Why is this so overrated?
Why is this so overrated?
It's rated just fine.
Sophisticated kids movies are still kids movies.
babby's first R-rated capeshit
it gets +7 points by most reviewers and it's just capeshit for kids
Because it featured the death of an important character who had previously starred in some all right films from the same franchise.
It's neither sophisticated nor a kids movie
I would not let a kid watch this movie.
>93% on rotten tomatoes
It's an 80% at most.
Alright then, you already made up your mind
American detected.
Because 2017 has been a shit year for a movies.
You know this year has been awful, when the most memorable movies of 2017 so far have been capeshit, and Get Out
Daddy issues and families with tween children
Hey have to watch the other 9 first.
Imagine box being nothing more than Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots. People claim this is as high a form of entertainment and physical endurance that could possibly exist. One day, you are allowed to see two teen aged boys fight each other in a boxing match. Neither is particularly skilled but understand enough about boxing to perform in a manner above that of the Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots you are used to seeing. That is Logan. The deepest part of a shallow lake.
Why are you so hard to please?
Do you obtain joy from not enjoying a movie?
I know that I obtain joy from enjoying movies, that's why the word 'joy' is in there
So then why stop yourself from enjoying movies? just enjoy the movies user. It will be nice for you.
I'd go as low as 60-70%, personally. First 30 minutes of the movie is really good, and even some interactions with the kid are tolerable (and I fucking hate kids in movies). Everything after Xavier though is absolute horseshit. It's a shame, too, because the concept was really fucking good, and the movie could have been incredible... except we get this shit dopey shit, and stories about shitty kid actors we don't give a fuck about.
People want to cummy on a tummy what else can I say
Nice vocabulary
Editing fail. Fuck off.
t. I don't understand how RT rating works
because hugh Jackman is always great. But the movie falls into the same traps as the rest in the last half. Started off great but completely falters the last half.
old bald man says bad words
Do you morons actually not understand how Rotten Tomatoes works? Jesus fucking Christ
Everything outside of Logan Charles and Laura is cringe worthy. I think the director is average at best and the script needed polish Could have been a really great movie.
>fags arguing about stupid shit
Who cares. It's my own % rating.
tbqh it suffers from the same stuff as other superhero films: shitty third act and antagonists.
yeah yeah, the climax of him dying is great, but the journey of getting there was filled with bullshit. everything about the clone, that robot-hand dude's constant fuck-ups, stryker's son appearing out of nowhere in the forest to explain his evil plan, etc.
Cause fuck drump and fuck white people
Because he didn't yell JEEAAAN! one time throughout the whole movie. That raises the bar right there
It was empty but the gore made the teenage kids and dumb critics be fooled into thinking it was something fresh. Just like the dick jokes fooled people in Deadpool. Fox is only barely better than Disney really. I give them credit for actually trying though.
That's the problem with Rotten Tomatoes. It promotes 6/10 films the most. There is no reason for any studio to strive for more than that when it is now translated into a 100% on RT. The whole system is fucked. You can bet your ass when the average person sees the 90% score all they see is a 9/10.
It's hilarious you think this is 'sophisticated'
Shows how dumb you are.
It was alright until the kids came on desu. I don't know if it's the lame child acting but everytime those kids came on I was taken out of the story. They didn't sell the cgi well, and kids in real life would not have reacted to that shit so calmly.
Also knowing the pedophile hollywood network, I can't help but think of the situation most of these kids parents are throwing them into in order to have a hollywood kid.
Because it has a Mexican girl main character and evil white male bad character. Guaranteed 90%+
>xavier dies
>still 45 mins left
>implying you wouldn't fuck that little brat
A higher score means it was generally more favored than a lower one.
Wow. Complicated.
You have to be the same moron that goes into every thread saying this.
beats me. those retarded kids really ruined it for me
Because dark=good
Ah the classic "movie gets good reviews/is well recieved so there is a thread where contrarians shit on it" thread
Civil War and Ghostbusters also got "rave" "reviews"
The girl is Spanish/British.
What are you talking about !!! You are not watching this right. It probably has better shot at the best pic than WW.
Only pedophiles liked this movie.
It's not, you just don't know enough about movies to appreciate them on more than a superficial level.
Because people's standards have been lowered by a decade of garbage superhero movies. It's good, but definitely not a revelation or anything.