Jonathan Hickman's Marvel Run Storytime

Jonathan Hickman's Marvel Run Storytime

Storytiming Jonathan Hickman's runs on SHIELD, Secret Warriors, Fantastic Four, Ultimate Marvel, Avengers, and the entire Secret Wars event. One thread a day.

Secret Warriors
Dark Reign: Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four

That's better!












































I can't help but notice that everything Hickman has done with Nathaniel Richards contradicts all of his previous appearances in the 80s an 90s




>By a being called Immortus
This makes no sense, Immortus is endangering his own existence by making all the Nathaniels kill each other.
Did Hickman not know this?

Thank you! I keep seeing people praise his runs, but no one talks about how ooc he writes people. Nathaniel, Ultimate Reed, the Illuminati, etc.





It's less that Nathaniel is ooc (he was always pretty fishy) but more that Hickman acts like none of those stories ever happened, like this is the first time Reed has seen his dad in years.
The thing that bugs me the most is that Nathaniel has always been shown with white hair, but he suddenly has brown hair for no reason.

]I don't think Hickman did that much research, look at how bastardized his version of Marvel cosmic is in New Avengers



>look at how bastardized his version of Marvel cosmic is in New Avengers
Tell me about it, he suddenly introduces the Builders out of nowhere, even though the Celestials did the exact same thing only better.
He casually had all the important cosmic beings be killed mostly off-panel and never intervene, prefering to focus on his OCs, Doom, the Molecule Man and the Illuminati.


Why exactly was Reed's machine so "bad" again? It's an interdimensional portal, he's made tons of those in the past with nobody ever saying it was bad.

>killing them off-panel
That's the part that pissed me off the most. I remember getting into constant arguments with this massive Hickman fan about how he was destroying the building blocks of the MU that Kirby and countless other put up. He kept insisting that I was wrong and refused to read any of the comics I would give him. I like Hickman just fine, but his diehards are the worst.

Because reasons




Don't get me wrong, this is a solid run, but people hold it up as if Hickman was fixing something that was massively broken and flawed when that just is not the case.



So let me get this straight. The Council of Reeds, supposedly super duper smart and powerful, had no way of escaping where they were until a 4-year old opened a portal out of curiosity and helped them escape.


People rip on this for Doom wank, but it massively wanks off Val too.





Why exactly would Norrin find this unacceptable?



At the end of the day he still respects Galactus.

Hey it just dawned on me. Did Boris ever find out that Doom sacrificed his grandaughter for a demonic ritual? Does Boris care about Valeria Richards since she's named after his grandaughter?




Boris's only appearance in this run was last issue, so no.


Or wait, that was Waid's run wasn't it?

My continuity is all over, but this was the first time he had been seen in a VERY long time.



Hey look, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
Also, is there any reason these panels are so big? They could have either had more panels per page showing them doing more stuff, or have all the panels in one page so that more pages can be spent on something else.



It's "cinematic"


This has to be one of the weirdest changes Hickman did. Changing the Yancy Street Gang from street thugs into dumb execs in suits is just...stupid. What happened to all the older members of the gang? Why would dumbasses in business suits even be in a street gang threatening superheroes on the street with weird business propositions?
Luckily Fraction brought back the classic Yancy Street Gang.



Fraction's run is underrated.