Life (2017)
Is it worth a watch? Or just an Alien ripoff
Life (2017)
Is it worth a watch? Or just an Alien ripoff
Its a ripoff but still enjoyable, if anything for introducing a new monster you're not sure what exactly it's capable of
Characters are more retarded than Prometheus and Covenant combined.
It's not special but it's not terrible. Mildly entertaining but nothing really new. If you love astronaut sci fi space type stuff it's ok to sit through.
>if anything for introducing a new monster you're not sure what exactly it's capable of
talk about a missed opportunity
but then again, the thing was panned initially too
Planet Earth > Life
it's shit desu, good concept, terrible execution
also the most obvious """twist""" I've ever seen
it's an alien ripoff yes, but it's quite good anyway, if you just want entertainment, watch it, but don't expect more
can anyone give me a torrent ? i can't find one
It's okay. Better than every Alien movie since Aliens.
That scene where the Sojuz docks and floaty fucks em all up in the background.
pretty enjoyable desu
It's almost completely an Alien ripoff, except they didn't rip off the stuff that actually makes Alien good. It's not terrible, just mediocre.
They are all more stupid than the prometheus crew.
The twist being obvious doesn't make it bad. The movie should be commended for unapologetically committing to it. Plus the music during that last scene was just perfect.
Its good, I would give it a 7/10. The main problem the movie has is that the few mistakes it makes are huge as fuck and you cant pass them as production issues or the like. Sort of example
>quality movie scale, 0 to 100, as the movie goes on
And so on. Overall good movie, but when it drops the ball, it does so hard. Also somewhat satisfactory ending, obvious as fuck but it was okay.
We live safe lives far removed from such a hypothetical scenario as the premise of this movie. We can sit on our couch and look on with cold, detached logic at situations like this and other horror/sci-fi movies and say that the characters are dumb and we would act much more logically.
But the truth is we'd fair no better than these "dumb" characters. We'd freeze with fear or do something stupid in the face of unknown horrors.
they're astronauts you twat, they're not scared easily
imagine how panicked you would be if you were in space and your helmet started to fill with water, that happened to this dude and he kept his cool the whole time
I could forgive the actions of the crewmembers if they were teenagers but these are grown ass men acting like children because the plot demands it
Just watch Europa Report tbf.
Better than I was expecting in all honesty, and admittedly have a bit of a man-crush for Jake Gyllenhaal.
That guy can grow a fantastic beard.
So how did the fishermen get into deep space?
that was a single bubble, in the movie she was literally drowning
Ok, good point and good real life example of someone maintaining composure in the face of what could've been certain death. But there are also many examples of professionals of all kinds that don't keep calm, cool, and collected in life or death situations.
Stupid stupid stupid. Painfully.
But OK when compared to standard horror/suspense movies.
Film rating: 3/10
Horror film rating: 6.5/10