Name one thing wrong with Naziism
Protip: you can't
Name one thing wrong with Naziism
Protip: you can't
It lost.
Hello JIDF.
Hello Ahmed
>Never see Spics defending Jews on Sup Forums
>Every Spanish flag I've seen today has been defending Jews
>It's obviously not a shill, I'm sure when this "Spic" fucks off the Albanian or the Brit or the Australian or the Canadian or the Pole or the Croatian will magically appear and defend Jews
t.Chaim Shekelstein
two i`s
kek so much butthurt
It supports socialism.
Socialist and authoritarian rule is just an easy way out for weak minded people who can't be bothered to think or act for themselves
wtf kikes
>he's not a racist
>he fell for the nazis are socialist meme
sure, if you don't consider pure evil wrong. If you don't consider hateful atrocities against humanity wrong.
>still believing in the Holocaust
you're supposed to stop believing in fairy tales when you grow up user
All very solid arguments
>implying they aren't
>still believing in the holohoax memes
hello newfag
The proletariat do not own the means of production. Not socialist.
Shit economic policy
Didn't actually do the holocaust
nice meme JIDF :^)
It's not my problem if you do Nazi anything wrong with National Socialism.
What are you trying to slide, Schlomo?
I think the economic criticism is probably the best one, but keep in mind the world basically turned against them for destroying the kike banking system/usury. They had to barter for goods and shit. It was Germany against the world.
1. It lost the war.
2. Most, if not all modern nazis I've met are grade A retarded.
3. They picked the most influential group on Earth to fuck with.
4. They're a hive mind, no nazi I've ever interacted with has had any views or opinions of his own.
5. They can't accept the fact that we'll be completely overrun by immigrants and dindus within the next decade or so, and that the white race is dying.
The only thing Hitler did wrong is lose
>Jews jewing jews
1. Not an argument against the ideology. It took both the major capitalist and communist countries to destroy it.
2. Not an argument.
3. See 1
4. Not an argument against the ideology.
5. "You should accept the death of your people!"
Germany lost WW2 because they were Nazists
the will remove your personal freedoms like freedom of speach or marrying whom ever you like.
1) It's socialist.
2) It ruined Europe
3) Partly responsible for the EU existing
4) War guilt has made Germany cucks and they're bringing everyone down with them
That's communism
Sweden is a socialist country, yet the means of production aren't owned by the government, only the profits
Something like this
Has it ever ocurred to you that weak minded individuals are the ones who carry out democracy?
With no guiding hand they just become marxists, SJWs and overall walking zombies of degeneracy.
Right wing authoritarianism fixes all this.
reply plz don't take my mummy away from me plox
No, national socialism is opposed to communism, that's why Hitler fought the USSR.
The key is in the name. All production must benefit the state and the people, but the workers do not necessarily "own" or democratically direct this production.
mad men
So you're a zombie one way or another?
Guiding hand doesn't necessarily have to come in the form of excessively overbearing government, especially one not elected by the people
Third Reich Nazi government
>Relied on constant war for economic viability
>Called for rapid repopulation of gained clay, which was unviable considering racial purity laws
Modern Nazis
>Overrun by low-iq inbreds
>Internally fractured beyond repair
I'm not talking about myself but yes, zombies are going to be zombies regardless of government method.
Freedom has derailed everything that was once good, you know.
i hate (you)
No enough personal freedom
Shit m8 I save my mom so many times this month.
I hope that bitch is grateful.