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You can't raise the Fraze either
It's pretty fucking embarrassing.
How many times will they try this?
Benicio Del Toro did Wolfman, that failed.
Dracula Untold was supposed to be another starting point, that failed.
Now they got Tom Cruise to start the shared universe bullshit and it still fails. Only this time they packed the pipeline with even more bullshit movies trying to repackage the universal monsters.
Obvious joke but...JUST
It just cost 125 million.
They might well make it profitable. 250 mil is not a huge hurdle.
I don't think monster horror characters are the in thing right now while superhero movies are still huge.
That and Tom Cruise is a major reason I didn't see it.
Braise works better
An ensemble cast of stock CGI monsters has no appeal to anyone, least of all adults that consider themselves fans of classic monster movies.
You can market it as action schlock and cast Tom Cruise but it's still gonna fail.
Thanks, my shit its coming right up
>tfw I still kinda wanna see it cuz I like Cruise and even the 2/10 reviews say the actions serviceable
Oh well, I guess I'll wait til DVD
Is this it? Did they finally bruise the Cruise?
I think the funniest part is not the flop but how they announced 4 movies within the past 2 weeks with big names like Depp (even had a photoshoot with them all in the same room) as if this was going to be the hottest shit ever.
They were REALLY banking on this haha
Tom Cruise is the only thing that had my interest. The rest of the movie looked fucking CAKED in a color filter that made it look like a PS3/360 era game where no color is allowed. That turned me off. The thing I liked about the original Mummy movies was how colorful they were.
I don't think those are comparable. Dracula Untold was an awful movie. Wolfman was just plain boring, not the worst but boring. There is nothing stopping a reboot from being successful but Hollywood seems to think reboot = MAKE IT GRIMDARK AND SERIOUS BUSINESS which is not fun.
They are still going to do it. And it's POSSIBLE they may learn from mistakes, but unlikely.
2017 is the year of the Frase , my man
>original Mummy
I'm glad they got off to such a shit start.
Hopefully that will teach them not to give hacks like Kurtzman any work anymore.
From what I've seen in the trailer, the mummy looks more like the sorceress from suicide squad than a mummy. Reminds me of Rita from the new power rangers movie too. Character design just keeps getting shittier for some reason.
>Going to see it anyway because Tom is /ourguy/ instead of cucklet Brendan
>implying Brendan's movies aren't the original
Just because you are old as shit or some kind of hipster who watches 40 year old movies doesn't make your version the original.
>I'm a dumb dick
do people just forget the third mummy movie
Sofia Boutella is the only reason I'm gonna watch this shit.
Someone make a 'you vs the guy she told you not to worry about'
With Tom in the new The Mummy on the left and Brendan in 1999 Mummy on the right.
>40 year old movie
chamcham pls
I try to
>hey let's just make everybody 20 years older for no reason
>and let's find an actor who is somehow more annoying than the child actor to play the grown up character
>and let's make it in China but have no chinese mysticism!
Holy shit
it's made 9 million in revenue so far.
Deadline wrote, that a figure closer to 200 million production budget might be closer to reality. Apparently they went far over the planned budget.
hi Tom
What's with this picture of geriatrics and a young lady?
left to right
>JUSTed by being macho
>JUSTed by being anti-Jew commie
>center-point of franchise, career has entered downswing since production began
>The original JUST Prince
>Mummy No-Name
Franchise never stood a chance
How happy is Brendan right now?