Name a better fight scene. Protip: You literally can't

Name a better fight scene. Protip: You literally can't

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What is Evans doing these days?
Also, I feel like the final fight between the brothers and mad dog is on the same level if not better

Third film WHEN

He's working on a Netfilx movie, maybe he's saving up the budget for Raid 3

literally can't
great fucking taste OP

He's said somewhere the third film is going to happen it's just gonna be a few years because he has other projects

The boss fight in the first movie.

That's not from the matrix.

I forget, did the bodyguard guy kill his brother from the first movie?

I think it was some other guys

goddammit thats what i get for not hitting play

Apostle with Dan Stevens from The Guest. It's about a guy who goes on a mission to rescue his sister from a cult.

The drug lab scene was my favorite

holy fuck the camerawork here is incredible

>with Dan Stevens from The Guest

Uh, you know he has been in quite a few things now, right? Some of them very popular like Downton abbey and Beauty and the Beast. Calling him "dan stevens from the guest" is kind of silly.

It's so hard to watch this stuff now after you watch MMA and then learn how to actually fight in a gym. Laughable. Have to admire it all like dumb WWE antics to get entertainment from it.

wait, you mean the fights in this action movie are stylized? Woah, never thought of it that way.

You're welcome.

This is fightkino fuck everything else

I hate your kind. And still don't get what you mma bros want from fight choreography. It always seems that they want the guys to actually pummel each other, and have zero understanding of tone or goals when it comes to a fight scene.

Really activates your synapses, huh...

I get what you mean i cant watch that shit where they jump like 20 feet in the air at least this is semi "realistic"

It's this way for any movie that's portraying a character in a particular sort of craft. Any movie with hackers in it is incredibly laughable to actual hackers.

Woah there, are you saying that this scene is not 100% accurate?
This fight from banishee is brutal
The part where his fingers split is disgusting

Jackie Chan Vs Benny "The Jet"

>unplugs the monitor
every time

It's literally your only good movie, Dan.

Nah, this was okay, but the choreography kind of sucks. The two are obviously great martial artists in real life, but they're too spazzy on camera. There's no smoothness to the moves and some of the things come off looking like there's no impact. Maybe it's the director's fault, but the Raid's fight scenes are all about 8/10 at best.

Every other action movie felt mediocre after watching The Raid movies, even John Wick

> Shaky cam and quick cuts.
> "name a better fight scene"

Just lol.

>how to actually fight
fuck you, MMA is a sport it's not even close to real fighting

they're not shitty hollywood cuts, they show a stretch of moves in full view and then move to a new angle that doesn't obscure the action. Sure it may not be one take, but the fight doesn't lose continuity at all.

Actually, any fight scene in Crouching tiger is better than almost any film. But this scene is particular is really the best. It's more than just the excellent fight sequence and cinematography; the fight is an important turning point in the story with real context and conflict between the characters. It's not just the hero of the film versus some skilled bad guy. The Green Destiny sword vs the many different weapons. The music. The setting. It's all brilliant.

Actually, this is the undisputed king of modern fight scenes.

the one against Sammo Hung is better

But this one had a much better build up and much better story telling throughout the fight itself.

except fight choreography is a fucking craft you dumb inbred faggot. do you seriously look at WWE and think "wow what faggots don't they know it's not real???" asian martial arts have had choreographed 'fight dances' for centuries- since martial arts have been a thing.
mma is not in any way representative of a "real" fight (bar brawl, mugging, street fight, etc.) and it has nothing to do with martial arts in film.
you sound like you are fucking 12 my dude

was gonna recommend ong bak but just looked a clip real quick to refresh my memory and now im fucking embarrassed

Ong Bak is more of a collection of stunts and athletic feats

The chateau fight in matrix reloaded is pretty bad ass.

Damn the music in this is badass

what the fuck did I just watch.

Yes and your the person who would get his ass completely handed to him by someone that trains. You people are hilarious.

Kung Fu doesnt work irl


Yeah, this is pretty god tier

No one cares

>mma is not in any way representative of a "real" fight (bar brawl, mugging, street fight, etc.)
Many of the fighters in mma have used the same shit they do in the ring in street fights. Educate yourself pleb.

>say that to my face and I'll beat you up shit
are fax/modems still working for some reason? this is some late 90's level bullshit

Donnie Yen is an exceptional performer. Kind of sad he didn't make it as big in the west as Jackie Chan and Jet Li did.


far more deserving than Jet Li. Donnie Yen has better screen prescence and in general has been involved in productions with better crews, as in better choreography, better directors, etc.

Who are you quoting? You ok?

This. I like how you think MMA is real fighting.

not brutal at all, he isnt chimping out like most would

I actually liked the idea that it was just as much the other guy's story as it was Donnie's char. It reminded me of what Jackie Chan tried to do with Gorgeous.

Rama and Andi vs. Mad Dog was better in my opinion.

I agree completely. I heard a rumor that Donnie signed some obscure contract with the Weinstein company back around Blade 2 that prevented him from taking certain projects and he eventually got screwed out of some promised deals anyway. Not that he doesn't have an impressive filmography as is, but it makes me wonder what could have been.

Posting best gunfight scene since I don't have any martial arts webm's that haven't already been uploaded.


>I like how you think MMA is real fighting.
Do you really think it's not? Explain how those fighters wouldn't clean house in a street fight.

I guarantee you someone who trains in any combat sport would wipe the floor with someone who doesn't

>dude i would just rake their eyes lmao
These people are impossible to argue with, don't waste your time.

Nah he was alive at the end. Im not sure if they killed him in the second movie

>has a ton of rules
>mandatory horizontal manhug

yeah no

u srs m8? to begin with, can they tap out in a street fight? no kicking if someone's back is touching the floor either silly boys, that would be... unfair.

>ton of rules
Not really, just basic shit like no hits to the back of the head.
>mandatory horizontal manhug
There's nothing of the sort. Do you even know anything about MMA?
>can they tap out in a street fight?
No, so an MMA fighter would be able to continue beating the shit out of someone that doesn't have any training with no one to stop him.

Why do you guys think being trained to fight under a ruleset (particularly one as close to real fighting as MMA) would hamper a guy in a street fight with no rules?

like seriously if it was point karate or tkd they might have a point lol

Sure, the scene between the Chinese guy and the manlet in TR1

thats like that gif of the gozilla fight that goes full retard

sorry but the raid is by far the best action movie

sadly, the main actor of the raid thought 5 seconds of screentime in star wars was more important than making another raid movie, lol

because real fights are neither MMA matches OR movie fight scenes, they usually last less than 10 seconds and the guy who hits first will probably win in one hit if he's aggresive enough or is underhanded. Also whoever produces the first weapon wins.

Bragging about knowing "how to fight" is good for intimidation and little more, a 100 pound woman can still gouge your eye out with a set of keys.

>trained killers can't kill if there's no ref
This is what you're trying to argue.

>and the guy who hits first will probably win in one hit if he's aggresive enough or is underhanded.
>Bragging about knowing "how to fight" is good for intimidation and little more, a 100 pound woman can still gouge your eye out with a set of keys.
Jesus christ, it's always the shut in autists that think they know everything.

>he thinks the average joe is mentally prepared to initiate or face aggression

I'll give you that someone who grew up constantly fighting and being surrounded by violence will be able to handle themselves with little formal training, but the only way to simulate that for the rest of us is combat sports

Did you know that training is useless in a street fight?


got a source for that?

Wouldn't know if better, but definetly on par with.

Same user, sorry for posting that dub version. Here's with the original spoken.

Old Jackie Chan directed movies are the pinnacle of fight movie choreography.

Also Raid 1 was much better than Raid 2.

Looks more like dancing tbqh

If it's over-choreographed it makes no sense unless there's a narrative reason for it a la The Matrix

This scene is great because even though it's obviously heavily choreographed, it doesn't LOOK that way. It looks like two dudes trying to beat the shit out of each other.

The problem with a lot of these floaty chink sword movies is the choreography is so over the top it looks nothing like a fight. There's zero force behind anything and obviously bad moves are allowed for looking cool.

>Reminder, that those fuckers were in The Force Awakens, where they did nothing for 20 seconds, then got eaten by CGI.

It's like paying for the most beautiful whore in the world and making her only wash your dishes and then leave.

Bravo, JJ.

The brother lived through the first movie. The villain in the sequel (pic related) kills him in the very first scene--he's the guy they execute in the field.

The first five or so minutes of Berandal were basically spent killing every loose end from the first film so that Berandal could tell its own--almost entirely separate--story. They also killed the crooked cop that Rama arrested during the first film.

pure kino

I thought we were past this Wing Chun bullshit.

top tier bait

>Full fight
>47 minutes
this doesn't even include the powering up bit

I remember when I first saw this thinking it's going to kill the genre because nothing else will top it. Rewatching just confirms that it's impossible to do it better, it's perfect.

Nah that chick with the meme sword should have gotten destroyed. What a shit fight. If you put her in a cage with an MMA fighter she'd be dead in seconds.

Also as fights go there's absolutely nothing thrilling about that. It's just fucking, idk, kinetic dancing at that point.

Any scene in the original Raid, I still liked it though

mmafag here, i still enjoy martial arts movies because of the choreography, the biggest issues i usually notice is how no one is ever out of breath. I wish i had unlimited cardio

i prefer this one as well, the main bad guy is too handsome. no homo