweight. I run anyway, so I'm still losing

could be a jockey.

>character at restaurant orders a "soda"
>server doesn't ask what kind
>brings him a "soda"

What did it say?

>le random quirky smart character
>drinks dr.pepper
Such a shit-tier drink too

But I've done that in real life and it's worked. Sometimes I get asked if Pepsi is okay.

Has someone ever tried mixing Water with WATER?

Well, soda is a kind of beverage in some countries.
Pic related

>character wants to watch his weight
>instead of ordering a diet coke he orders water and squirts in some tasty Mio

>at a restaurant
>Can I get a pepsi please?
>Sorry, we only have coke

>at a different one
>Can I get a coke please?
>Sorry, we only serve pepsi

>character drinks Heineken

>character goes into one of those fancy hipster burger joints
>only choices are $5 organic, small batch, hand-grown sugar cane sodas with stupid flavors that do not resemble traditional sodas

>character is in the middle of the zombie apocalypse
>stops to drink a pepsi

I enjoy a small can of San Pellegrino lemonade every now and then.

>character doesn't get a big can of arizona for 99 cents