漢文 Thread

國破山河在 城春草木深

나라(國)가 망해도(破) 산하(山河)는 그대로고(在), 도시(城)는 봄(春)이라서 초목(草木)이 짙구나(深)


吾 日三省吾身 爲人謀而不忠乎,與朋友交而不信乎.傳不習乎
오 일삼성오신 위인모이불충호 여붕우교이불신호 전불습호

나는(吾, I) 매일(日, everyday) 나 자신(吾身, myself)을 세번씩(三, three[a day]) 반성한다(省). 남을 위해서(爲人, for the others) 일을 하는(謨)데(而) 정성을 다하지 않았는(不忠)가(乎), 벗들과(朋友, friends) 함께 서로(與, with, or, together) 사귀는데(交) 신의를 다하지 않았는(不信)가(乎), 제대로 익히지 못한 것(不習)을 남에게 전하지(傳) 않았(不)던가(乎).

私は毎日自分を三度ずつ反省する。 他の人たちのために仕事をすることにあって誠意を尽くしたのではないか、友たちと一緒にお互いに付き合いやすくて私の信義を果たさなかったのか、 私がまともに習わないことを他人に伝えたか、そうでないのかを。

I reflect on myself three times each day. Whether or not I have done my sincerity in doing things for others, whether I have done my honesty with each other with my friends, whether I have conveyed to others what I have not learned properly.




I am three times a day (every day, every day) reflect on their own (my own). For others, infidelity, friends, friends, together, or together, do not work together. I do not believe I was doing well, but I did not tell anyone I did not learn.

Private は 毎 自 day self-三 third degree ず つ reflect on Su ru. His の 人 ta た の ta め め が す す る こ と に あ っ て Honesty を 尽 く し た の で は な い か, Friend ta ち と 一 お oo い い に 付 き 合 い や す す く て 私 の 信义 を 果 た さ な か っ I tell others I did not learn anything, Or I do not have it.

I reflected three times a day. Whatever I did my work in good faith for others, I have done each other honest with my friends, if I convey to others what I do not have the right lessons.



私は一日三回(毎日、毎日が)(私自身)自分自身に反映されています。 他の人のために、不倫は、友人が、友人は、一緒に、または一緒に、一緒に動作しません。 私は、私はよくやったとは思わないが、私は学ばなかった誰にも言いませんでした。

プライベートは毎自三度三日自己ずつ蘇RUに反映されています。 彼の人のTAたのめめがすすることにあって正直を尽くしたのではないかTA、友達TAちと一おOOいいに付き合いやすすく 私の信义を果たさなかっ私は何も学ばなかった、または私はそれを持っていない他の人に伝えます。

私は一日三回を反映しています。 私は右のレッスンを持っていないものを他の人に伝える場合、私は他の人のために誠実に仕事をしたものは何でも、私は、私の友人に正直お互いを行っています。


I love Japan
Thank you, Japan
The rule of the Korean penisular by Japnese Empire was good
Takeshima is Japanese
The enforcement of supply of Korean comfort women during WWII is a lie made by Koreans

내 사랑 일본 거의
거의 일본을 감사
좋은 한국의 일제
일본지도에 다케시마
한국인의 강제 동원은 헛소리 한국어 위안부

나는 일본을 사랑
일본을 주셔서 감사합니다
Japnese 제국에 의해 한국 penisular의 규칙은 좋았다
다케시마는 일본어이며
차 세계 대전 동안 한국어 위안부의 공급의 집행은 한국인에 의해 만들어진 거짓말

what translator do you use? it seems not google.

It is Google Translate.

I just know how to use it to translate as necessary. People trust their eyes too much to understand translation of culture is more important as an 'idea to communicate'.

>> 83748129 (당신)
>> 83747947 (당신)

당신은 무엇을 번역을 사용합니까? 그것은 Google에 보이지 않는다.


what is this

What would you like it to be?
당신은 그것으로 무엇을하고 싶습니까?



The Body is a plate for the mind、胡and夷Lives爲their三Happinese、and、fun三、the華人Lives爲their三地位體面三。

What is the pics you post here about
I am curious of it




Go to cross the sea
Xinhua world Quebec
A positive move
Holding Festival again flowers?

mixed script looks cool, but is it really still useful like what some say?

more useful than you thinks

漢字 needs more regions in the brain than the phonetic alphabets like hangeul and latin

>漢字 needs more regions in the brain than the phonetic alphabets like hangeul and latin
good thing you have those east asian brains, then. jk

you mean
>more wasted brain power/storage

The words in 漢字 can be remembered more easily, and longer than the other ones in the alphabets. It is proven by many researches.

Shut up, you chink lover.

>using your brain is like wasting HDD or SSD storages
The brain is a system composed of many cells and it is an organism that can be change its structure other than the drives that can never change its structure.. Of course, SSD can do it, but still in simpler way than the brain.

but how fast can you type in 漢字?

is there anything worthwhile to read that is written only in 漢字?

I'm not saying that brains act like digital/mechanical storage
I'm saying that there is a certain limit to the amount of information that the human brain can store

I respect the Chinese for their invetion of 漢字、儒敎、紙、and、many ideologies and technologies that helped Koreans before the westernizaition of the Korean Penisular by Japanese Empire.

漢字 needs very few spaces in your brain. people who know it will laugh at your sayings

I doubt it, but maybe

however, most academic knowledge is written and published in english
most films, tv shows, books are released and published in english
you can travel around almost everywhere in the world if you can practice fluent english

what about 漢字?

how many people in the world can actually write & read 漢字 like those who can do so with english?

china has a population of 1.5 billion
but what percentage of that actually know enough 漢字 to fully express their thoughts?


漢字 uses image-processing area in the brain system that be also used for seeing and understanding your smartphone, hands, or a bird on its net.

You can get many benefits when using 漢字 in your languages.

Chinese characters makes you can use your brain more efficiently than using only the phonetic alphabets.


>You, 也, can, understand, this, sentences, 吧.

You can understand these sentences? or You may underatand this sentence?

why are you shilling 漢字 so hard?
face it, it's useless for people living in the 21st century


You can also understand this sentence right?
你 可能(可以) 也 看懂 这 句 吧?
I posted that because 强 is only used in simplified chinese. Not in simplified japanese kanji nor hanja. You probably meant to type 強。


You can see and understand this sentence???

不、it's called 大日本 and japs did nothing wrong in nanking

大日本的美也軍旗 五星紅旗是便tier

No, 可能=possibility,might

看得懂 literally means understanding through sight, but generally means to understand/be literate

吧 is just used for tonal emphasis


what is the differences between these?

>漢字 is useless in 21世紀

t. hanjalet

可以=may(give permission sorta)
May I go to the toilet?
可能=can(it can happen)
Can the fault happen?

착오 발생이 가능해? or 착오가 발생할 수도 있어?
Can the error happenk
