>Showgirls (1995), one of the great American films of the last few years. It’s Verhoeven’s best American film and his most personal. In Starship Troopers, he uses various effects to help everything go down smoothly, but he’s totally exposed in Showgirls. It’s the American film that’s closest to his Dutch work. It has great sincerity, and the script is very honest, guileless. It’s so obvious that it was written by Verhoeven himself rather than Mr. Eszterhas, who is nothing. And that actress is amazing! Like every Verhoeven film, it’s very unpleasant: it’s about surviving in a world populated by assholes, and that’s his philosophy. Of all the recent American films that were set in Las Vegas, Showgirls was the only one that was real – take my word for it.I who have never set foot in the place! -Jacques Rivette
Is Showgirls a masterpiece?
I thought it was the best movie ever when I first saw it when I was like 11.
I know right?! So many boobies
>Movie is about skinny white girls with no ass
Why would I even consider watching it?
I've masturbated to this so many times
nah it's fuckin stupid
your fuckin stupid!
>best American film
>not Robocop
Would NOT buy for a dollar
anything by verhoeven is true kino
my dick thought it was a masterpeice
Remake with Jordyn Jones When?
Ever hear of something called satire?
But kino means crap. Why would you insult such a good film?
It's an amazing movie.
>heard it was shit
>finally watch it
>it's really enjoyable
surprised it's not more of a cult classic
VH1 cgi underwear version > Theatrical release
In the some way, it is great film because it follows the foot steps of its kind predecessor which a country girl heading to the show town, then "WHAT ???". Due to the nature of the subject matter, it got rejected by the mass. I'm kinda curious how it get rejuvenated in the future.
It is a cult classic for how shitty it is
Yeah, it's brilliant. Robocop is still better though.
that's typically how cult classics work, yeah
>burt reynolds in leather hat, waistcoat, boxer shorts, cowboy boots and nothing else but a liberal application of vaseline
It used to be my go to movie to watch to get online sluts to fuck
it's not shit, it's satire that's 2deep4u for most Americans
I remember when I was a kid there was a billboard for Showgirls on the way to my grandparents' house. Whose home I would go there every day after school. It was great seeing this image 14 feet high and 48 feet wide. Great boner material for a few weeks.
>tfw the black girl gets to meet that famous guy
>tfw he rapes her
I laughed pretty hard at how unexpected that was
Blow me, faggot
That blonde bitch went to my high school (north farmington).
There is no hope for you, OP. Now just relax.
I don't understand how people couldn't pick up on the satire, it's a fucking Verhoeven film.