Will this be the biggest shit show of the summer?
Will this be the biggest shit show of the summer?
People are going to die in that opening ceremony.
Kek mit uns
glorious dirty bomb
this is now a summon kek thread
>Will this be the biggest shit show of the summer?
Yes and it's gonna be glorious. So many sacrifices to the blood god.
>closing ceremony
This will be a fucking disaster
nice digits
I'm counting on it.
thanks m8
Gonna be comfy watching the opening ceremony
hope so
Remember last olympics when /x/ was going to summon Aliens to stop an illerminerty plot to blow up the olympics. Then the whole board was out of action for a whole day because of 9001 posts asking if it worked.
Wonder if they will summon aliens to stop the Mussies this time around.
Yeah, the open water swimmers are being told to not open their mouths since the waters being used are still chock full of shit and sewage.
Ballpark I'd say there's a 50000% chance of ISIS shenanigans at some point
Why does the logo look like a chastity cage? As a Sub, I approve.
I think they'll be fine.
shit, sewage and dead bodies... the beach where the beach volley is going on is one of the spots where dead bodies come ashore almost weekly
what do the bad guys have, that the army needs fucking anti-tank weapons ?
Brazilian truck olympics 2016.
The bad guys have helicopters, seriousy drug barons do air-deliveries nowdays. That's a surface to air missile launcher, not anti-tank.
oh ok... but even still... as if drug lords are going to attack the tourists and not massively cash in on the wealthy westerners snorting coke...
Black Hawk Down Two: Electric Boogaloo
>as if drug lords are going to attack the tourists
They'd kidnap and ransom them.
she probably didn't use cocaine...
Praise kek
That's a manpad of some kind, AA only, probably can't even fire on ground targets.
The question is "what do the bad guys have that the guards need short range air defense?"
It wouldn't be an airliner, because there's no way that would stop it from crashing into the stadium, it would just slightly alter the trajectory of the incoming plane, so the only real answer would be a helicopter gunship. Which then raises the question where the fuck the the bad guys get a helicopter gunship.
>shit show
Had it been here, we could have created some jobs, and the world could have bad a decent show with no deaths. Who decides these things btw?. I don't know muchos about it.
had* much* mobile phone being a bitch as usual.
Some committee decides the next olympics location, and its usually decided by who can sling enough bribes fast enough to get it.
Well, at least we can enjoy the shit show that this olympics will be from the confiness of our homes.
Tourists there will bring diseases from Brazil's air and water throughout the world
Considering tourists brought Zika here in the first place, I'm scared of the opposite.
This was the first this I thought about the logo too... In the Colors of the rainbow