74 executed in 2 days
Beheaded, burned alive and shot to death in eight Mexican states: Tamauipas, Guanajuato, EdoMex, CDMX, Michoacan, Veracruz, Zacatecas y Guerrero.
74 executed in 2 days
Beheaded, burned alive and shot to death in eight Mexican states: Tamauipas, Guanajuato, EdoMex, CDMX, Michoacan, Veracruz, Zacatecas y Guerrero.
ay lmaoaramba
You would think the intellectuals of Mexico would get together and solve this crisis.
So, just another day in Mexico?
They are hard-working people.
I might care if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight. Reading this negates all your immunities.
fuck you
I live in Campeche. It Feels good.
If the evil white man didn't steal all prosperous land from Mexico, Mexico would be a superpower.
guys, maybe its not because of islam. maybe its because of low IQ and literal retardation of people from those areas
There are Islam ones over there
Immunity Cat is always with you, nothing can undo the power of Immunity Cat
especially not a fucking healthpack
Maybe muslims are trying to create white muslims to be great again
>one of the most devoutly Catholic nations on the face of the planet
>thinking ISIS would let them continue to be narcos
All empty land before being annexed by the US.
What the fuck. Why don't they ban guns and take the assault knives out of the hands of the criminals to prevent this shit.
As far as I can see what has been going on in Mexico for the last 5+ years is almost as bad as syria or iraq.
Why do we never hear anything about it in the mainstream media?
A bomb in Kabul that kills 50 sand negros makes headlines, but casual beheadings of 50+ people daily in mexico is hardly mentioned.
Excelente!!! Vamos bien!!! Alguien duda de lo que dice Trump? Sigamos así, pero hay que ofendernos cuando nos digan nuestras verdades- Estamos en México, capta!
Narcos are helping Mudslimes. Didn't you read the report about it?
I haven't, shoot me a link?
Just their modern day human sacrifices
You can't take the Indian out of the man
Who /BrolyBanderas/ here?
I was talking about the senseless violence. If you want to kill someone just shoot him. You dont have to mutilate him like a fucking savage.
You son of a bitch.
>Lose land in a war
>then get money for some of it
>bitches for the next 100 years
It's been up a while ago. I think it's saved on infinity chan.
>spanish colonies
get reked
It sends a message though, doesn't it? Oro y plomo, vato.
Mexico could be a first world nation based solely on their natural resources but noooo, they went and had a revolution every 15 minutes up until the 20th century.
The worst thing the U.S. did to Mexico was not annexing it completely after our war with them.
Blame US Masons
This is why we want a wall. Can you blame us?
Blame CIA, unironically
I am a Republican and all, but that is straight up Republican propaganda. Really pendejo? How much can a bunch of poor sandrats in the middle east offer to organizations that make millions a day, to go and kill their own customers?
Did you a;ready forget how the Cartels responded to ISIS, when they put Mexico on the list of countries they would attack?
Not too late. Imagine taking over Mexico and pushing all of them into South America.
In your fucking dreams maybe, that land was virtually empty.
Of course they would, they're both controlled funded and supplied by the same group.
So you're saying this isn't any kind of Mexican revolt/purging of corrupt politicians, cartellos, and mudslimes? Sad!
Mexicans need to Make Mexico Great Again instead of abandoning their nation to try to take over mine.
>implying Immunity Cat doesn't have protection from black
get real nip
I found (You) faggot
We're working on removing them.
>no puede despertar
you don't fucking say
>How much can a bunch of poor sandrats in the middle east offer. ..
The thing is They aren't the ones offering
>Did you a;ready forget how the Cartels responded to ISIS, when they put Mexico on the list of countries they would attack?
Don't generalize
Don't trust any powerful mexican
Those Mudslimes aren't for Mexico but you
is it fair to assume this is exactly what mesoamerica was like before spanish conquistadors?
without the advanced technology of course, but these people would have been scalped and sacrificed 800 years ago
Pay attention liberals, this is one of the reasons we need a wall. Bless the wall!
>The thing is They aren't the ones offering
So the Cartels are paying the mudslimes to kill their own customers in America.
That is just fucking retarded
We need a head count, Cartels vs ISIS. I really want to know who chops more heads off per year.
fk u
>Nuh uh! I undo your immunities!
We are reaching school yard levels of nonsense with this shit.
Sometimes Central and North Politicians are part of the narco. If a reporter tries to investigate, That one gets killed.
There are a lot of sides on this war, Neither of them really want to help us
>fuk the polise
Medkit nigger
The Cartels aren't the ones offering
Seems like fast and furious guns are doing their job. Remove taco using taco.
So goes back to my first point, how much can a bunch of poor sheep herders offer millionare criminal organizations to kill for them
Lol no. As a spic living on the border with Tamualipas, let me just say, if Mexico got that big, no American would oppose the wall at the point.
The cartels using violence and waging war are the ones without US/Mexico Government backing it.
no one will remember the ruth poster who stole from the cartel
More like all of the time. Fuck 'em. Why are mexicans so easy to corrupt?
>Bragging about having indian blood
You might be safe but you're still scum
>We are reaching school yard levels of nonsense with this shit
But cucking and JUST and calling each other nigger etc. is mature if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight. Reading this negates all your immunities.
blood for the blood gods
nice bacon scepter
There are more than two groups. See Do you remember Urss' Jews, user
Mexico is a huge silver mine so its more like "Plata o plomo"
It's pretty obvious. We have the most advanced surveillance systems in the world yet we have no idea how our country gets flooded with drugs? THAT'S bullshit, my friend.
Our Government is the one that propped up cartels to begin with, and now the former small-dogs are finding it profitable to kill the ones that were on top and living soft and easy.
Fuck you pal
No, horsecock slap the pulis.
Campeche, and pretty much, Yucatan Peninsula was full of oil.
It's all senseless
Truly taco niggers, and the Spanish fucked up big time by interbreeding
Here's your (you), faggot.
who the f is this xD
I remember that thread
user stole dope from the Cartel and probably got beheaded
Post screen shot
This. For more information on this I suggest anons to read Narconomics.
>Tamauipas, Guanajuato, EdoMex, CDMX, Michoacan, Veracruz, Zacatecas y Guerrero.
all the shit states, seriously all those states are filled with subhuman filth
GIB the land bak racist whitey
If you actually use your natural resources rather than VIVA LA REVOLUCION every fucking 5 mins. you would've been better. We had our resources now we're fighting the chinks to keep em
I remember him
Pretty much
Welp, that's fucked. What is even their end game?
surprisingly Oaxaca and Chiapas are missing from the state list
>mfw Veracruz neet
>mfw all those people killing themselfs while I play vidya and enjoy weeb stuff
lmao normies getting rekt hard
Central and South America are half the live leak gore videos.
Keep entertaining me. China and the Middle East can't do all the heavy lifting.
Huitzilopochtli will be pleased, praise him