Hey Sup Forums. What are your thoughts on the Scott Pilgrim series?...

Hey Sup Forums. What are your thoughts on the Scott Pilgrim series?. Are these comics linked to a certain "core" or fanbase? what type of people read Scott Pilgrim comics?

The comic I felt was kind of weird. The video game stuff feels kind of awkward and randomly thrown in compared to the movie (but it's possible that I had just gotten used to it by the time I watched the movie so it was less jarring there).

I never hated it, but I don't know if I liked it. Art was probably the best part.


i felt the opposite
the video game stuff felt more awkward in the movie. a lot of people who didnt read the comics walk away and think it's just "lol videogame references", when really it's a world where video game mechanics exist in real life

This right here. Loved the movie, found the comic awkward. Imo, the main difference is that Movie Scott Pilgrim was an idiot while Comic Scott Pilgrim was an asshole.

Loved it when it came out, but seeing it everywhere lost its appeal to me. Still think the first four books are good, and the game is one of the better beat-em-ups of the last ten years.

it sucks how distributing right bullshit means you cant buy the game anymore

A great comic with a great videogame and an ok movie that has a very noticeable and prominent influence in modern content creators especially in regards to webcomics and some modern cartoons.

Ultimately the "CalArts" style seems like a watered down derivative of what the Scott Pilgrim style looked like at the end of the series with elements of Adventure Time's simplicity. This series helped create a monster.

Sucks. Happened with Marble Blast Ultra too, which I love. At least the soundtrack is still available.

It's responsible to the lazy art style we see in cartoons today.

Hipster shit.

I want nothing more than to download the game's entire OST and SFX for mods and shit but all that's available is the soundtrack, which is a 10/10 soundtrack might I say.

It's funny when people genuinely believe this when really it just inspired idiots to be genuine hipsters from it's ironic disingenuous hipster humor.

it was a cool comic, nothing special but really fun

They're based on a movie starring Edgar Wright. They're pretty cool, but the artist they hired took something like six books to adapt one movie. Marvel used to do that job in three regular comic books.

For an adaptation it's all right.

This is good bait

I used to like it back in high school but i really wasn't feeling it on the re-read last year.

It's probably the my favourite comic ever, I loved everything about it, and found Scott to be very endearing

She should've been casted as Lisa Miller

I'm still in love with Kim

It was decent, but I never understood the hype about it. There is nothing particularly outstanding in it IMO.


she was the best

Starts out as almost a bad nerd wish fulfillment comic, but by the third volume the characters and drama are fleshed out enough to actually make it pretty compelling. It actually fixes the problems it had in the early volumes with the last one.