Are there any comic books not based on superheroes?

Are there any comic books not based on superheroes?

No, never. Such a thing is physically impossible. Don't even bother searching for it.

They're just called books

most comics are not about superheroes


Is right, if you're looking for anything else, give up.


Trying to find one for 40 + years, never found them :-(


Someone told me there was this place called "Yoorope" or something that made them, but I've never fucking heard of it.

Pretty sure they don't exist at all

Don't listen to the rest of these idiots. They don't know what they're talking about.

Some are based on supervillains.

I tried to write one OP but the comic siezed up and started hacking text bubbles and comic panels until it turned into an avengers comic

You wouldn't know it by looking at this shitty board, but yes there are. And they are way better than capeshit. Grown men who read capeshit are immature man-children who can't grow the fuck up and get out of their stupid fantasy worlds. Imagine if the only movies you watched were about superheroes? How fucking gay and boring would that be. People who consume capeshit are cancer to the medium and are the cause of comic books not being taken seriously by society.

And every time there is one of these threads where someone asks about non-cape comics and all the cape faggots suggest Hellboy or Swamp Thing or any other mainstream garbage that involves super powers or anything supernatural, fuck you. Read some Fantagraphics or Drawn and Quarterly or anything non-cape and non-supernatural, non sci-fi. You capefags are cancer and the big 2 laugh at you and mock you while taking your money so you can be told the same homo-erotic stories that have been told for decades. Grow the fuck up.

Shit. That's true, hell I even posted one. My mistake, OP! Here's a little something for my stupidity.

>anything non-cape and non-supernatural, non sci-fi

Just wondering, are you the same user who did that death-ray storytime?

Go to bed Alan

OP is trolling user

japanese visual novels

It's just a made-up place created by anti-comics SWJs to push their shitty stories, instead of making good cape like everybody. THere are a lot of imaginary places like that, the countries of "frankobelgia" and "manga" are the two biggest urban legends on that topic.

First time I see it written that way, btw. Usually it's "Iurope".


>bootleg batman
You're trying to prove something here?

I don't know OP can you stop being a faggot?

You take that back motherfucker.
King Kong is a completely original character

Is this nigga serious? It's like asking if there are movies not starring Adam Sandler!

Actually, if we count documentaries there must be a couple movies not starring Adam Sandler.