Is he the best Batman?
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Is he the best Batman?
Discuss, Sup Forums
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More like a miserable piece of shit who shouldn't even been in Hollywood.
Not at all, he was weak and wasn't cool
too soon to say. we need to see him in some solo batman movies.
Batfleck saved bvs
Dude, just that warehouse fight cemented him as one of the coolest Batmen ever.
Well yes in the form of him bringing Terrio to the project, forming a very potent collaboration between him, Ben and Zack. MoS was good aswell but it was mostly carried by excellent direction hiding a poor script.
It sucks that the trio didn't last longer than it did.
Not sure. He needs his own movie first. Right now is Keaton the best but Baffleck has the potential to win.
Bale was never scary. I would prefer to be beaten to a pulp by Bale than getting nuts with Keaton.
He is also the only one in which I could believe an adult man was so fucking damaged he thought to cosplay as flying rat to fight crime during night is a reasonable idea.
Bale as Bruce Wayne is too smart and adequate to go full retard. He would literally find a trillion better ways to fight crime. And the criminals on his movies doesnt seem to be superstitious at all to justify the theatrics.
He's my favorite,hope he sticks around
Keaton is the best just for making Batman likable and feel somewhat down to Earth for a man who dresses up as a Bat and fights crime. RDJ basically ripped off his performance for Iron Man.
Yes. That is why his movie is named THE Batman because he is the definitive live action Batman.
>blocks your path
This is spooky. What scene is it?
So far no
No. Maybe second best.
I don't like DCEU and thought BvS was mostly bad but for the most part I agree
Snyder is a great fit for Batman, though I thought the murder was a bit heavy. He just isn't a great for for lighter capeshit like Superman and Justice League.
Warehouse scene is the only time I thought Batman action was really done right, and even the Batman vs Super fight was fun.
Just a shame it was surrounded by bullshit
BvS wouldve been better if it adpated The Dark Knight Returns more. Thats what Snyder is good at. It wouldve benefited from focusing on Batman more
The goggles he uses in Justice League are shaped like the eyes of BTAS. They're supposed to reflect light in a way that makes his eyes white in action. Gonna be magical.
Affleck is an alright guy. He has a good heart and talent but like other liberals, care too much about external validation which is holding him back.
>Affleck is an alright guy.
He's a homewrecker.
He is the goddamn Batman.
He´s the worst Batman; even Clooney was better than him
Hello leredditt contrarian! I tip my fedora to you!
It's not hard to top Bale. Anyone who disagrees must be too young to have seen Keaton's flicks. Keaton is better than Bale too. I hope the DCEU does a proper Bane soon. I know Hardy's Bane is rightfully a joke here but everywhere else people actually watch that Count Dracula wannabe without laughing.
>indiscriminately kills people
>le best batman maymay
How about no? Kevin Conroy or nothing.
Thanks faggot, that doesn´t change the facts
I like Batfleck. Hopefully he doesn't leave DCEU.
No, but he might be close depending on the material he gets to work with.
What does Stephen King have to do with Batman?
No but he's pretty damn good at it.
Too early, but probably yes after Justice League.
Yes. Without a doubt
>Is he the best Batman?
Imagine being autistic enough to rank comic book characters
Not even close.
it helps they finally got the costume right..
but they always seem to get it right on the first ones, then proceed to fuck them up with tactical bullshit or muh neck movement
>excellent direction hiding a poor script.
Now, this is quality shitposting.
He has the potential, but he needs a good movie.
His character itself is too inaccurate. The idea that Batman is killing loads of people is the antithesis of what we know about the character and only works with dystopian alternate universes of Batman like Flashpoint or Owlman.
How can there be meaningful relationships with Joker, or Jason Todd, with Batman as a killer? It breaks a lot of good, powerful character drama. A shame, really, for the main Batman currently.
>but they always seem to get it right on the first ones
Nolan's never got it right. Begins looked as dorky as Batman 89, but at least Batman 89 had the excuse of being the one that moved away from spandex.
Thell me dokthor, do you like tha thurkus?
I like Batman as a killer because
>dude I just cripple them for life lmao
doesn't make sense to me.
Fuck off wonderbat fag.
How do you stay invested in funnybooks for so long? I dropped it after Endgame.
Comics don't count nerd, there is no Catwoman in DC capekino.
Batman will fuck Wonder Woman AND Batgirl if that ridiculous pervert Bruce Timm gets his way.
You going to get it and you're going to like it. Then the comics will start pushing for it because the movies made it be a thing with the larger public.
Snyder and Johns also push for this shit.
>mfw wonderbat will be canon
what about wonderrat?
They have Batman and WW flirting. We'll see if they're degenerate enough to make Batman fuck his goddaughter.
Nah, that's Timm crazyness. Snyder push for it because Superman and Lois is the most important relationship of the cinematic universe and because he's a casual so he's mostly following the cartoons characterizations. Johns pushed for it because... i don't know. He always pushed for it.
>implying this wasn't a major plotline in Grant Morrison's JLA run
He's actually really, really good. Maybe the best ever.
And that's coming from a Snyder hater who hates MoS and BvS.
Yeah, forgot about him as well. Most of the writers and producers on the animation side also like that pairing. They were complaining about having to do Superman and Wonder Woman as a couple for the recent animated movies and cartoon.
>muh voice actors are the best at x!!!
FUCK OFF, voice actors cannot be fucking compared to live action versions of their characters
I fucking love Batmaniya Al-Gothamsiya
>Bruce Timm
I hope so. Only he can adapt this kino scene.
Superman and WW would be horrible in the movie. Cavill has zero charisma while Affleck has obvious chemistry with WW.
Yes he is, shame about the movie, though.
Bane was a fine adaptation in my opinion. The problem was making him just a lackey at the end and giving him a bullshit, anticlimactic death. Just getting shot by catwoman's motorcycle was retarded.
If the movie ended with a better confrontation between Bane and Bats, leaving out the dumb shit with Liam Neeson's daughter, it would have been 30 minutes shorter and far more entertaining. Movie could have been an 8/10. Or at least a passable 7.
The best batman is Dick. My dick. In a little batman costume.
He is the night.
But without his rule his rogues gallery, and specifically Joker, wouldn't exist. His one rule keeps things interesting, keeps villains around.
If that's what they're aiming for, I'd rather it just be integrated into the mask, not these gaudy looking goggles.
I guarantee the voice actors agree with that sentiment. I know Mark Hamill does. He said he'd never have the balls to actually play the Joker in live action. In cartoons half the work is done for you.
He's played the Trickster in multiple episodes of both the old and new Flash shows, who was basically a stand-in Joker.
Affleck may be the best Bruce Wayne, but he's the worst Batman.
Bale is the worst Wayne but the best Batman.
Keaton is a very good mix of both.
>Affleck may be the best Bruce Wayne, but he's the worst Batman.
>Bale is the worst Wayne but the best Batman.
literally reversed
I haven't seen The Trickster. I'm just saying what Hamill said on that Kevin Smith podcast. Joker is a worldwide icon. Hardly anyone knows what the fuck Trickster is so I don't blame Hamill.
>le bruce and batman are separate roles
>opinion literally opposite to the fact
shoo shoo plebbitor
no, but they do have to act at least a little differently, retard.
kikery and stronk womyn aside, they would be a cute couple
>they do have to act at least a little differently, retard
You can prefer whatever you want but if you're implying there was anything wrong with Ben Affleck being unhinged in and out of the costume you need to step back and think things through.
It's an edit
as kino as Timm's artistic view is, his obsession with this Bruce + Barbara thing is just unbelievable. It completely breaks Batman's character to make him get involved in such a way with her, it just doesn't work.
>shitting on DickBabs with Bruce Babs
God fuck off with this of all things Timm. It's weird and just wrong for all the characters. He's done so many things write with the characters but this is just the worst. Nobody shits on The Dick.
You got that backwards mate
precisely. The Talia reveal was broken af and Bane's death even more, it was Marvel-quip tier.
Adam West
Dick already has Starfire.
Bale's Batman is the worst we've ever gotten
At least Batman and Robin was stupid on purpose.
This is the only ship that matters.
Seriously. He has enough questionable girls he has romantic liaisons with between Catwoman and Talia Al Ghul. Dating Babs is not only a weird age gap but he shits on his protege, Dick, and shits on one of his closest confidants and friends, commissioner Gordon by having an affair with her.
Bale is the best anything, even if he never did the movie.
I agree
Also quads confirmed.
Dick has put his hands on/in a majority of the women in the DC
He has also gotten with Zantanna and Black Canary.
He was actually really good. I wish we had gotten a solo Affleck Batman movie first, and then BvS. As things stand, BvS feels like an interesting Batman movie mashed together with a bad Superman movie.