Sup Forums seems to be experts
Redpill me as to how and why the economy worked, especially considering the circumstances.
Pic related.
Sup Forums seems to be experts
Redpill me as to how and why the economy worked, especially considering the circumstances.
Pic related.
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Debt-free money.
Deficit spending, classic keynisian economics
Same reason why it failed
educate your self
jew bodies were used to create energy by burning them
Are you retarded?
Is that what they teach you in Germany?
>National Socialism demands that the needs of German workers no longer be supplied by Soviet slaves, Chinese coolies, and Negroes. National Socialism is determined to eliminate the barriers between the cultural level of German workers and German farmers. Therefore, import restrictions must be implemented when the result will be work for the German worker or the German farmer. National Socialism opposes the liberal world economy, as well as the Marxist world economy. Instead, it demands that each people’s comrade be protected from foreign competition.
This sounds familiar
The Case For Germany - 1939
>Sup Forums seems to be experts
>Sup Forums seems to be experts
Danke mein Sup Forumsacks
He's referring to trump
Ignore the shill
Correction; experts in Nazi Germany*
>Sup Forums seems to be experts
oh you
It was driven through isolationism. They were cut off from the world and went at it on their own.
>it was an emergency economy born of a depression where cash money was more valuable for the heat it provided when burned than the staples it could buy
>They had zero unemployment. If you didn't have a job one was provided for you. That means everything it implies.
>mass make work programs were created by the government to improve infrastructure
>due to massive sanctions, trade with foreign countries often ended up being a barter system
>industry was directed by the government, but left in the hands of capitalists.
>destined to fail due to the very things which made it a success: unrestricted government+unrestricted capitalism.
Getting rid of jew bankers.
jk senpai
Right until:
>destined to fail due to the very things which made it a success: unrestricted government+unrestricted capitalism.
Read the sticky you fucking shitbird
>unrestricted government+unrestricted capitalism.
Doesn't sound too different from our system now, looking at all the corruption upstairs. Land of the "free", home of the degenerate, tax slaves for the (((bankers)))
How do? It was an emergency economy and the government was on massive debt over it. Just because they kicked the Jews out doesn't mean they weren't under the exact same market pressures as before. Now, perhaps they would have changed their economic strategy had not the war happened, we'll not know. But, if they had continued on the same economic path, they would have surely failed.
We have massive restrictions all around. If you think our government and/or brand of capitalism is unrestricted, you're delusional. The entire libertarian platform is that we live in a restricted market. The entire Democratic platform is that we don't have enough government intervention.
Debts. "Free stuff for everyone" only works until you are in debts, then you have to start a war.
>Sup Forums seems to be experts
never gets old.
Read a book or article, user. There are probably unlimited sources on nazi germany everywhere.
>Debts. "Free stuff for everyone" only works until you are in debts, then you have to start a war.
Piss ab, Ignatz
People always claiming "MUH DEBT". They had massive inflation by 1939 by printing debt free money. So where does the debt come from?
>destined to fail due to
The Jew Demonizing the system because it Alienated the Jewish world banks causing them to fabricate the world's biggest lie, the Holocaust, to Demonize it so it would never be used again in the world.
Except by the only National Socialist state left in the world:
bullshit u fucking moron
They were printing cryptocurrency.
I spoke poorly. I wasn't talking about the system itself, since it's a similar same system to what we used from 1812~1979. Just the scale they were operating at.
3. Reich had a working financial system, almost till the end.
It was based on the so called "Wechsel"
It didn't. They just ran at a perpetual deficit, and had to keep starting wars to maintain growth
define sarcasm
The financial system was based on changes.
In German: Wechsel
This was a paper emmited by companies with an Reichsmark underlying.
Its worth was measured on the output of the Indsustry.
Therefore, there was no debt, just a volatile worth of the Wechsel.
A self regulating system with the basis of labour and industrial output.
Right. The mefo bills. 1m marks backing 1b debt.
Is high German still used?
The worth of the Wechsel wasnt the worth of the underlying. That is very important to know.
>Is high German still used?
Sorry what?
>unrestricted government+unrestricted capitalism.
unironically the first goverment of israel Zionist Socialist (aka National Socialist)
>מפלגת פועלי ארץ ישראל (מַפָא"י) הייתה מפלגה ציונית סוציאליסטית
*was Zionist Socialist
>National Socialist
Nothing wrong with NatSoc
I didn't know the word so I looked it up. It said it was a "high German" word.
Ah okay.
We have even a Law for those "Wechsel" but today nobody uses them anymore. The majority of the Germans dont even know what a Wechsel is.
It's just funny that's all
The National Socialists broke free from the international cartel of private central banking by removing themselves from the globalist gold standard and began instead to print their own money backed by labor. These "labor vouchers" rewarded actual work done and didn't rely on a worldwide system that was failing. In the process, Germany rescued itself from their depression--which was far worse than ours--and created a great society temporarily.
With the international Jewish boycott in place, in addition, Germany, a manufacturing society, was forced to abandon the system of world trade and instead dealt directly with willing nations through a system of direct barter; however, since so many countries had declared war on Germany the Reich also had to depend upon close regional allies like Romania to supply them with the necessary reserves of oil. In fact, since Russia was threatening Bessarabia in complete violation of the Pact between Germany and Russia, Operation Barbarossa became even more necessary.
Essentially, the German economy worked fine, only through military circumstance did they face a crisis.
We do to. They're called poker chips.
Very good summary!
labor vouchers is exactly the word what I am looking for.
>poker chips
and those poke chips are volatile?
Do they depend on the industrial output?
Thank you. Glad to see someone can explain it so eloquently.
>Redpill me as to how and why the economy worked
It didn't.
>all these newfags that fell for the Sup Forums is nazi meme
Not realizing satire is a sign of autism
Oh they're volatile. Actually, anyone can make any currency they want. Federal Reserve notes are the only ones backed by the government, however.
How were those labor vouchers figured out? Like how did they compensate a cook, waiter or butcher vs someone in manufacturing or construction?
if you unironically think Sup Forums is satire you have something worse going on in your head than autism. Correct the Record out in full force today I see.
Change is viable to individualize a country if the people feel it's worth it.
all memes
According to the book "Hitler's Revolution" by Tedor, it seems like everyone received a flat rate of wage in accordance with real work done. In this way, it rewarded effort and results over position.
That's literally all I know about that. There's several books out there on the economy of the Third Reich that might be worth reading if you can sift through mountains of BS.
The underlying was Reichsmark.
For instance: the Krupp Company gives you a Voucher that is 1 year valid and has an underlying of 100 Reichsmark.
After that year, you can go to Krupp and get 100 Reichsmark.
Bonus: The voucher had either a bigger or a lesser buying power than the 100 Reichsmark.
It depended on how reliable the company was.
A self regulating system.