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Why? Just fucking why? This is a DC capeshit and the public hates them. This a female orientated movie and they all fail at the box office. So fucking how?

>a good DC movie
>Snyder had nothing to do with it

Hmmmm makes you think

Zack Snyder on suicide watch.

its just so weird ya know? we live in an age where women are being propped up as domineering brash bold adventurous maybe even unfemanine

but what really gets me is that even the most hardcore feminist, the most hardened SJW cuck will admit behind closed doors that women don't have whait takes to perform at the highest level or to what the average man can do

why? Why does feminism exist? Women can drive cars, operate and run businesses,where what they want... where is the unequality?

iron man made over a billion

>mfw it still comes under gotg2

>when all your movie audience went at the first week only

w e w

>So fucking how?
It treated itself like a superhero movie above being a agenda. Almost like people go to see superhero movies to see fucking superheroes being superheroes.

only a sperg would be upset

>Snyder had nothing to do with it
He was writer, producer, hired Jenkins, basically did all the central casting and also hyped her up in BvS.

But sure keep up the hateboner. Goes to show Snyder can never win no matter what.

>good box office = good movie
i guess that's why marvel pajeets think their movies are great

why? he's the only one making honest kino

Don't worry, justice league will still be awful, it will make BvS look good.

This just in: people go to see superhero movies that are good. More an 11. In other news, capitalism favors products with audience appeal, water is wet and Sup Forums is bitching about "the progressive agenda"

why ?


>But worldwide, it's clear Wonder Woman is headed for a finish with more than $600 million, while $700 million is definitely still in the cards.

>Currently sitting somewhere near $320 million in global ticket sales as of this morning, if Wonder Woman sees weekend numbers of $60 million domestic and something similar overseas, then it could conceivably finish this weekend with $440+ million.

(You) in the back

>Zack Snyder on suicide watch
Fat lot of good that did him.

man that's bad

> 4326/image/p28RKOir55zDAVbhSbJV_w/
>blue leader
Are you ban evading?

He wishes his daughter was

When did the Snyder hate really start? People used to suck his cock but then Sucker Punch came out and everyone seemed to turn on him completely.

>where is the unequality?
The unequality is that there isn't a movie where Gal pegs and rapes white '''''''''''men''''''''''''''

How can misogynists and antisemites even compete?

BvS is good

>$700 million max cume
>gotg2 $800 million plus

Hack Snyder can win when he doesn't direct and all of his bad influences are fixed in extensive re-shoots

thank god they tuned down his muddy colorless style a bit as well


King Kino would never be.

>He was writer, producer
He's dyslexic and his wife is his boss

>Zach Snyder
>anything but a beta male

>he made a bad movie and then people turned on him? Why??

It was slowly building up after 300 and then went into overdrive with Sucker Punch as critics considered him vulgar and not PC. He's endured so much bullshit the past years. A lesser man would not have been left standing today.

Why do Disney shills still flag themselves so hard by using Evans faces? Doesn't subtlety include in the shilling guide?


It will end at 650 million tops (which is still great but not really groundbreaking like the media is trying to paint). It will be dead overseas with Mummy, Transformers, Cars 3 and Despicable Me 3 coming out week after week.

>A lesser man would not have been left standing today.
Good thing his producers had faith in him

They're literally underaged.

300 was a fun dumb movie with some pretty racist undertones (not that I gave a shit, just letting you know what others thought)

V for Vendetta was good, but not a lot of people saw it.

Watchmen had even less people see it and fans (primary audience) were critical of it.

Suckerpunch was both offensive and terrible. Literally no redeeming qualities except if you want live action weeb shit.

After that it was just flop after flop of bad movies.

One bad movie doesn't deserve the vitriol people continue to spew at him. It's at the point to where if he were to release a genuine masterpiece people would still shit on it just because Snyder directed it.

Only SJW "critics" hate the DC movies, the audience loves them.

He had nothing to do with V and people love it, retard

Self-agraddizing piece by deluded studio heads. You can spot the Sup Forumsumbr engaging a posture of respectable cultural buffs when they say they're "hyped" for this movie. It reeks of sjw sensibility.

What does Snyder have to do with V for Vendetta?

>the audience loves them.


>It's at the point to where if he were to release a genuine masterpiece people would still shit on it just because Snyder directed it.
You mean like happened with MoS and BvS? He can't win this game. In the age of social media, the manchild bloggers hold all power.


Where the fuck do you dipshits get this from? There were 3 writers for WW and none of them were Snyder.

I was trying to avoid saying those movies are great so as not to anger the plebs so they could actually answer the question without having an autistic fit.

Maybe he should make something other than action movies if he wants to be taken seriously.

>In the age of social media, the manchild bloggers hold all power.
Like Charles?

But...muh mummy!!

>it's doing worse than GoTG2
It will make 750, tops.


>One bad movie

all of Snyder's movies are mediocre to terrible

>You mean like happened with MoS and BvS?

if you think those movies are masterpieces you are legit autistic


Snyder didn't write Wonder Woman, Jesus Christ.
Allen Heinberg wrote the fucking thing.

>This is a DC capeshit and the public hates them

can you hide your bias a little better? thanks

>I'm still waiting for my apology, goy. nooooooooooooo/image/FG-kcqV0qR-0zxDtMQCVpw/

How many times have you written this just today? Atleast a dozen times from what I've seen. There is an autist here that's for sure.

Not an argument

>releasing a genuine masterpiece


but of course user

I wonder for how long the mouseshill has repeated Rotten Tomatoes score only to whine they're fake for WW.

Much worse than Charles has been found lad
much fucking worse and 99% aren't even white

And there goes all of Wonder Womans foreign box office

I wonder for how long the dcuck has complained about Rotten Tomatoes score only to claim they're real for WW.

I know

>How many times have you written this just today? Atleast a dozen times from what I've seen

the fuck are you talking about

When did I say they're real for WW? The site is shit but unlike hypocritical mentally ill mouseshills I don't change opinions based on corporate warfare. I geniunely hope you kill yourself.

So is this really it? is it finally over for marvel? they've reached so low they're now making pandering KANGZ movies

Are you guys gonna take your wive's sons to Wonder Woman and get them to recognize their white male privilege?

>>When did I say they're real for WW?
Like I know you by name, you dumb fuck.

>Almost like people go to see superhero movies to see fucking superheroes being superheroes.
It is too bad people have hijacked that word just like they hijacked FUN. In all these movies they're superheros but lately a lot of pretentious faggots have pretended movies like Man of Steel and Batman v Superman suddenly don't have heroics.

Even worse than that guy
its fucking pajeets

I remember how back when Suckerpunch was out that there were articles saying he fucked and abused the actresses and how the whole movie was about abuse and sexist as fuck. Shit was crazy.

Black Panther is unironically a ripoff of Wonder Woman, Batman and Aquaman, plus melanin

Meanwhile Josh Sweden is the man in charge of DC now

Never, that's when, you hypocritical mentally ill mouseshill. This rotten tomatoes wanking started precisely because Evansposters were spouting that shit 24/7 only to shut the fuck up now pretending it never happened.

You don't know what means Pajeet. Stick to "autistic" and "grimdark" script instead.


Does he complete the three wise men of Sup Forums?
(armond, brody and this guy)

Teehee you're so funny roleplaying internet fights on Sup Forums with your discord buds all day.

do I smell a party celebration bread?

Reminder BvS had the 5th biggest global opening of all time and still ended up underperforming


The next part of the script: Discord accusations. It all plays out on repeat. Does Pajeet even have self-awareness to realize this?

no one actually likes this film and there are infinitely more productive things you can do in your life instead of gloating about something you have no personal investment in.

this site really is full of losers.

Sup Forums is always wrong

No one on Sup Forums is gloating about it you stupid faggot. I bet you think the "REALLY MAKES ME THINK HUH?" threads are sincere too.

>no one actually likes this film
Thanks for speaking for me. I'm not capable of forming my own opinions.

>no one actually likes this film
Oh fuck off, I love it.

>above being an agenda
This movie was used as a political platform by UN and Gal Gadot herself.

Alt-right panicking on suicide watch over devastating feminist icon blockbuster success

Good, I hope it keeps making more and more. Jewish Goddess Gal Gadot and the woman that directed her should both be skyrocketed into success, pockets overflowing with money while drinking up the male tears from complaining idiots like OP.

>implying they even knew the movie existed when they did some meme appointing of Wonder Woman the character as an ambassador

Wonder Woman is a shitty character. I'd rather jerk off to Batgirl. She's also a shitty character, but at least she gets to be in Gotham City with Batman and his rogues.

>This movie was used as a political platform by UN
The UN literally caved to the people who complained that Wonder Woman wears skimpy clothes.
>and Gal Gadot herself
And now I know you're high.

That's peanuts compared o
To what an average marvel flick does.

It was a fun cape flick. It's nice to see DC put out something not tiringly edgy.

>autism : the post