What was his major malfunction?
What was his major malfunction?
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He was Lawrence of Arabia
>obviously a pussy
>military enlists him anyway
>acts surprised when he fucks up and goes on an autist rampage
Born before Sup Forums existed
a donut hoarder with a sugar addiction
Is that young Wilson Fisk?
Kinda looks like Steven Assanti ...
and how he laughed after they gave him the blanket party.....funniest part of the movie
He was a big guy, too big for Hartman.
He was a fat autist.
he cried you fucking autist
His parents didn't have any children that lived.
So he was /ourguy/?
Basically. If only Sup Forums existed he wouldn't hvae REEEEEEEd out.
He was Texan
It's kind of like the draft was a horrible idea or something.
Shouldn't he have gotten a deferment for being a fatass?
alright watch it again and pretend he's laughing its almost indiscernable
lol no
He wanted to become a real estate agent but his Pa made him join the military instead.
Is that what it says in the extended universe?
Some blind faggot in a red suit keeps fucking with his shit
MIB agents keep fucking his shit up
Marines are all volunteers. Only the army drafts.
Imagine if they tried drafting all the NEETs today. How did they get away with it.
He wasn't a steer
What's the difference between infantry and Marines then
Aren't Marines THE infantry ? what's their role ?
Army has infantry
Marines have infantry
Air Force has infants
Nothing he was born again hard and made his drill Sargent proud.
Holy shit mind blown
But why are the american marines infantry so speshiul
Marines are amphibious infantry. They're infantry specialised to deploy from ships or assault craft, or in olden days, provide shipboard security in event of boarding actions.
USMC has experienced massive, massive mission creep, most likely due to the fact it's easier for el presidente to deploy unilaterally than other elements of the US armed forces, to the point where it's basically just a complete armed forces by itself, with the exception of warships and some logistics elements.
everyone thought he was fat but by today's standards hes pretty average
Army's a bit more all purpose, guard the base, hold the lines.
Marines are a bit more kill the haji, kill the haji, kill the haji.
It's really a broad stroke, but accurate enough.
thought the difference was army soldiers let the bodies hit the floor whereas marines let the bodies hit the deck
Still way too fat to be accepted.
Also there are fitness tests you need to pass which he wouldn't have.
The whole thing doesn't make much sense.
Tom Leher explains.
He was trained to kill his adversary, and so he did.
he had a psychotic breakdown. he carried out his mission in the end. the small part of sanity he still had left after he committed murder is what caused him to kill himself
Learn something every day
>mr. neet you are drafted
>either neet goes or gets prison time
>most neets probably fall in line quickly and few off em are let go because of breakdowns
t. has no idea how that would actually work in united states
t. used to be a conscript and now im more or less neet
The draft during WWI and II was actually pretty great for american unity. Nobody was exempted except those working war critical jobs so there was a mixing of the social and economic strata and encouraged patriotism. Vietnam fucked that all up by excluding all but the youngest and poorest Americans from the draft. I wish we could force a kind of draft again where everyone has to work in the army or a government agency for 1-2 years so people started feeling fucking invested in the country again.
>he social and economic strata and encouraged patriotism. Vietnam fucked that all up by excluding all but the youngest and poorest Americans from the draft. I wish we could force a kind of draft again where everyone has to work in the army or a government agency for 1-2 years so people started feeling fucking invested in the country again.
Conscription is anti-american as fuck. People need to be empowered to fight for themselves, their family, and their land to feel tied to the country, not forced to go fight for some obscure jew's middle eastern investments.
Maybe if congressmen had a stake in the fight they wouldn't be so willing to toss us into fucktarded conflicts. Whens the last time you've heard of a senators son being wounded or killed in combat?
Please fuck off to Israel
Who would win in a fight: Fisk raging over his girl vs. Pyle currently snapping
My overall point is that foreign wars are folly, period. America was founded on the notion that we are to be independent of the affairs of the old world and its historical hang ups.
He's Assburgers Patient Zero