My girlfriend just told me she hates scrubs. Should I freak the fuck out and kick her out,or do I just let it go cause it doesn't really matter?
My girlfriend just told me she hates scrubs. Should I freak the fuck out and kick her out...
You sound like a Reddit user who has watched too much friends and think you will be in a relationship a week later.
I love friends and so does she so we are good there thanks man
u should follow her lead
Scrubs is fucking shit.
probably just end it
have sex with her before telling her its over though, pro tip
Your gf is right, Scrubs is terrible
scrubs is a bad and very gay show. Pathetic and hateable main character
she's probably going to break up with you
because you are a scrub
Maybe it's the merchant cynicism she doesn't like.
explain to her about guy love
OP here
I kicked her out
Scrubs is kino
>just let it go cause it doesn't really matter
Think you just answered your own question
You can't do this all on your own.
My gf did the same thing... Wanna meet up and watch together?
I'm no Superman
Fact is.. its an OKAY show.
It's not great, its not super but its also not terrible.
therefor you believe 100% that its super while she believes its -100 shit.
reality is that its more of a 0 inbetween kinda show, thus rendering both opinions evenly wrong.
Sounds like she is a patrician and you are the pleb. You should give me her number, I'll deal with the situation in a patrician way.
It does not age well. It comes across as goofy instead of silly light-hearted drama.
Scrubs is mediocre for the most part, about 5 great episodes, and lots of shit ones
Marry her. She has good taste.
This show should be everything Sup Forums hates. Meme humour.
It's suppose to be goofy. The juxtaposition of the slapstick with the drama is what made it good, since it was mostly well-done.
They even started using the "sad moment" theme for jokes pretty early in the show. Scrubs was very self-aware.
HD remaster when?
>Help! My girlfriend is too mature for me!
You should break up with her so that she can find someone better.
Scrubs is literally shit-tier.
kys my man...let a real man have that pussy.
Oh yeah, I'd LOVE to see that interaction.
"Ayy baby. Lose the hero and get with a zero. Shit! I mean, lose the hero and...DAMNIT NO. I'm sorry, you just sound so pretty and I don't know what to say. Do you want to play some WoW? My Paladin is on Eredar. I can show you how to heal, but don't be a slacker, haha! Hello? I....I love you too.
people love friends?
It's okay OP, I understood the joke.